International Criminal Organizations: 35 Million Dollar Scam in Austin Texas Courts:
Multiple Counts of Kidnapping, Trespassing, Homicide, Illegal Sale of Real Estate And More!
Upon Ending A Lawsuit in Austin Texas, Voticky vs Dan Vs Voticky...
On 2002, Daniel Texas Resident Since 1992, Took a Trip To Puerto Vallarta Mexico, Where He Met Samantha Lowry Who Lived There, ("Vacation's Love"), No Contact After Several Years...
Years After: Daniel Finding Mark Cohen (Voticky Attorney), Chatting A Bit... Soon After Samantha Contacted Daniel Again.
Samantha (British Citizen) And Daniel (Texas Resident) Relationship
On January 2006, Samantha Visits Daniel in Austin Texas For A Couple of Months.
April 2006: Samantha Already in England, Ends All Communication With Daniel.
Around June 2006, Daniel Travels To Paris And Samantha Meets Him There.
On August 2006 Sam Claims To Be Pregnant, Daniel Invites Her To Austin...
Late September 2007: Samantha Lowry: British Citizen, Arrived To Austin . Under A Tourist Visa Of 90 Days Expired At The Time of Events;
Samantha Lowry Living At 10205 Thomaswood Lane Austin Texas. (Living With Bob Gloyd, Investigate This Man And Residents At The Time)
Daniel Pavon Cuellar: Texas Resident With HOMESTAD Purchased Since 1997 At, 7005 Whispering Creek, Austin Texas
Sebastian Pavon Cuellar: Born American Citizen March 29, 2007, 7005 Whispering Creek Austin Texas, Not Yet Resident, 7 Weeks Old.
Not Married, Not Living Together, Sam Didn’t Want Her Last Name on The Child. Sole Request, Name Must Start With "S" "J" or "M".
No Court Proceedings: No Custody Orders or Agreements At The Time of Events.
March 29, 2007, Sebastian Pavon Cuellar Born American Citizen in Austin Texas
Around April 23 2007, Daniel Request her hand from her parents Susan Lowry And John Lowry: Granted (Visited Austin For Nearly 2 months)
May 21, 2007 Samantha Proposes To Daniel & Start Sending The Wedding Invitations.
May 23, 2007 Samantha & Daniel Email Eachother in Regards To The Trip To Mexico.
Anal Sex Two Days Before Daniel Left, Happy Couple!
May 25, 2007: Before Daniel Leaves Austin, Sam Said She Will Come, Upon Daniel Arrival To Mexico, Samantha Said She Will Arrive To Mexico City May 28, 2007. ( On Their Return To Texas, Samantha Would Have A NEW TOURIST VISA OF 180 Days!)
May 30, 2007: Email From Daniel To John Lowry, Father of Samantha Lowry
Samantha Born 1983 And Daniel 1967.
Samantha Did NOT Work, Not Even Texas Drivers License, Daniel Supported Her.
Time of Events:
Evidence Filed By Samantha Lowry in Court:
May 21, 2007 Email: Samantha Proposal To Daniel,
Samantha Writes To Daniel:
"Dear Daniel, I want to marry you and I want to spend my whole life with you, I love you extremely much and we have a child together."
"Every time we have a conflict if you say you cannot do anything that can get us in trouble."
"...Since Sebastian was born has been the hardest time of my life, the only time I have ever felt that I could barely go on..."
"...I need a break from it all and some true help..."
" I do want to marry you and I do want to be with you forever, what do you think about going ahead with the wedding and sending out invitations..."
May 23, 2007 Email: Trip Plans, Samantha & Daniel Email; Daniel Will Leave His Homestead VERY WELL LOCKED And Samantha Will NOT Have Access. (They Did Not Live Together)
Memorial Day Weekend 2007 Family Trip
Friday May 25, 2007 Sam Brings Seb, Me And My New Born Son Seb, Leave To Mexico City By Bus To Visit My Parents For Them To See Their First Grandson For The First Time.
May 26: Upon Arrival To Mexico City, Contacted Samantha in Austin, She Sends Me "Love".
May 27: I Call Sam For instructions For Her Trip To Mexico City, And Safety Instructions For Her Safe Trip By Her EXPIRED TOURIST VISA. Provide Her $2000 For Her Trip, And She Has Our Travel Documents Too. Plan To Go To The Beach, After Visit With My Parents.
Sam Lowry To Arrive To Mexico City May 28, 2007 (Memorial Day) But Sam Does Not Arrive, Me And My Family Trying To Locate Her To See What Happened. Soon After, Delays Her Trip...
May 30, 2007: Email From Daniel To John Lowry (Samantha Lowry Father)
May 30, 2007: Sam Calls Me She Trespassed My HOMESTEAD, Report Trespassing To Austin Police AND Theft of Our Travel Documents. Confirmed By Austin Police Westbrook.
May 31, 2007: File Report With Austin Police Department Family Violence Unit Requesting Their Help, Reporting The Violence of Samantha And Theft of Our Travel Documents, Making impossible Our Return To Texas.
June 1: Provide Notice To Samantha For Trespassing, as Required By Law.
June 1: Daniel already requesting their travel documents from Samantha, to return to Austin Texas
Sam Claims She Still Coming… Then Claims if I Go To Laredo, She Will Send Someone With Our Travel Documents To Be Able To Enter The US.
Me And Seb (2 Months old) Take The 12+ Hour Bus Ride, With Luggage, Wait For Hours in The Summer Heat. Sam Did Not Send Anyone, 12+ Hours Back To Return To Mexico City. Several Hours Waiting For The "Next" Bus... Sam Does Not Answer Her Phone.
June 5: Sam Sends An Email She Use The Money I Left Her ($2000), To See An Attorney, for a "Joint Custody". Document Not filed in Court. (Concealing The Proceedings of Fraud)
Unable To Return To USA Since Samantha Has The Travel Documents And Refusing To Send Them, And By Threats And Harassment Against My Parents (Nearly 80 Years Old) I Leave To Veracruz Mexico.
June 7 2007: Call My Homestead in Austin And A Man Answers The Phone Before Sam. I Make Several Distress Calls To Austin Police Department For Theft of Travel Documents And Trespassing, Requesting Their Help. Police Claimed They Will Secure My Homestead.
June 8 Milner's writes me for the first time, claiming I have a warrant for international kidnapping.
They start to hack my emails, I opened several accounts using each account as Cc’s
Immediately contacted the Authorities in Mexico SRE, soon after FBI, UK Authorities, And Consul of US Embassy in Mexico.
After around two months, started to think, if three countries are hunting me down, Meg Munn (Parliament Member) even flew to Mexico City, and writing on nearly daily basis, how come they “don’t find me”?
They did not want to find me, to be able to do the 35 Million scam and sell the properties on auction with buyers ready, without appearing in the court list! And To Kidnap American Citizen Sebastian. Same reason they did not want me back since the beginning!
Gannett Group Subsidiary Newsquest Media Who Owns Several Newspapers And Sites, Start To Claim I Had 4 Warrants Of Arrest, That Raids Were Made into My Parents Home. ( in Fact, Trespassing To My Parents Home To Steal Valuables And Records Used For Fraud in Texas, And Further Aid Kidnapping Me And Sebastian in Mexico With Fake News, Proves The Level of This international Criminal Organization). (Evidence Shows, The Lowry Family Hired The Media Company Since January 2007)
Writing nearly daily to FBI, SRE, Police, UK Authorities, US Consul, and Samantha to reach an Agreement, and as reports of all the scams that were taking place... An Agreement is reached on September 2007, her attorneys refuse, until all the attorneys of all the parties agreed on November 28, 2007, 10 HOURS TO HAMER OUT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT;
On September- October, Daniel Father Who Was in Mexico City, Reported To Police Murder Attempts. (See Travis County Court Evidence);
November: Silvina Castano Emerson, From Texas, Places A Life Threat Against Daniel.
Around September - October: Evidence Shows, Samantha Was in Mexico City With Tristan Nind And others (See Filings in Mexican Court. without ntoice to Daniel and ONE FORGED SIGNATURE OF DANIEL). (Samantha Claims She Did Not Arrive To Mexico May 28, 2007, And Abandoned Sebastian At The Time He Was Expected To Die, Because She Could Not Return To Texas, DID NOT Send The Travel Documents And Prevent By All Possible Means Daniel And Sebastian Return To Texas).
On December 3, 2007, The Settlement Agreement Was Executed Under the Hague Convention Treaty with all officials present, time when Sam finally delivered the travel documents. Signed under oath with validity in three jurisdictions, UK (British Embassy), MX (Mexican Authorities) And USA (US Embassy). Protecting Seb above all, and families on both sides. Seb Travel Documents To Remains in THE US EMBASSY To Prevent Kidnapping, And Could Only Be Released, With Both Parents Presents. US CONSUL TO ENFORCE THIS AGREEMENT.
In breach of attorney's Settlement agreement, in conspiracy with all of them, including attorneys:
Daniel Remains Kidnapped in Mexico, AND SEB KIDNAPPED DEC 7 2007 By TRISTAN NIND, Joe Lowry And Samantha Lowry; Taking Him By Car, First TO USA, THAN KIDNAPPED TO The UK. (Kidnapped To Date 2025)
FEB 8 2008 DANIEL FATHER IS MURDERED (He Made Several Police Reports Of The Dead Threats He Had Received Since Sept- Oct) Physical Violence Began Upon Daniel Leaving Their Home, MOTIVE: The Fraud in Travis County Austin Texas, Was Targeted Against Them. See Letter Of Daniel Father to His Attorney, A DAY BEFORE HOMICIDE
MARCH 2008 In Breach of Settlement Agreement Hammered By Attorneys: Attempted Murder in Travis County Austin Texas Against My Mother, With An Illegal INTERROGATORY By Joe Milner, Jami Milner Turner And Mack Ray Hernandez Lasting OVER 5 HOURS. (Video Available)
APRIL 2008 Without Notice To Daniel Mother, Nor Daniel, in Breach of Settlement Agreement, Milner's Illegally SOLD 20 Acres of Land in Niederwald Texas, Property of Daniel Father, Upon His Dead, Of All Family.
Proceedings Have Continued For 17 Years, including in UK Under Hague Convention Proceedings (Hague Treaty), Endless Police Reports, Continuous Travis County Proceedings, 2023 State of Texas Criminal Court Filings Daniel Vs Westbrook, in Federal Court Daniel Vs FBI And On 2024 Finding The Mail Has Been Stolen For The Past 5 years... (See More...)
What Happened Before, Without Daniel Knowledge:
On January 2007: Lowry Family Hired The Media Company, That Would Help Them in The Scam;
Around April 2007: Susan Gail Lowry And John Lowry, Hired Jeremy Morley, Expert in International Kidnapping For Profits. (NEW YORK)
Samantha Lowry Claimed To Daniel, She Previously Lived in New York And Tarragona/Barcelona Spain,
Sam Also Lived in Puerto Vallarta Mexico And Playa Del Carmen Mexico, All Before Living 8 Months in Austin Texas
(Susan Gail Lowry And John Auriol Lowry, British, Parents of Samantha, Own "Alfresco Childcare" Previously Owned "Hillsborough Nursery" , Bishopstone SN6 8PW)
What Was Happening in Austin Upon Daniel & Seb Departure on Memorial Day Weekend.
Samantha Had Daniel Email Passwords, She Claims As A Matter of Trust... Samantha Did Not Want Daniel To Email With Old Girlfriends or Friends...
