2 Days Before The Events Filed By The Attorneys! Proves Trespassing, Sam Hotel Room, For One Month "Love" Sam
MAY 23 2007 EVIDENCE ONLINE TWO DAYS BEFORE EVENTS MEMORIAL DAY TRIP TO MEXICO CITY Emphasis Added: MAY 23, 2007 As Filed. The Following Emal Was Filed By Joe Milner & Jami Milner, Edited, Removing Daniel Email Address? Important Email. TWO DAYS BEFORE Daniel & Seb Leave To Mexico City. See Trespassing May 30 To Daniel Homestead Report. See: May 26, May 27 Police Report & June 1 Email. Emails Before June 1, Erased By "Someone" Samantha Had Daniel Email Passwords. "...if you need anything before i go" WHAT WAS ERASED BY SAM? EMAIL AS FILED IN COURT
EMAIL MAY 23, 2007
SAMANTHA:" I have found somewhere to stay for a month but would i beable to use my key to get some things out at some point. LOVE SAM"
DANIEL: "...i will leave very well lock the house, and empty the fridge" "Where you gone stay? or with who?" SAMANTHA: "i need t get some clothes and swimming costume..." ...i have found a hotel where I can stay for a month from tommorow"