May 21, 2007: Samantha Proposes To Daniel, And To Start Sending The Invitations For The Weeding. (Filed by Samantha in Court)
May 23, 2007 The Trip Plans Between Samantha And Daniel. (Filed By Samantha in Court)
May 25, 2007: Sam Brings Seb To Daniel, Daniel & Seb Leave By Bus To Mexico City.
Upon Daniel Departure To Mexico With Seb, People From The UK Arrive in Austin Texas To Meet Samantha.
Sam Calls the Police, Her attorney Jeremy Morley (expert in abductions FROM NEW YORK, hired long before events by Susan Gail Lowry And John Auriol Lowry Around The Same Time They Grant Her Daughter's Hand To Daniel!) Jeremy Morley, by fraud and deception to police, request an amber alert, police wisely said, is not applicable. (Amazing Police!)
FBI and police agree, knowing Daniel And Seb Are in Mexico: NOT EVEN INTERFERENCE OF CUSTODY (Amazing Police And Superb FBI! Filed By Samantha in Court)
May 26, 2007: Upon Arrival To Mexico City, Daniel Writes To Samantha. Samantha Sends "LOVE". (Concealed From FBI And Police)
May 27, 2007 Samantha Trespassed To Daniel Homestead, And Let's Daniel Know. Daniel Calls Police in Austin And Files A Report. Sam And Daniel Talked And She Said She Will Arrive To Mexico City May 28, (MEMORIAL DAY)
(MAY 27: See Trevino Report, (ALERT: Who Turned off the phone lines on SUNDAY? Bill paid always on time, and phone companies DO NOT TURNED OFF THE PHONE LINES ON SUNDAY, EVEN IF UNPAID! Westbrook Distracts Trevino, To Look For Recording Devices!).
May 28, Daniel waits in the bus station, but Sam does not arrive, all Daniel's family trying to locate her!
May 28, 2007 Joe Lowry Brother of Samantha, TRISTAN NIND (British) and Others, Arrive To Mexico City IN SECRET. They Do Not Even Ring The Bell Where They Know Daniel And Seb Are... Why?
Daniel Finds All Emails Between Daniel & Samantha, DELETED FROM HIS ACCOUNT> Samantha Had Daniel Email Passwords.
May 29, 2007: Susan Gail Lowry, John Auriol Lowry And Samantha Lowry Sign Contract With Milner's
May 29, Andrew Westbrook files for “child endangerment warrant vs Dan” (Months Before October 2006, Sam met Andrew Westbrook on a night out on the area of bars of 6th Street, Austin, Texas... Returning the next morning) Passionate Perjuries for malicious warrant, proven with Andrew Westbrook report of May 25 related time May 30. ( Absurd!) Andrew Westbrook Manipulates EVERYONE, including Altering Police Reports And Deleting Reports Made By Daniel.
May 30, 2007: Joe Milner (Sam Attorney), Filing in court (To kidnap seb to England And 35 Million Fraud) WITH PERJURIES CLAIM, SEBASTIAN IS IN AUSTIN. (Simultaneously Kidnapping Me And Seb in Mexico) Secret Proceedings Claiming The Child is in Austin With Risk of International Abduction And Restraining Orders To Remove Him From Austin or Obtain Travel Documents. (To obtain warrant AND KIDNAP ME AND SEB IN MEXICO, Making Impossible To Return To Texas Without Travel Documents.) : PROVES (Illegal Alien) SAMANTHA LOWRY, KIDNAPPING OF (American Citizen) SEBASTIAN AND (Texas Resident) DANIEL IN MEXICO. Through Perjuries To The Court, Theft of Travel Documents, To Obstruct The Lawful Exercise Of Parental Rights.
This Same Day of May 30, 2007 SAMANTHA TRESPASSED TO DANIEL HOMESTEAD. And Let's Daniel Know. Daniel Calls Austin Police And Files Report
Since June 1: Daniel already requesting the travel documents Trying to Return to Texas, (imagine, YOUR HOMESTEAD TRESPASSED!) Further PROVES DANIEL AND SEBASTIAN KIDNAPPED IN MEXICO BY ILLEGAL ALIEN SAMANTHA LOWRY.
Sam, Makes Daniel And Seb Go To Laredo (12 Hours Each Way) That "Someone" Will Provide Their Travel Documents, For Daniel And Seb To Enter USA. Daniel And Seb Travel To Laredo, Wait For Hours in The Summer Heat, NOBODY SHOWS UP! 12 Hour Return To Mexico City!
Milner’s keeps May 30 Scam proceedings secret and deceive Daniel:
June 5: Sam Sends an document of "joint custody" prepared by Milner, Claims she used the rest of the money Daniel Left her to come to Mexico, $2000 to see and attorney who prepared the document... FRAUD AND DECEPTION OF MILNER.
June 6: Sam Writes Again To Daniel To Return To Laredo! Jeremy Morley, Jami Milner Turner, Joe Milner And Andrew Westbrook "The Ghosts", Behind The Perverse Scam (See Email) Daniel informs Seb And Him are leaving the parents home by already threats against them and harrasment.
June 8: Milner writes for the first time to Dan, claiming he has International kidnapping warrant, he does not mention any of his fraudulent proceedings.
June 13: Jami Milner trespassing to Dan Homestead with perjuries, to claim "Common law marriage" (Not applicable when Sam lived elsewhere and arrived to Austin 8 months before events), take possession of all property, including all life’s works of Dan, over 1700 paintings, steal documents used for fraud in court and further kidnap Dan and Seb in Mexico. Restraining orders Against HOMEOWNER Dan to come near his homestead and restraining orders to file for criminal charges Vs Sam. (The Mafia!)
Tristan Nind And Joseph Lowry, Once They Know Daniel Left To Veracruz, Physical violence starts against Daniel parents in Mexico City (Nearly 80 Years Old) Daniel parents leave their home, soon after trespassed (all valuables stolen, Documents stolen appear in Travis County Court, used for fraud, including bank records and checks) While Daniel is in Veracruz with Seb, writing nearly daily with Samantha and Authorities, Who Know's By The IP Location. WHY?
Within weeks of Trespassing, try to sell Dan Homestead and all his works of art. (Theft of Art And Try To Sell)
July 6 IN SECRET, Milner’s Starts another cause in secret, D - 1- GN - 07 - 002030 ( The 35 Million Scam) claiming events happened in Austin and parents of Dan aiding kidnapping, (While Daniel is in Veracruz, Daniel parents in Mexico city suffering from assault and deadly violence they had to leave their home. immediately after their home is trespassed, valuables stolen and also bank records) Milner's, Minton Burton Foster And Collings, Bratton And Bratton, immediately seize their bank accounts and Milner's placing illegal liens and writs against their properties. The Scam in Conspiracy With Minton Burton Foster And Collins, John Foster And Bratton And Bratton.
They claim Dan kidnap Seb to England, Than To Paris, and other places, to use international Authorities to find any assets abroad!
They Attack Dan family in UK, Paris, Portugal,
Dan parents home in Mexico, TRESPASSED, all valuables stolen, STOLEN BANK RECORDS USED for fraud in Travis county court: Judges liable and criminal conspiracy proven. While Gannett Group Subsidiary Newsquest; Swindon Advertiser, Gazette And Herald, Claiming "Raids" Made By POLICE, NO RECORDS EVER FOUND! And All Types of Lies That Exist To Date. (Mafia!)
With the Stolen Records From Their Home, They Emptied All Their Bank Accounts.
By August 13: "Family Case" (Originated BY THE ILLEGAL ALIEN SAMANTHA LOWRY) They Attempt To Sell Daniel Homestead in Austin, (They Trespassed) They Conceal The Judgment. The Amounts of Child Support, (Increasing From Around 1000+ To 4000+ A Month in Just 3 months! WITHOUT THE CHILD, Without Evidence, (Sole Record Used, Stolen Bank Statement From Daniel Parents Home, Where Daniel Appears Only As POD (Pay on Dead)) THE MAFIA JUDGE DIETZ
And Making IMPOSSIBLE For Daniel To Have Access To His Records, Or To Be Heard, Or To Be Present... All Daniel Documents, ALSO STOLEN IN THE TRESPASSING, AND REASON OF THE KIDNAPPING OF DANIEL AND SEBASTIAN IN MEXICO SINCE JUNE 1. The Evidence They Filed, Proves Their Fraud And Samantha Having The Travel Documents That Prevented Daniel And Seb, Returning To Texas.
By August 22 "THE MOTIVE OF KIDNAPPING DANIEL AND SEBASTIAN IN MEXICO, (See Police And FBI) AND REASON OF THE VIOLENCE TARGETED AGAINST DANIEL PARENTS (Nearly 80 years old) SINCE JUNE, SOON AFTER DANIEL LEFT THEIR HOME Intentional Secret Proceedings, Intentional NON Service, (Having Jeremy Morley Hired Since Before The Events, Expert in International Cases, Also FULLY AWARE OF HAGUE CONVENTION In Regards To Service Abroad) 35 MILLION DOLLAR SCAM IN TRAVIS COUNTY COURT
TRISTAN NIND AND JOSEPH LOWRY IN MEXICO CITY, With VIOLENCE Against Daniel Parents And Their Home Trespassed...
They obtain a judgment for 35 Million WITH INTENTIONAL NO NOTICE, WITHOUT THE JURY REQUIRED (And to be unanimous!), OUT OF JURISDICTION, ON FALSE CLAIMS, (The evidence they file, proves their crimes! Including: All Reports Daniel Was Making To FBI, POLICE, UK, US CONSUL, MEXICAN AUTHORITIES And International Authorities Through Email. The Use Of Stolen Records, Including Confidential Records Used For Fraud! Stolen Documents FROM DANIEL PARENTS IN MEXICO! Including Bank Statements And Checks! (How absurd! Judges become liable, in this case, Including RETIRED Judge Gus Strauss, Who Signed The 35 Million Dollar Scam, Without Jury, Without Evidence, Without Notice.) NOT ONE SINGLE EVIDENCE TO PROVE THEIR CLAIMS. THEY FILED THE EVIDENCE PROVING THEIR CRIMES! Including THEY KIDNAPPED TEXAS RESIDENT DANIEL AND AMERICAN CITIZEN SEB, SINCE JUNE 1, AND REASON OF TRESPASSING HIS HOMESTEAD AIDED WITH POLICE. AND THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF "INVESTIGATIONS".
Around September To November:
in Secret, Without Notice, Milner's Start To Try To Sell Daniel Parents Properties And Even Daniel Paintings, Stolen During Trespassing.
September 22: Samantha And Daniel Finally Reached A Settlement Agreement That Took Months To Reach, Under The Hague Convention, With Emails Going Back And Forward Between Daniel And Samantha CC Consul, Embassy Officials, Other Authorities And Hague Convention Officials. ONCE Agreed, SAMANTHA Provides The Agreement To Her Attorneys, HER ATTORNEYS REFUSE.
Dan parents looking for Daniel, find their properties in auction online and hired Mack Ray Hernandez and Forest Nelson.
Around September/October: In Secret,Tristan Nind And Joseph Lowry Already in Mexico, Samantha Lowry Travels To Mexico City For Courts Proceedings in Mexico (Forged Daniel Signature Found in This Case) ( Samantha Lowry Claimed She Could Not Travel To Mexico) While Milner's Trying To Auction Daniel Parents Properties in Texas.
September/ October: Daniel Father Reported Attempted Homicide Against Him And Guadalupe To Mexican Police (Reports Found After Homicide) One of Them Assigned The Number: Case No UEDE/M-III/338/2007
November: Guadalupe Affidavit About Sevice And Events.
November: Furious Silvina Castano Emerson, From Texas, Places A Life Threat Against Daniel.
BETWEEN ALL ATTORNEYS OF ALL PARTIES: On Nov 28 Settlement agreement is reached after 10 HOURS TO HAMMER OUT A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT , Samantha Will Deliver Daniel And Sebastian Travel Documents, Daniel Was Requesting Since June 1 And Even Travelled To Laredo June 6. And Sebastian Pavon Cuellar Travel Documents Will Remains With The US Embassy Consul, TO PREVENT KIDNAPPING OF SEBASTIAN PAVON CUELLAR, AMERICAN CITIZEN. See Full Text of Settlement Agreement Under Hague Convention Treaty.
December 3: Executed Under The Hague Convention Treaty, Valid in 3 Jurisdictions UK-MX-USA All Officials Present.
Dan parents paid around $300K to their attorneys in USA, And in Mexico, all working in conspiracy to bankrupt them, When one single document: Non service, or one single fact: no jurisdiction, or Milner Kidnapping Daniel And Seb in Mexico, With Intent To Kill, took down THE SCAM: Evidence Joe milner, Jami Milner Turner, Jeremy Morley, Andrew Westbrook, And illegal Alien Samantha Lowry, Kidnapped Daniel And Seb in Mexico! SINCE JUNE 1.WITH ALSO THE VIOLENT TRESPASSING OF DANIEL HOMESTEAD IN AUSTIN.
in Breach of Settlement Agreement Under Hague Convention (Treaty): Dan parents attorneys, Dan attorney, Sam attorneys, continue the conspiracy to kidnap Seb, to continue to charge, and keep Dan kidnapped in Mexico; To Keep Their Properties...
Knowing If Daniel Will Return, Joe Milner, Jami Milner Turner, John Foster, Andrew Westbrook, And Several Others, Would Go To JAIL, For Trespassing, Kidnapping, Theft, Fraud, Violence, For Nearly 9 Months.
Around December 7: SEBASTIAN is Kidnapped By TRISTAN NIND, Joe Lowry And Samantha Lowry To Austin, Kidnapped Again To UK Soon After.
FEBRUARY 2008 Dan writes to Roy Barrera (His Attorney), Saying he will not longer wait for the warrants to be removed, and return to Austin
February 7: Dan father wants to sue Joe Milner and remove Mack Ray Hernandez (sending email to his attorney)
FEBRUARY 8: DAN FATHER IS MURDERED, After several threats against his life, reported to Police.
HOMICIDE: Mack Ray Hernandez And Milner's, With Another Attorney in Mexico, Requested "Urgently Phone Records " From Raul & Guadalupe, Setting Them At A Near Time And Place,(Only One Place To Get Them Near Their Home) For The Homicide To Take Place. Such Records Were Irrelevant To Proceedings. Homicide Just After Obtaining The Phone Records.
THE MAFIA! Vs His Wife Guadalupe: With also dead threats if she would go to Austin. Their clear intent: TO KILL GUADALUPE: With a Doctors notice to prevent her from stress or flights, by a heart condition with a high risk, by recent impact from the recent HOMICIDE of her husband;
THEIR CLEAR INTENT: To give her a heart attack. Joe Milner, Jami Milner Turner, Mack Ray Hernandez, illegally Requested Her Deposition:
March 18 2008: in Breach of Settlement Agreement under Hague Convention (Treaty): Attorney conspiracy continues, and request Dan Mother deposition in Austin, her doctor sends notice of her risk by heart problems, Attorneys INTENT TO KILL HER: FULLY ILLEGAL INTERROGATION with nearly maximum time allowed by law (Of Texas) 5+HOURS: Jami Milner, Joe Milner and Mack Ray Hernandez, in Austin, Conducted "The Deposition" in Austin Mexican Consulate: ILLEGAL, NONE OF THEM COULD, IN MEXICAN JURISDICTION, (None of them could practice law in Mexican Jurisdiction: MAFIA! Consul Rosalba Ojeda Present and Witness, Also Lucie Guajardo). AND IN BREACH OF THE ATTORNEY AGREEMENT.
Scope of illegal Deposition, in Breach of Settlement Agreement: Jurisdiction (Attorney Matter, while conducting an illegal depositing in Jurisdiction of Mexico!), Service (Non Service Affidavit by process server on File, Hidden By Hernandez and Forest Nelson And Also Affidavit), And Settlement Agreement ( Attorney Hammered Agreement and executed under the Treaty Of Hague Convention! Fully Valid, Since The Motion of Milner To Strike The Settlement Agreement, FAILED). Instead, and interrogation "setup" that exposes the criminal acts of Jamie Milner Turner, Joe D Milner And Mack Ray Hernandez Clearly) further proving their frivolous claims and fraud of 35 million, with kidnapping and HOMICIDE, By The Questions They Asked. (Interpol, And FBI: VIDEO UPON REQUEST) They Even Request The Homicide Investigation Records!
Law enforcement: Video upon request, when sentencing Joe Milner, Jami Milner, Mack Ray Hernandez Other Info And Evidence About The HOMICIDE Available Upon Request.
They also concealed the sale of Petras, 20 acres of land in Niederwald Texas Illegally sold days after:
APRIL 2008: ILLEGAL SALE OF 20 ACRES OF LAND IN NIEDERWALD TEXAS. In Breach of Settlement Agreement under Hague Convention (Treaty), Hamer out by attorneys: April 2008 Illegal sale of 20 Acres of Land in Niederwald Texas, the land of Dan Father, (Land purchased April 2007, Dan got $10000+/- commission (Attorneys Kept), Deeded to Dan Father, Mack Ray Hernandez Concealed the deed and payment (Payment Filed in August 22 By Milner's As Evidence!), did nothing to protect the land, neither Roy Barrera, Neither Forest Nelson, Neither John Foster... Conspiracy to breach attorney agreement and Breach of Settlement Agreement under the treaty) Settlement agreement remains with FULL VALIDITY TO DATE. Joe Milner And Jami Milner Concealed The Sale From Attorneys UNTIL MAY 27 (See Time Sent On Fax)
May 2008 Dan files evidence in court, immediately they rule in favor of Dan Mother.
in Breach of Settlement Agreement under Hague Convention (Treaty), And The Court Ruling in Favor Of Guadalupe And Raul:
Lucie Guajardo intentionally, by omissions, And Criminal Conspiracy With The Milner's; loses a case, for Milner’s (POA Samantha Lowry) to keep Dan mother bank funds illegally taken and Milner's using stolen Bank Records from their home in Mexico, and in spite the court dismissed the judgment! (Mafia!)
Lucie Guajardo Steals ALL THE RECORDS OF THE CASE (Three witnesses) Cover Up For Fraud, Kidnapping And Homicide.
"Lucie Guajardo" in Conspiracy With Forest Nelson, Closes The Case, Making Impossible To Sue Milner's AND WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION OF HER CLIENT GUADALUPE , In Conspiracy With Forest Nelson Who Deceived His Clients For Months, For Fraud. With Mack Ray Hernandez
17 Years Fight for justice, includes Dan Hague Convention proceedings for return of Seb, Dan Vs Westbrook, Dan Vs City of Austin, (Odd, you have to sue the City of Austin For a criminal in the Police, City of Austin uses tax payers money to defend the criminals and not the taxpayer!) Dan Vs Lowry, Dan Vs Milner, Dan vs all attorneys, Dan vs Federal Court (FBI Perjuries), Dan vs State of Texas (Police Detective Perjuries), Dan Vs City of Austin. City of Austin Vs Dan ( $1300+ to cut weeds and grass on March 29 2011, (4Y Seb Birthday) and place a lien)), Schools vs Dan, (To Distract From Proceedings in UK and as retaliation against a witness), Dan Vs UK Treaty, And Many More Since... See NOW 2025: Majesty, See Hague, See Travis County,
For years requesting warrants, NOT ALLOWED! With full evidence proving crimes! Federal and State Crimes!
That is why of proceedings today! 17 Years attacked, suddenly discovered and can prove, mail theft for 5+/- years!
All by an illegal alien in Texas, A tourist who arrive 8 months before events, named Sam Lowry, under an expired visa of 90 days! Who did not want her last names on her child, not married, not living together, and Sam claims her travel documents also taken from her to prevent her going to Mexico!
An international mafia now exposed? Jeremy Morley, Expert on abductions for profits, New York Attorney, Hired in Advance and before events! Evidence Found "The Media Company" HIred Around January 2007, & Sam Met Andrew Westbrook October 2006, Arriving Next Morning!
Was Sam Trying To SAVE HER SON? Reason she did not want her last name on the child? Kidnapping Network
During Hague Convention Proceedings in England, The Court Provided One Page Medical Record, Claiming "Sebastian" Had A Fracture, After He Was Kidnapped To England And Other Matters Of Concern, Including Missing Medical Records For Months Since His Kidnapping To England.
EXTREMELY CONCERNING: Medical Report Claims: Sebastian Had A Birth Mark Which He Did NOT, Also Forbidden Daniel To See Sebastian Via Video Teleconference. Sebastian May Have Die After The Kidnapping To England. Could Have Been Replaced During Proceedings With Another Baby From The Childcare Center Of Alfresco Childcare in Bishopstone Swindon, Owned By Samantha Family. DNA Will Provide Evidence.
Also Forbidden To Cross Examine Samantha...
Hague Convention Treaty Purpose:
"to secure the prompt return of children wrongfully removed to or retained..." "...they shall use the most expeditious procedures available"
Is Samantha Alive? Is Sebastian Alive? Was He Sold? AMERICAN CITIZEN KIDNAPPED TO DATE! Never to Late To Do Justice!
JEREMY MORLEY, Attorney From New York (Samantha Lived in New York Previously) Expert in International Kidnapping Working "Globally", British, WAS HIRED IN ADVANCE By The Mother of Samantha Lowry, Owner of Childcares in The United Kingdom...
ALL THE ABOVE BY AN ILLEGAL ALIEN IN TEXAS! Who Did Not Want Her Last Names On Her Own Child... Her Sole Request, The Child Name Must Have "S", "J" or "M" As Initials... Jeremy Morley, Joe Milner, Jami Milner, Scott Milner, Samantha Jennifer Lowry... A Secret Society?
I Believe in Justice in United States of America, 17 Years Attacked, And After Finding Mail Theft For 5 Years, Realized I Was Surrounded...
In The Movies, You See Similar Cases (As Science Fiction), And They Are " Free", When Reaching The News... BREAKING NEWS!
Solution: Abolish Family Courts
Created in Fairness & Equality:
What is Mine And My Kin, is MINE & My Kin.
What is Yours and Your Kin, is YOURS & Your Kin.
50% Right To Biological Children in Time And Expenses.
Children Full Rights To Each Bio Parent Extended Family.
Upon Birth, To Determined By DNA, Bio Parents of A Child.
ABORTION: Both Bio Parents Signatures To Be Required.
WILLS: Fingerprint, Two Witnesses And Psychologist,
Strictly Forbidden To Be Contested By Anyone.
Family: There is ORDER in The Right!
The Following News Stations, Received An Email on December 25, 2024 on This Live Court Proceedings And News, Also Again, On JANUARY 2025, AND MANY MORE... Parliament, All Judges of Travis County, Interpol, FBI Washington, HAGUE Countries Globally , Majesty The King Charles III And Majesty Queen Camily And More!
All The Following News Stations Received By Email The News With Evidence.
>, News Letter Journal, 702 West Lincolnway, Cheyenne, WY 82001,
>, The Andalusia Star News, 207 Dunson Street, Andalusia, AL 36420-,
>, The Anniston Star, P.O. Box 189, Anniston, AL 36201-,
>, The Birmingham News, 2200 Fourth Avenue, North, Birmingham, AL 35203-,
>, The Cullman Times, 300 Fourth Avenue, SE, Cullman, AL 35055-,
>, The Daily Sentinel, 701 Veterans Drive,Scottsboro, AL 35768-,
>, The Enterprise Ledger, 106 North Edwards Street, Enterprise, AL 36331,
>, The Fort Payne Times Journal, 811 Greenhill Boulevard, NW, Fort Payne, AL 35968,
>, The Messenger, 918 South Brundidge Street, P.O. Box 727, Troy, AL 36081,
>, The Opelika-Auburn News, 3505 Pepperell Parkway, Opelika, AL 36801,
>, The Selma Times-Journal, 1018 Water Avenue, Selma, AL 36701,
>, The Shoals Times Daily, P.O. Box 797, Florence, AL 35631,
>, The Times Daily, 217 West Tennessee Street,Florence, AL 35631,
>, The Times-Journal, 811 Greenhill Boulevard, NW, Fort Payne, AL 35968,
>, The Valley Times-News, 220 North 12th Street, Lanett, AL 36863,
>, Birmingham Post-Herald, 2200 Fourth Ave., N, Birmingham, AL 35203,
>, Daily Home, P.O. Box 977, Talladega, AL, 35161-0977,
>, Daily Mountain Eagle, 1301 East Viking Drive, Jasper, AL 35501,
>, Decatur Daily, 201 First Ave., SE, Decatur, AL 35609,
>, Dothan Eagle, 227 North Oates Street, Dothan, AL,36302,
>, Gadsden Times, 401 Locust Street, Gadsden, AL 35999,
>, Huntsville Times, 2317 South Memorial Parkway, Huntsville, AL 35801,
>, Mobile Register, P.O. Box 2488, Mobile, AL 36652,
>, Montgomery Advertiser, 200 Washington Ave., Montgomery, AL 36104,
>, Speaking Out News, P.O. Box 2826, Huntsville, AL 35804,
>, WAAO 103.7 FM, 2121 East Bypass, P.O. Box 987, Andalusia, AL 36420,
>, WAAY (ABC-31), 1000 Monte Sano Boulevard, SE, Huntsville, AL 35801-6137,, WAFF (NBC-48), 1414 North Memorial Parkway, Huntsville, AL 35801,
>, WAKA (CBS-8), 3020 Eastern Boulevard, Montgomery, AL 36116,
>, WANI 1400 AM, 197 East University Drive, Auburn, AL 36832,
>, WBCF 1240 AM, P.O. Box 1316, Florence, AL 35631,
>, WBMA (ABC-33/40), 800 Concourse Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35236,
>, WBRC (Fox-6), WBRC Television, P.O. Box 6, Birmingham, AL 35201,
>, WCOV (Fox 20), 1 WCOV Avenue, Montgomery, AL 36602,
>, WDFX (Fox TV), 318 El Palacio Plaza, Ozark, AL 36360,
>, WDHN (ABC-18), P.O. Box 6237, Dothan, AL 36376,
>, WELR 102.3 FM (Eagle 102), P.O. Box 710, Roanoke, AL 36274,
>, WELR 1360 AM (Eagle 102), P.O. Box 710, Roanoke, AL 36274,
>, WERC 960 AM, 530 Beacon Parkway West, Suite 600, Birmingham, AL 35209,
>, WGAD 1350 AM, 750 Walnut Street, Gadsden, AL 35902,
>, WHBB 1490 AM, BroadSouth Communications, Inc., P.O. Box 1055, Selma, AL 36702-1055,
>, WHNT (CBS-19), P.O. Box 19, Huntsville, AL 35804,
>, WHOA (ABC-32), 3251 Harrison Road, Montgomery, AL 36109-4321,
>, WKRG (CBS-5), 555 Broadcast Drive, Mobile, AL 36606,
>, WOPP 1290 AM, 1101 Cameron Road, Opp, AL 36467,
>, WPMI (NBC-15), P.O. Box 9038, Mobile, AL 36691-9038,
>, WSFA (NBC-12), 12 East Delano Avenue, Montgomery, AL 36105,
>, WTVY (CBS-4), P.O. Box 1089, Highway 52 East, Dothan, AL 36302,
>, WVNN 770 AM, P.O. Box 389, Athens, AL 35612,
>, WVTM (NBC-13), P.O. Box 10502, Birmingham, AL 35202,
>, WZDX (Fox 54), 1309 North Memorial Parkway, Huntsville, AL 36602,
>, The Courier (Russellville, R),
>, The Daily Citizen, 3000 East Race, Searcy, AR 72143,
>, The Harrison Daily Times, P.O. Box 40, Harrison, AR 72602,
>, The Morning News of Northwest Arkansas, 2560 North Lowell Road, Springdale, AR 72765,
>, Arkansas Business, P.O. Box 3686, Little Rock, AR 72203,
>, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 121 East Capitol Street, Little Rock, AR 72203,
>, Arkansas Times, 201 East Markham, Suite 200, Little Rock, AR 72201,
>, Banner-News, 134 South Washington, Magnolia, AR 71753,
>, Batesville Guard-Record, P.O. Box 2036, Batesville, AR 72503,
>, Benton County Daily Record, P.O. Box 1049, Bentonville, AR 72712,
>, Daily World (Helena, R),, De Queen Daily Citizen, P.O. Box 1000,404 De Queen Avenue, De Queen, AR 71832,
>, East Arkansas News Leader/ Wynne Progress, P.O. Box 308, Wynne, AR 72396,
>, El Dorado News-Times, P.O. Box 912, El Dorado, AR 71731,
>, Hot Springs Sentinel Record, P.O. Box 580, Hot Springs, AR 71902,
>, Jonesboro Sun, P.O. Box 1249, Jonesboro, AR 72403,
>, KAIT (ABC-8), P.O. Box 790, Jonesboro, AR 72401-0790,
>, KARK (NBC-4), P.O. Box 748, Little Rock, AR 72203,
>, KATV (ABC-7), 401 S. Main, Little Rock, AR 72201,
>, KELD 1400 AM, 2525 Northwest Avenue, El Dorado, AR 71730,
>, KFAA (NBC-51), 1821 South Eighth Street, Rogers, AR 72756,
>, KFSM (CBS-5), P.O. Box 369, Fort Smith, AR 72902,
>, KHBS-KHOG(ABC-40/29), 2415 N. Albert Pike, Fort Smith, AR 72914-4150,
>, KLRT (Fox16), P.O. Box 21616, Little Rock, AR 72902-1616,
>, KPBI(Fox 46), 523 Garrison Avenue, Suite 20, Fort Smith, AR 72902,
>, KPOM (NBC-24), P.O. Box 4610, Fort Smith, AR 72914,
>, KWHN 1320AM, Ft Smith Radio Center, 423 Garrison Ave, Ft Smith, AR 72901,
>, KZNG 1340 AM, 125 Corporate Terrace, Hot Springs, AR 71913,
>, La Villa News, 121 DeSoto Ctr Dr, Hot Springs Vill, AR 71909,
>, Log Cabin Democrat, 1058 Front Street, Conway, AR 72033,
>, Malvern Daily Record, 219 Locust St, P.O. Box 70, Malvern, AR 72104,
>, Northwest Arkansas Times, P.O. Box 1607, Fayetteville, AR 72702,
>, Paragould Daily Press, 1401 W. Hunt St, Paragould, AR 72451,
>, Pine Bluff Commercial, P.O. Box 6469, Pine Bluff, AR 71611,
>, Southwest Times Record, P.O. Box 1359, Ft. Smith, AR 72901,
>, Times-Herald (Forrest City), P.O. Box 1699, Forrest City, AR 72336,
>, The Arizona Republic, 200 E Van Buren St., Phoenix, AZ 85004-2238,
>, The Bisbee Observer, 7 Bisbee Road, Suite L, Bisbee, AZ 85603,
>, The Business Journal Of Phoenix, 3030 North Central Avenue, Floor 15, Phoenix, AZ 85012-2707,
>, The Daily Courier, 147 North Cortez, Prescott, AZ 86301,
>, The Daily Dispatch, 530 11th Street, Douglas, AZ 85607,
>, The Kingman Daily Miner, 3015 Stockton Hill Road, Kingman, AZ 86401,
>, Arizona Daily Star, 4850 S Park Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85726,
>, Arizona Daily Sun, 1751 S Thompson Street, Flagstaff, AZ 86001,
>, Arizona Tribune, 120 West First Avenue, Mesa, AZ 85210,
>, Eastern Arizona Courier, P.O. Drawer N, Safford, AZ 85548,
>, Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, 1625 E Northern Avenue, Suite 106, Phoenix, AZ 85020,
>, KFYI 910 AM, 631 North First Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85003,
>, KNST, 3202 North Oracle Road, Tucson, AZ 85705,
>, KNXV (ABC-15), 515 N. 44th St., Phoenix, AZ 85008,
>, KOLD (CBS-13), 7831 North Business Park Drive, Tucson, AZ 85743,
>, KPHO (CBS-5), P.O. Box 20100, Phoenix, AZ 85036,
>, KPNX (NBC-12), 1101 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85004,
>, KTAR 620 AM, 5300 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85012,
>, KTNN 660 AM, P.O. Box 2569, Window Rock, AZ 86515,
>, KVOA (NBC-4), 209 W. Elm St., Tucson, AZ 85705,
>, KVOI 690 AM, Good News Radio Broadcasting, 3222 South Richey Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85713,
>, KYMA (NBC-11), P.O. Box 550, Yuma, AZ 85364,
>, Mohave Valley Daily News, P.O. Box 21209, Bullhead City, AZ 86439-1209,
>, Navajo Times, P.O. Box 310, Window Rock, AZ 86515-0310,
>, Phoenix New Times, 1201 East Jefferson, Phoenix, AZ 85034,
>, Sedona Red Rock News, P.O. Box 619,Sedona, AZ,86339-,
>, Sierra Vista Herald, 102 Fab Avenue,Sierra Vista, AZ,85635-,
>, Today's News Herald, River City Newspapers, LLC,2225 West Acoma Boulevard,Lake Havasu City, AZ,86403-,
>, Tucson Citizen, 4850 S. Park Ave.,Tucson, AZ,85714-1637,
>, Water Conditioning and Purification, 2800 East Fort Lowell Road,Tucson, AZ,85716-,
>, Yuma Daily Sun, 2055 Arizona Ave.,Yuma, AZ,85364,
>, The Advocate, P.O. Box 4371,Los Angeles, CA,90078-,
>, The American Reporter, 1812 North Ivar Avenue,Number 5,Hollywood, CA,90028-5025,
>, The Argus (Fremont), 39737 Paseo Padre,Fremont, CA,94538-,
>, The Business Journal of San Jose, 96 North Third Street,Suite 100,San Jose, CA,95112-,
>, The Business Press, 3700 Inland Empire Boulevard,Suite 450,Ontario, CA,91764-,
>, The Chico Enterprise-Record, P.O. Box 9,Chico, CA,95927-,
>, The Daily Press (Victorville), 13891 Park Avenue,Victorville, CA,92392,
>, The Daily Republic, 1250 Texas St., Box 47,Fairfield, CA,94533-,
>, The Daily Review, 22533 Foothill Boulevard, Hayward, CA,94541-,, The Daily Triplicate, P.O. Box 277,Crescent City, CA,95531-,
>, The Davis Enterprise, P.O. Box 1078,Davis, CA,95617-,
>, The Desert Sun (Palm Springs), 750 North Gene Autry Trail,Palm Springs, CA,92262-,
>, The Drudge Report, P.O. Box 90028,Hollywood, CA,90028,
>, The Free Lance, 350 Sixth Street,P.O. Box 1417,Hollister, CA,95023-,
>, The Fresno Bee, 1626 E. Street,Fresno, CA,93786,
>, The Industry Standard, 315 Pacific Avenue,San Francisco, CA,94111-,
>, The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, 2041 East Fourth Street,Ontario, CA,91761-,
>, The Lompoc Record, 115 North H Street,Lompoc, CA,93436-,
>, The Modesto Bee, 1325 H Street,Modesto, CA,95354-,
>, The Napa Valley Register, 1615 Second Street,Napa, CA,94559,
>, The Nguoi Viet Daily News, 14891 Moran Street,Westminster, CA,92683-,
>, The Oakland Tribune, 401 13th Street,Oakland, CA,94612-,
>, The Pakistan Link, 10564 Progress Way,Suite D,Cypress, CA,90630-,
>, The Porterville Record, 115 East Oak Avenue,Porterville, CA,92357-,
>, The Press-Enterprise, 3512 Fourteenth Street,Riverside, CA,92501-,
>, The Press-Tribune, 188 Cirby Way,Roseville, CA,95678-,
>, The Record (Stockton, A),
>, The Sacramento Bee, 2100 Q Street,Sacramento, CA,95816,
>, The Signal, P.O. Box 801870,Santa Clarita, CA,91380-1870,
>, The Sonoma County Independent, 540 Mendocino Avenue,Santa Rosa, CA,95401,
>, The Sonoma Index-Tribune, P.O. Box C,Sonoma, CA,95476-,
>, The Spanish Radio Group, 5200 Standard Street,Bakersfield, CA,93308-,
>, The Star-News (Pasadena), 1210 North Azusa Canyon Road,West Covina, CA,91790-,
>, The Times-Standard, 930 Sixth Street,Eureka, CA,95501-,
>, The Tribune, 3825 South Higuera Street,San Luis Obispo, CA,93401-,
>, The Union, 11464 Sutton Way,Grass Valley, CA,95945-,
>, The Union Democrat, 84 South Washington Street,Sonora, CA,95730,
>, The Vallejo Times-Herald, 440 Curtola Parkway,Vallejo, CA,94590-,
>, American Press Service & Features Syndicate, P.O. Box 917,Van Nuys, CA,91408,
>, Antelope Valley Press, P.O. Box 4050,Palmdale, CA,93593-4050,
>, Appeal-Democrat, 1530 Ellis Lake Drive,Marysville, CA,95901-,
>, Asbarez Armenian Daily Newspaper, 419 West Colorado Street,Glendale, CA,91204-,
>, Bakersfield Californian, 1707 Eye Street,Bakersfield, CA,93301,
>, Beirut Times, P. O. Box 93475,Los Angeles, CA,90093-0475,
>, Business Start-Ups, 2392 Morse Avenue,Irvine, CA,92614-,
>, Daily News, P.O. Box 4200,Woodland Hills, CA,91365-,
>, Daily Pilot, 330 West Bay Street,Costa Mesa, CA,92627-,
>, Desert Dispatch, 130 Coolwater Lane,Barstow, CA,92311-,
>, E-Commerce Times, 15260 Ventura Boulevard,Suite 1420,Sherman Oaks, CA,91403-,
>, Entrepreneur, 2392 Morse Avenue,Irvine, CA,92614-,
>, Frontpage Magazine, The Center for the Study of Popular Culture,P.O. Box 67398,Los Angeles, CA,90067-,
>, Glendale News-Press, 111 West Wilson,Suite 200,Glendale, CA,91203-,
>, Hemet News, 474 West Esplanade,San Jacinto, CA,92583-,
>, Herd On The Hill, 1970 Broadway,Suite 825,Oakland, CA,94612,
>, Intelligent Enterprise, 411 Borel Avenue,Suite 100,San Mateo, CA,94402-,
>, Investor's Business Daily, 12655 Beatrice Street,Los Angeles, CA,90066-,
>, KABC (ABC-7), 4151 Prospect Ave.,Los Angeles, CA,90027-4524,
>, KAEF (ABC-23), 540 E Street,Eureka, CA,95501-,
>, KAZN 1300 AM, 800 Sierra Madre Villa Avenue,Pasadena, CA,91107-,
>, KBVU, 730 Seventh Street,Suite 201,Eureka, CA,95501-,
>, KCBS (CBS-2), 6121 Sunset Boulevard,Los Angeles, CA,90028-6493,
>, KCBS 1330 AM, Ethnic Radio, Inc.,401 Pacheco Blvd.,Los Banos, CA,93635-,
>kcbs@kpix.xom, KCBS 740 AM, One Embarcadero Center,San Francisco, CA,94111-,
>, KCOY (CBS-12), 1211 West McCoy Lane,Santa Maria, CA,93455-,
>, KESQ (ABC-3), 42-650 Melanie Place,Palm Desert, CA,92211-,
>, KFAX 1100 AM, P.O. Box 8125,Fremont, CA,94537-,
>, KFBK 1530 AM, 1440 Ethan Way,Suite 200,Sacramento, CA,95825-,
>, KFI 640 AM, 610 South Ardmore Avenue,Los Angeles, CA,90005-,
>, KFMB (CBS-8), P.O. Box 85888,San Diego, CA,92186-,
>, KFMB 760 AM, 7677 Engineer Road,San Diego, CA,92111-,
>, KFRC 610 AM, 500 Washington Street,San Francisco, CA,94111-,
>, KGLW 1340 AM, 1532 West Branch Street,Arroyo Grande, CA,93420-,
>, KGO 810 AM, 900 Front Street,San Francisco, CA,94111-,
>, KGOE 1480 AM, 5640 South Broadway,Eureka, CA,95503-,
>, KGTV (ABC-10), P.O. Box 85347,San Diego, CA,92186-5347,
>, KHSL (CBS-12), 3460 Silverbell Road,Chico, CA,95926-,
>, KIEM (NBC-3), 5650 South Broadway,Eureka, CA,95503-,
>, KIEV 870 AM, P.O. Box 29023,Glendale, CA,91209-,
>, KIGS 620 AM (Portuguese Radio), 6165 East Lacey Blvd.,Hanford, CA,93230-,
>, KION (CBS-46), 1550 Moffet Street,Salinas, CA,93905-,
>, KJEO (CBS-47), P.O. Box 5455,Fresno, CA,93755,
>, KKLA 1240 AM, P.O. Box 29023,Glendale, CA,91209-,
>, KLIV 1590 AM, 750 Story Road,San Jose, CA,95122-,
>, KMIR (NBC-6), P.O. Box 1506,Palm Desert, CA,92263,
>, KNCO 830 AM, 1255 East Main,Suite A,Grass Valley, CA,95945-,
>, KNX 1070 AM, 6121 Sunset Blvd.,Hollywood, CA,90028-,
>, KNZR 1560 AM, 3651 Pegasus Drive,Suite 107,Bakersfield, CA,93308-,
>, KPAY 1290 AM, 2654 Cramer Lane,Chico, CA,95928-,
>, KQMS 1400 AM, 3360 Alta Mesa Drive,Redding, CA,96002-,
>, KSCO 1080 AM, 340 AM,
>, KSFO 560 AM, 900 Front Street,San Francisco, CA,94111-,
>, KSTE 650 AM, 1440 Ethan Way,Suite 200,Sacramento, CA,95825-,
>, KVEC 920 AM, 1329 Chorro Street,San Luis Obispo, CA,93401-,
>, KVEN 1450 AM, 1376 Walter Street,Ventura, CA,93003-,
>, KVON 1440 AM, 1124 Foster Road,Napa, CA,94558-,
>, LA Weekly, 6715 Sunset Boulevard,Los Angeles, CA,90028- ,, La Prensa (Riverside), 3512 Fourteenth Street,Riverside, CA,92501-,
>, La Prensa San Diego, 1950 Fifth Avenue,San Diego, CA,92101-,
>, Lodi News-Sentinel, 125 North Church Street,Lodi, CA,95240,
>, Long Beach Press-Telegram, 604 Pine Avenue,Long Beach, CA,90844-,
>, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square,Los Angeles, CA,90053,
>, Madera Tribune, 100 East Seventh Street,Madera, CA,93638-,
>, Marin Independent Journal, 150 Alameda del Prado,Novato, CA,94949-,
>, Marketplace, University of Southern California,3716 South Hope Street, Suite 130,Los Angeles, CA,90007-,
>, Merced Sun-Star, P.O. Box 739,Merced, CA,95341-,
>, Mercury Register, P.O. Box 651,Oroville, CA,95965-,
>, Metro Santa Cruz, 115 Cooper Street,Santa Cruz, CA,95060-,
>, Metro, ilicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper,
>, Mother Jones, 731 Market Street,Suite 600,San Francisco, CA,94103,
>, Mountain Democrat, 1360 Broadway,P.O. Box 1088,Placerville, CA,95667,
>, Network Magazine, 600 Harrison Street,San Francisco, CA,94107-,
>, New Times Los Angeles, 1950 Satelle Boulevard,Suite 200,Los Angeles, CA,90025-,
>, North County Times, 207 East Pennsylvania Avenue,Escondido, CA,92025-,
>, OC Weekly, 151 Kalmus Drive,Suite H10,Costa Mesa, CA,92626-,
>, Oracle Magazine, 500 Oracle Parkway,Redwood Shores, CA,94065-,
>, Orange County Business Journal, 2600 Michelson Drive,Suite 170,Irvine, CA,92612-,
>, Orange County Register, 625 North Grand Avenue,Santa Ana, CA,92701-,
>, Petaluma Argus-Courier, P.O. Box 1091,Petaluma, CA,94953-,
>, Reason, 3415 South Sepulveda Boulevard,Suite 400,Los Angeles, CA,90034-,
>, Record Searchlight, 1101 Twin View Boulevard,Redding, CA,96003-,
>, Red Bluff Daily News, P.O. Box 220,Red Bluff, CA,96080-,
>, Redlands Daily Facts, 700 Brookside Avenue,Redlands, CA,92373-,
>, SF Weekly, 185 Berry, Lobby 4,Suite 3800,San Francisco, CA,94107-,
>, Salon, 706 Mission Street,nd Floor,San Francisco, CA,94103-,
>, San Bernadino County Sun, 399 North D Street,San Bernadino, CA,92401-,
>, San Diego Union-Tribune, P.O. Box 120191,San Diego, CA,92112-0191,
>, San Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mission Street,San Francisco, CA,94103-2988,
>, San Francisco Examiner, P.O. Box 7260,San Francisco, CA,94120-,
>, San Jose Mercury-News, 750 Ridder Park Drive,San Jose, CA,95190-,
>, Santa Barbara News Press, P.O. Box 1359,Santa Barbara, CA,93102-1359,
>, Santa Cruz County Sentinel, 207 Church Street,Santa Cruz, CA,95060-,
>, Santa Rosa Press Democrat, 427 Mendocino Ave.,Santa Rosa, CA,95401,
>, Sierra Sun, 11429 Donner Pass Road,P.O. Box 2973,Truckee, CA,96160-,
>, Silicon Valley Community Newspapers, 550 South First Street,San Jose, CA,95111-2806,
>, Siskiyou Daily News, P.O. Box 129,Yreka, CA,96097-,
>, Tahoe Daily Tribune, 3079 Harrison Avenue,South Lake Tahoe, CA,96150-,
>, Tahoe World, 241 North Lake Boulevard,P.O. Box 138,Tahoe City, CA,96145-,
>, Tracy Press, P.O. Box 419,Tracy, CA,95378-0419,
>, Ukiah Daily Journal, 590 South School Street,Ukiah, CA,95482-,
>, The Advocate, P.O. Box 4371,Los Angeles, CA,90078-,
>, The American Reporter, 1812 North Ivar Avenue,Number 5,Hollywood, CA,90028-5025,
>, The Argus (Fremont), 39737 Paseo Padre,Fremont, CA,94538-,
>, The Business Journal of San Jose, 96 North Third Street,Suite 100,San Jose, CA,95112-,
>, The Business Press, 3700 Inland Empire Boulevard,Suite 450,Ontario, CA,91764-,
>, The Chico Enterprise-Record, P.O. Box 9,Chico, CA,95927-,
>, The Daily Press (Victorville), 13891 Park Avenue,Victorville, CA,92392,
>, The Daily Republic, 1250 Texas St., Box 47,Fairfield, CA,94533-,
>, The Daily Review, 22533 Foothill Boulevard,Hayward, CA,94541-,
>, The Daily Triplicate, P.O. Box 277,Crescent City, CA,95531-,
>, The Davis Enterprise, P.O. Box 1078,Davis, CA,95617-,
>, The Desert Sun (Palm Springs), 750 North Gene Autry Trail,Palm Springs, CA,92262-,
>, The Drudge Report, P.O. Box 90028,Hollywood, CA,90028,
>, The Free Lance, 350 Sixth Street,P.O. Box 1417,Hollister, CA,95023-,
>, The Fresno Bee, 1626 E. Street,Fresno, CA,93786,
>, The Industry Standard, 315 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, CA,94111-,
>, The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, 2041 East Fourth Street,Ontario, CA,91761-,
>, The Lompoc Record, 115 North H Street,Lompoc, CA,93436-,
>, The Modesto Bee, 1325 H Street,Modesto, CA,95354-,
>, The Napa Valley Register, 1615 Second Street,Napa, CA,94559,
>, The Nguoi Viet Daily News, 14891 Moran Street,Westminster, CA,92683-,
>, The Oakland Tribune, 401 13th Street,Oakland, CA,94612-,
>, The Pakistan Link, 10564 Progress Way,Suite D,Cypress, CA,90630-,
>, The Porterville Record, 115 East Oak Avenue,Porterville, CA,92357-,
>, The Press-Enterprise, 3512 Fourteenth Street,Riverside, CA,92501-,
>, The Press-Tribune, 188 Cirby Way,Roseville, CA,95678-,
>, The Record (Stockton, A),
>, The Sacramento Bee, 2100 Q Street,Sacramento, CA,95816,
>, The Signal, P.O. Box 801870,Santa Clarita, CA,91380-1870,
>, The Sonoma County Independent, 540 Mendocino Avenue,Santa Rosa, CA,95401,
>, The Sonoma Index-Tribune, P.O. Box C,Sonoma, CA,95476-,
>, The Spanish Radio Group, 5200 Standard Street,Bakersfield, CA,93308-,
>, The Star-News (Pasadena), 1210 North Azusa Canyon Road,West Covina, CA,91790-,
>, The Times-Standard, 930 Sixth Street,Eureka, CA,95501-,
>, The Tribune, 3825 South Higuera Street,San Luis Obispo, CA,93401-,
>, The Union, 11464 Sutton Way,Grass Valley, CA,95945-,
>, The Union Democrat, 84 South Washington Street,Sonora, CA,95730,
>, The Vallejo Times-Herald, 440 Curtola Parkway,Vallejo, CA,94590-,
>, Lynn Harper Show, 5050 Murphy Canyon Road,San Diego, CA,92123-,
>, Making Contact, 1714 Franklin Street,Suite 311,Oakland, CA,94612-,
>, The We The People Show, 200 Harrison Street,Oakland, CA,94607-,
>, American Press Service & Features Syndicate, P.O. Box 917,Van Nuys, CA,91408,
>, Antelope Valley Press, P.O. Box 4050,Palmdale, CA,93593-4050,
>, Appeal-Democrat, 1530 Ellis Lake Drive,Marysville, CA,95901-,
>, Asbarez Armenian Daily Newspaper, 419 West Colorado Street,Glendale, CA,91204-,
>, Bakersfield Californian, 1707 Eye Street,Bakersfield, CA,93301,
>, Beirut Times, P. O. Box 93475,Los Angeles, CA,90093-0475,
>, Business Start-Ups, 2392 Morse Avenue,Irvine, CA,92614-,, Daily News, P.O. Box 4200,Woodland Hills, CA,91365-,
>, Daily Pilot, 330 West Bay Street,Costa Mesa, CA,92627-,
>, Desert Dispatch, 130 Coolwater Lane,Barstow, CA,92311-,
>, E-Commerce Times, 15260 Ventura Boulevard,Suite 1420,Sherman Oaks, CA,91403-,
>, Entrepreneur, 2392 Morse Avenue,Irvine, CA,92614-,
>, Frontpage Magazine, The Center for the Study of Popular Culture,P.O. Box 67398,Los Angeles, CA,90067-,
>, Glendale News-Press, 111 West Wilson,Suite 200,Glendale, CA,91203-,
>, Hemet News, 474 West Esplanade,San Jacinto, CA,92583-,
>, Herd On The Hill, 1970 Broadway,Suite 825,Oakland, CA,94612,
>, Intelligent Enterprise, 411 Borel Avenue,Suite 100,San Mateo, CA,94402-,
>, Investor's Business Daily, 12655 Beatrice Street,Los Angeles, CA,90066-,
>, KABC (ABC-7), 4151 Prospect Ave.,Los Angeles, CA,90027-4524,
>, KAEF (ABC-23), 540 E Street,Eureka, CA,95501-,
>, KAZN 1300 AM, 800 Sierra Madre Villa Avenue,Pasadena, CA,91107-,
>, KBVU, 730 Seventh Street,Suite 201,Eureka, CA,95501-,
>, KCBS (CBS-2), 6121 Sunset Boulevard,Los Angeles, CA,90028-6493,
>, KCBS 1330 AM, Ethnic Radio, Inc.,401 Pacheco Blvd.,Los Banos, CA,93635-,
>kcbs@kpix.xom, KCBS 740 AM, One Embarcadero Center,San Francisco, CA,94111-,
>, KCOY (CBS-12), 1211 West McCoy Lane,Santa Maria, CA,93455-,
>, KESQ (ABC-3), 42-650 Melanie Place,Palm Desert, CA,92211-,
>, KFAX 1100 AM, P.O. Box 8125,Fremont, CA,94537-,
>, KFBK 1530 AM, 1440 Ethan Way,Suite 200,Sacramento, CA,95825-,
>, KFI 640 AM, 610 South Ardmore Avenue,Los Angeles, CA,90005-,
>, KFMB (CBS-8), P.O. Box 85888,San Diego, CA,92186-,
>, KFMB 760 AM, 7677 Engineer Road,San Diego, CA,92111-,
>, KFRC 610 AM, 500 Washington Street,San Francisco, CA,94111-,
>, KGLW 1340 AM, 1532 West Branch Street,Arroyo Grande, CA,93420-,
>, KGO 810 AM, 900 Front Street,San Francisco, CA,94111-,
>, KGOE 1480 AM, 5640 South Broadway,Eureka, CA,95503-,
>, KGTV (ABC-10), P.O. Box 85347,San Diego, CA,92186-5347,
>, KHSL (CBS-12), 3460 Silverbell Road,Chico, CA,95926-,
>, KIEM (NBC-3), 5650 South Broadway,Eureka, CA,95503-,
>, KIEV 870 AM, P.O. Box 29023,Glendale, CA,91209-,
>, KIGS 620 AM (Portuguese Radio), 6165 East Lacey Blvd.,Hanford, CA,93230-,
>, KION (CBS-46), 1550 Moffet Street,Salinas, CA,93905-,
>, KJEO (CBS-47), P.O. Box 5455,Fresno, CA,93755,
>, KKLA 1240 AM, P.O. Box 29023,Glendale, CA,91209-,
>, KLIV 1590 AM, 750 Story Road,San Jose, CA,95122-,
>, KMIR (NBC-6), P.O. Box 1506,Palm Desert, CA,92263,
>, KNCO 830 AM, 1255 East Main,Suite A,Grass Valley, CA,95945-,
>, KNX 1070 AM, 6121 Sunset Blvd.,Hollywood, CA,90028-,
>, KNZR 1560 AM, 3651 Pegasus Drive,Suite 107,Bakersfield, CA,93308-,
>, KPAY 1290 AM, 2654 Cramer Lane,Chico, CA,95928-,
>, KQMS 1400 AM, 3360 Alta Mesa Drive,Redding, CA,96002-,
>, KSCO 1080 AM, 340 AM,
>, KSFO 560 AM, 900 Front Street,San Francisco, CA,94111-,
>, KSTE 650 AM, 1440 Ethan Way,Suite 200,Sacramento, CA,95825-,
>, KVEC 920 AM, 1329 Chorro Street,San Luis Obispo, CA,93401-,
>, KVEN 1450 AM, 1376 Walter Street,Ventura, CA,93003-,
>, KVON 1440 AM, 1124 Foster Road,Napa, CA,94558-,
>, LA Weekly, 6715 Sunset Boulevard,Los Angeles, CA,90028-,
>, La Prensa (Riverside), 3512 Fourteenth Street,Riverside, CA,92501-,
>, La Prensa San Diego, 1950 Fifth Avenue,San Diego, CA,92101-,
>, Lodi News-Sentinel, 125 North Church Street,Lodi, CA,95240,
>, Long Beach Press-Telegram, 604 Pine Avenue,Long Beach, CA,90844-,
>, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square,Los Angeles, CA,90053,
>, Madera Tribune, 100 East Seventh Street,Madera, CA,93638-,
>, Marin Independent Journal, 150 Alameda del Prado,Novato, CA,94949-,
>, Marketplace, University of Southern California,3716 South Hope Street, Suite 130,Los Angeles, CA,90007-,
>, Merced Sun-Star, P.O. Box 739,Merced, CA,95341-,
>, Mercury Register, P.O. Box 651,Oroville, CA,95965-,
>, Metro Santa Cruz, 115 Cooper Street,Santa Cruz, CA,95060-,
>, Metro, ilicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper,
>, Mother Jones, 731 Market Street,Suite 600,San Francisco, CA,94103,
>, Mountain Democrat, 1360 Broadway,P.O. Box 1088,Placerville, CA,95667,
>, Network Magazine, 600 Harrison Street,San Francisco, CA,94107-,
>, New Times Los Angeles, 1950 Satelle Boulevard,Suite 200,Los Angeles, CA,90025-,
>, North County Times, 207 East Pennsylvania Avenue,Escondido, CA,92025-,
>, OC Weekly, 151 Kalmus Drive,Suite H10,Costa Mesa, CA,92626-,
>, Oracle Magazine, 500 Oracle Parkway,Redwood Shores, CA,94065-,
>, Orange County Business Journal, 2600 Michelson Drive,Suite 170,Irvine, CA,92612-,
>, Orange County Register, 625 North Grand Avenue,Santa Ana, CA,92701-,
>, Petaluma Argus-Courier, P.O. Box 1091,Petaluma, CA,94953-,
>, Reason, 3415 South Sepulveda Boulevard,Suite 400,Los Angeles, CA,90034-,
>, Record Searchlight, 1101 Twin View Boulevard,Redding, CA,96003-,
>, Red Bluff Daily News, P.O. Box 220,Red Bluff, CA,96080-,
>, Redlands Daily Facts, 700 Brookside Avenue,Redlands, CA,92373-,
>, SF Weekly, 185 Berry, Lobby 4,Suite 3800,San Francisco, CA,94107-,
>, Salon, 706 Mission Street,nd Floor,San Francisco, CA,94103-,
>, San Bernadino County Sun, 399 North D Street,San Bernadino, CA,92401-,
>, San Diego Union-Tribune, P.O. Box 120191,San Diego, CA,92112-0191,
>, San Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mission Street,San Francisco, CA,94103-2988,
>, San Francisco Examiner, P.O. Box 7260,San Francisco, CA,94120-,
>, San Jose Mercury-News, 750 Ridder Park Drive,San Jose, CA,95190-,
>, Santa Barbara News Press, P.O. Box 1359,Santa Barbara, CA,93102-1359,
>, Santa Cruz County Sentinel, 207 Church Street,Santa Cruz, CA,95060-,
>, Santa Rosa Press Democrat, 427 Mendocino Ave.,Santa Rosa, CA,95401,
>, Sierra Sun, 11429 Donner Pass Road,P.O. Box 2973,Truckee, CA,96160-,
>, Silicon Valley Community Newspapers, 550 South First Street,San Jose, CA,95111-2806,
>, Siskiyou Daily News, P.O. Box 129,Yreka, CA,96097-,
>, Tahoe Daily Tribune, 3079 Harrison Avenue,South Lake Tahoe, CA,96150-,
>, Tahoe World, 241 North Lake Boulevard,P.O. Box 138,Tahoe City, CA,96145-,
>, Tracy Press, P.O. Box 419,Tracy, CA,95378-0419,
>, Ukiah Daily Journal, 590 South School Street,Ukiah, CA,95482-,
>, Upside, 731 Market Street,2nd Floor,San Francisco, CA,94103-2005,
>Letters@TheReporter.Com, Vacaville Reporter, P.O. Box 1509,Vacaville, CA,95696-,
>, Ventura County Star, P.O. Box 6711,Ventura, CA,93006-,
>, Whittier Daily News, 7612 Greenleaf Avenue,Whittier, CA,90602-,
>, Wired, 520 Third Street,4th Floor,San Francisco, CA,94107-1815,
>, Z-Spanish Radio Network, nc.,
>, The Chaffee County Times, P.O. Box 2048,Buena Vista, CO,81211-,
>, The Daily Camera, P.O. Box 591,Boulder, CO,80306,
>, The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel, P.O. Box 668,Grand Junction, CO,81502-,
>, The Greeley Tribune, P.O. Box 1138,Greeley, CO,80632-,
>, The Herald Democrat, 717 Harrison Avenue,Leadville, CO,80461-,
>, The Journal-Advocate, 504 North Third Street,Sterling, CO,80751-,
>, The Mountain Mail, 125 East Second Street,Salida, CO,81201-,
>, The Park County Republican and Fairplay Flume, 5138 County Road 64,Bailey, CO,80421-,
>, American Freedom Magazine, P.O. Box 1750,Johnstown, CO,80534-,
>, American Freedom Network, P.O. Box 1750,Johnstown, CO,80534-,
>, Aspen Daily News, 517 East Hopkins,Aspen, CO,81611-,
>, Business Finance, P.O. Box 3438,Loveland, CO,80539-,
>, Colorado Springs Gazette, 30 South Prospect Street,Colorado Springs, CO,80903-,
>, Craig Daily Press, P.O. Box 5,Craig, CO,81626-0005,
>, Daily Reporter-Herald, 201 East Fifth Street,Loveland, CO,80537-,
>, Denver Post, 1560 Broadway,Denver, CO,80202,
>, Durango Herald, P.O. Drawer A-0950,Durango, CO,81302-0950,
>, Fort Morgan Times, 329 Main Street,Fort Morgan, CO,80701-,
>, High Country News, PO Box 1090,Paonia, CO,81428-,
>, KCNC (CBS-4), P.O. Box 5012,Denver, CO,80217-,
>, KCOL 600 AM, 1612 Laporte Avenue,Fort Collins, CO,80521-,
>, KDVR (Fox 31), 501 Wazee,Denver, CO,80915-,
>, KHOW 630 AM, 4695 South Monaco Street,Denver, CO,80237-,
>, KJCT (ABC-8), 8 Foresight Circle,Grand Junction, CO,81505-,
>, KKCO (NBC-11), 2325 Interstate Avenue,Grand Junction, CO,81505-,
>, KKCS 1460 AM, 3515 North Chestnut Street,Colorado Springs, CO,80907-,
>, KMGH (ABC-7), 123 Speer Blvd.,Denver, CO,80203,
>, KOA 850 AM, Colorado's Morning News,4695 South Monaco Street,Denver, CO,80237-,
>, KOAA (NBC-5/30), 2200 Seventh Avenue,Pueblo, CO,81003-,
>, KRDO (ABC-13), 399 South Eighth Street,Colorado Springs, CO,80905-,
>, KREX (CBS-5), 345 Hillcrest Manor,Grand Junction, CO,81501-,
>, KREZ (CBS/NBC-6), P.O. Box 2508,170 Turner Drive,Durango, CO,81302-,
>, KUSA (NBC-9), P.O. Box 9,Denver, CO,80201-,
>, KXRM (Fox 21), 560 Wooten Road,Colorado Springs, CO,80915-,
>, La Junta Tribune-Democrat, P.O. Box 422,422 Colorado Avenue,La Junta, CO,81050-,
>, Longmont Daily Times-Call, 350 Terry Street,Longmont, CO,80501-,
>, Montrose Daily Press, P.O. Box 850,Montrose, CO,81402-,
>, Pueblo Chieftain, 825 W. Sixth St.,Pueblo, CO,81003,
>, RCR (Radio Communications Report), 777 East Speer Boulevard,Denver, CO,80203-4214,
>, Rocky Mountain News, 400 West Colfax Avenue,Denver, CO,80204-2694,
>, Summit County Journal, P.O. Box 709,Frisco, CO,80443-,
>, Summit Daily News, P.O. Box 329,Frisco, CO,80443-,
>, Vail Daily, P.O. Box 81,Vail, CO,81658,
>, Westword, 969 Broadway,Denver, CO,80203-,
>, The Advocate (Stamford, T),
>, The Bristol Press, 99 Main Street,Bristol, CT,06010-,
>, The Chronicle, 1 Chronicle Road,Willimantic, CT,06226-,
>, The Darien News-Review, 24 Old Kings Highway, South,Darien, CT,06820-,
>, The Day (New London), 47 Eugene O'Neill Street,New London, CT,06320-,
>, The Fairfield Citizen-News, 220 Carter Henry Drive,Fairfield, CT,06430-,
>, The Herald (New Britain), One Herald Square,New Britain, CT,06051-,
>, The Middletown Press, 2 Main Street,Middletown, CT,06457-,
>, The News-Times, 333 Main Street,Danbury, CT,06810-,
>, The Norwalk Citizen-News, 542 Westport Avenue,Norwalk, CT,06851-,
>, The Record-Journal, 11 Crown Street,Meriden, CT,06450-,
>, The Register Citizen, 190 Water Street,Torrington, CT,06790-,
>, The Waterbury Republican-American, 389 Meadow Street,Waterbury, CT,06702,
>, Focus Senior, 3 Pondside Court,Mystic, CT,06355-,
>, Connecticut Post, 410 State Street,Bridgeport, CT,06604,
>, Danbury News Times, 333 Main St.,Danbury, CT,06810,
>, Greenwich Time, 20 East Elm Street,Greenwich, CT,06830-,
>, Hartford Courant, 285 Broad Street,Hartford, CT,06115,
>, Journal Inquirer, P.O. Box 510,Manchester, CT,06045-0510,
>, New Haven Register, 40 Sargent Drive,New Haven, CT,06511,
>, PROMO, 11 River Bend Drive, South, P.O. Box 4294,Stamford, CT,06907-0294,
>, WATR 1320 AM, 1 Broadcast Lane,Waterbury, CT,06706-,
>, WFSB (CBS-3), 3 Constitution Plaza,Hartford, CT,06103-1892,
>, WILI 1400 AM, 720 Main Street,Willimantic, CT,06226-,
>, WPRX 1120 AM 81 West Main Street,Suite G,New Britain, CT,06050-,
>, WTIC (Fox61), One Corporate Center,Hartford, CT,06103-,
>, WTIC 1080 AM, 10 Executive Drive,Farmington, CT,06032-,
>, WTNH (ABC-8), 8 Elm St.,New Haven, CT,06510,
>, WVIT (NBC-30), 1422 New Britain Avenue,West Hartford, CT,06110-,
>, Westport News, 15 Myrtle Avenue,Office 1A,Westport, CT,06880-,
>, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, 1255 23rd Street, NW,Suite 700,Washington, DC,20037,
>, The Common Denominator, 680 Rhode Island Avenue, NE,Suite N,Washington, DC,20002-1296,
>, The Economist, 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW,Suite 510,Washington, DC,20004,
>, The Hill, 733 15th Street, NW,Suite 1140,Washington, DC,20005,
>, The Nation, 2022 Columbia Road, NW,Washington, DC,20007,
>, The National Interest, 1112 16th Street, NW,Suite 540,Washington, DC,20036,
>, The National Journal, 1501 M Street, NW,Suite 300,Washington, DC,20005,
>, The New Republic, 1220 19th Street, NW,Suite 600,Washington, DC,20036,
>, The Polling Report, P.O. Box 42580,Washington, DC,20015,
>, The Public Interest, 1112 16th Street, NW,Suite 530,Washington, DC,20036,
>, The Spotlight, 300 Independence Avenue, SE,Washington, DC,20003,
>, The Washington Blade, 1408 U Street, NW,2nd Floor,Washington, DC,20009-3916,
>, The Washington Bureau, 400 North Capitol Avenue,Suite 363,Washington, DC,20001,
>, The Washington Lawyer, 1707 L Street, NW,Suite 350,Washington, DC,20036,
>, The Washington Post, 1150 15th Street, NW,Washington, DC,20071-,
>, The Washington Times, 3600 New York Avenue, NE,Washington, DC,20002,
>, The Weekly Standard, 1150 17th Street, NW,Suite 505,Washington, DC,20036,
>, The Wilderness Society, 900 17th Street, NW,Washington, DC,20006,
>, The World & I, 3600 New York Avenue, NE,Washington, DC,20002,
>, ADA Today, 1625 K Street, NW,Suite 210,Washington, DC,20006,
>, APA Monitor, 750 First Street, NE,Washington, DC,20002,
>, Accuracy In Media, 4455 Connecticut Ave., NW,Suite 330,Washington, DC,20008,
>, Aerospace Daily, 1200 G Street, NW,Suite 200,Washington, DC,20005,
>, Air & Space Magazine, 901 D Street, SW,Washington, DC,20024,
>, America's Voice Television, 717 Second Street, NE,Washington, DC,20002,
>, American Banker, 1325 G Street, NW,Suite 900,Washington, DC,20005,
>, American Enterprise Institute, 1150 17th Street, NW,Washington, DC,20036,
>, American Metal Market, 601 13th Street, NW,Suite 520, South,Washington, DC,20005,
>, American Psychologist, 750 First Street, NE,Washington, DC,20002,
>, American Teacher, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW,Washington, DC,20001,
>, Arms Control Today, 1726 M Street, NW,Suite 201,Washington, DC,20036-,
>, Association Management Magazine, 1575 I Street, NW,Washington, DC,20005,
>, Aviation Week and Space Technology, 1200 G Street, NW,Suite 922,Washington, DC,20005-,
>, Barrons, 1025 Connecticut Avenue, NW,Suite 800,Washington, DC,20036,
>, Bond Buyer, 1325 G Street, NW,Suite 900,Washington, DC,20005,
>, Bridge News, 740 National Press Bldg.,Washington, DC,20045,
>, Broadcasting & Cable Magazine, 1705 DeSales Street, NW,Washington, DC,20036,
>, Brookings Review, 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, NW,Washington, DC,20036,
>, C-SPAN, 400 North Capitol Street, NW,Suite 650,Washington, DC,20001,
>, Campaigns & Elections Magazine, 1414 22nd Street, NW,Washington, DC,20037-,
>, Capital Style, 50 F Street, NW,7th Floor,Washington, DC,20002,
>, Catholic News Service, 3211 Fourth Street, NE,Washington, DC,20017-1100,
>, Communications Daily, 2115 Ward Court, NW,Washington, DC,20037,
>, Congress Daily, 1501 M Street, NW,Suite 300,Washington, DC,20005,
>, Cook Political Report, 1501 M Street, NW,Suite 300,Washington, DC,20005,
>, Covert Action Quarterly, 1500 Massachusetts Avenue,Suite 732,Washington, DC,20005-,
>, Current, 1612 K Street, NW,Suite 704,Washington, DC,20006-,
>, Daily Variety, 1705 DeSales Street, NW,Washington, DC,20036,
>, Donrey Media Group, 937 National Press Bldg.,Washington, DC,20045,
>, Editor and Publisher, 1128 National Press Bldg.,Washington, DC,20045,
>, Electronic Buyers News, 1170 National Press Bldg.,Washington, DC,20045,
>, Environment, 1319 18th Street, NW,Washington, DC,20036,
>, FOX5 WTTG DC, 5151 Wisconsin Ave, NW,Washington, DC,20016-,
>, Focus, 1090 Vermont Avenue, NW,Washington, DC,20005-4961,
>, Foreign Policy, 1779 Massachusetts Avenue, NW,Washington, DC,20036,
>, Foreign Service Journal, 2101 E Street, NW,Washington, DC,20037,
>, Fox News, 400 North Capitol Street, NW,Suite 550,Washington, DC,20001,
>, Governing, 1100 Connecticut Avenue, NW,Suite 1300,Washington, DC,20036-,
>, Government Executive, 1501 M Street, NW,3rd Floor,Washington, DC,20005,
>, Industry Week Magazine, 1350 Connecticut Avenue, NW,Suite 902,Washington, DC,20036,
>, Insight On The News, 3600 New York Avenue, NE,Washington, DC,20002-,
>,, 1500 K Street, NW,Suite 625,Washington, DC,20005-,
>, Kiplinger Personal Finance Magazine, 1729 H Street, NW,Washington, DC,20006,
>, Knight-Ridder Newspapers, 700 National Press Bldg.,Washington, DC,20045,
>, Legal Times, 1730 M Street, NW,Suite 802,Washington, DC,20036,
>, Libertarian Party NEWS, 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW,Suite 100,Washington, DC,20037-,
>, Media General News Service, nc,
>, Modern Healthcare, 814 National Press Bldg.,Washington, DC,20045, Modern Maturity, 601 E Street, NW,Washington, DC,20049,
>, Multichannel News, 1511 K Street, NW,Suite 1156,Washington, DC,20005,
>, Nation's Business, 1615 H Street, NW,Washington, DC,20062-2000,
>, Nation's Health, 1015 15th Street, NW,Suite 300,Washington, DC,20005,
>, National Public Radio, 635 Massachusetts Avenue, NW,Washington, DC,20001-3753,
>, Pacifica, 2390 Champlain Street, NW,2nd Floor,Washington, DC,20009-,
>, Policy Review: Journal of America Citizenship, 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE,Washington, DC,20002,
>, Preservation, 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, NW,Washington, DC,20036-,
>, RTNDA Communicator, 1000 Connecticut Avenue, NW,Suite 615,Washington, DC,20036,
>, Radio & Records, 888 17th Street, NW,Suite 310,Washington, DC,20006-3636,
>, Radio America, 1030 15th Street, NW,Suite 700,Washington, DC,20005,
>, Roll Call, 50 F Street, NW,7th Floor,Washington, DC,20001,
>, Rothenberg Political Report, 900 Second Street, NE,Suite 107,Washington, DC,20002,
>, Rural Telecommunications, 2626 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW,Washington, DC,20037-,
>, Science, 1200 New York Avenue, NW,Washington, DC,20005,
>, Secure Retirement, 10 G Street, NE,Suite 600,Washington, DC,20002,
>, Southern Political Report, P.O. Box 15507,Washington, DC,20003,
>, Stars & Stripes, P.O. Box 1803,Washington, DC,20013,
>, Stars and Stripes, P.O. Box 1803,Washington, DC,20013-,
>, States News Service, 1333 F Street, NW,Suite 400,Washington, DC,20004,
>, Traffic World, 1230 National Press Bldg.,Washington, DC,20045-,
>, Trial, 1050 31st Street, NW,Washington, DC,20007,
>, U.S. News & World Report, 2400 North Street, NW,Washington, DC,20037,
>, WAMU, American University,Washington, DC,20016-8082,
>, WJLA (ABC-7), 3007 Tilden Street, NW,Washington, DC,20008,
>, WRC (NBC-4), 4001 Nebraska Avenue, NW,Washington, DC,20016-2733,
>, WTOP 107.7 FM/ 1500 AM, 3400 Idaho Avenue, NW,Washington, DC,20016-,
>, WUSA (CBS-9), 4100 Wisconsin Avenue, NW,Washington, DC,20016-,
>, Washington Afro-American, 1612 14th Street, NW,Washington, DC,20009-,
>, Washington City Paper, 2390 Champlain Street, NW,Washington, DC,20009-,
>, Washington Monthly, 1611 Connecticut Avenue, NW,Washington, DC,20009,
>, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, P.O. Box 33062,Washington, DC,20009-,
>, Washington Times Weekly Edition, 3600 New York Avenue, NE,Washington, DC,20002-,
>, Weatherwise, 1319 18th Street, NW,Washington, DC,20036-1802,
>, Workers Compensation Newsletter, 1130 Connecticut Avenue, NW,Suite 1000,Washington, DC,20036,
>, Delaware State News, P.O. Box 7011,Dover, DE,19903,
>, Newark Post, 153 East Chestnut Hill Road,Newark, DE,19713-,
>, WDEL 1150 AM, 2727 Shipley Road,P.O. Box 7492,Wilmington, DE,19803-,
>, WDOV 1410 AM, 5595 W. Denney's Road,Dover, DE,19904-,
>, Wilmington News Journal, 950 West Basin Road,New Castle, DE,19720-,
>, El Nuevo Herald, One Herald Plaza,Miami, FL,33132-1693,
>, The Cedar Key Beacon, P.O. Box 532,Cedar Key, FL,32625-0532,
>, The Florida Keys Keynoter, 3015 Overseas Highway,Marathon, FL,33050-,
>, The Florida Times-Union, One Riverside Avenue,Jacksonville, FL,32202-,
>, The Ledger, P.O. Box 408,Lakeland, FL,33802-,
>, The News Chief, 650 Sixth Street, SW,Winter Haven, FL,33880-,
>, The Stuart News, P.O. Box 9009,Stuart, FL,34995-,
>, The Sun Herald, 23170 Harbor View Road,Port Charlotte, FL,33980-,
>, The Tallahassee Democrat, 277 North Magnolia Drive,Tallahassee, FL,32301,
>, The Town-Crier, 10646 Aquarius Lane,Royal Palm Beach, FL,33411-,
>, Williams Bruce Show, MPI,P.O. Box 503,Elfers, FL,34680-0503,
>, Bradenton Herald, 102 Manatee Ave., W,Bradenton, FL,34205-8894,
>, Citrus County Chronicle, 1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd.,Crystal River, FL,34429-,
>, Daytona Beach News-Journal, 901 Sixth St.,Daytona Beach, FL,33217,
>, Florida Today (Melbourne), P.O. Box 419000,Melbourne, FL,32941-9000,
>, Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, 200 East Las Olas Boulevard,Ft. Lauderdale, FL,33301-,
>, Gainesville Sun, 2700 SW 13th St.,Gainesville, FL,32608-,
>, Hernando Today, 15299 Cortez Boulevard,Brooksville, FL,34613-,
>, Highlands Today, 231 US 27, North,Seabring, FL,33870-,
>, LAKELAND LEDGER, P.O. Box 408,Lakeland, FL,33802-,
>, Lake City Reporter, 126 East Duval Street,Lake City, FL,32056-,
>, Miami Herald, One Herald Plaza,Miami, FL,33128-,
>, Miami Metro Magazine, 2800 Biscayne Boulevard,Suite 1100,Miami, FL,33137-,
>, Miami New Times, 2800 Biscayne Boulevard,Miami, FL,33137-,
>, Miami's Community Newspapers, 6796 Southwest 62nd Avenue,S. Miami, FL,33143,
>, Mutual Funds, 2200 Southwest Tenth Street,Deerfield Beach, FL,33442-,
>, Naples Daily News, 1075 Central Avenue,Naples, FL,34102-,
>, Naples News, 1075 Central Ave.,Naples, FL,34102-6295,
>, New Times Broward*Palm Beach, 16 Northeast Fourth Street,Fort Lauderdale, FL,33301-,
>, Northwest Florida Daily News, P.O. Box 2949,Ft. Walton Beach, FL,32549-,
>, Ocala Star-Banner, P.O. Box 490,Ocala, FL,34478-,
>, Orlando Sentinel, 633 North Orange Avenue,Orlando, FL,32801,
>, Palatka Daily News, 1825 Saint Johns Avenue,Palatka, FL,32177-,
>, Palm Beach Post, P.O. Box 24700,West Palm Beach, FL,33416-4700,
>, Panama City News-Herald, P.O. Box 1940,Panama City, FL,32402-,
>, Sarasota Herald Tribune, 801 S. Tamiami Trail,Sarasota, FL,34236-7899,
>, St. Augustine Record, P.O. Box 1630,St. Augustine, FL,32085-1630,
>, St. Petersburg Times, 490 First Ave., S,St. Petersburg, FL,33701,
>, Syndicated News International, td.,
>, Tampa Tribune, 202 South Parker Street,Tampa, FL,33606-,
>, Vero Beach Press Journal, P.O. Box 1268,Vero Beach, FL,32961,
>, WAWS 30 Fox, 8675 Hogan Road,Jacksonville, FL,32216-,
>, WBBH (NBC-2), 3719 Central Avenue,Fort Myers, FL,33901-,
>, WBZT 1040 AM, 3071 Continental Drive,West Palm Beach, FL,33407-,
>, WCJB (ABC-20), 6220 Northwest 43rd Street,Gainesville, FL,32653-,
>, WCOA 1370 AM, 6565 North W Street,Pensacola, FL,32505-,
>, WCTV (CBS-6), P.O. Box 3048,Tallahassee, FL,32315-,
>, WEAR (ABC-3), P.O. Box 12278,Pensacola, FL,32581,
>, WELE 1380 AM, Wings Communications, Inc.,432 South Nova Road,Ormond Beach, FL,32174-,
>, WESH (NBC-2), 1021 North Wymore Road,Winter Park, FL,32789-,
>, WFLA (NBC-8), 200 South Parker Street,Tampa, FL,33606,
>, WFOR (CBS-4), 8900 Northwest 18th Terrace,Miami, FL,33172-,
>, WFTS (ABC-28), 4045 North Himes Avenue,Tampa, FL,33607-6607,
>, WFTV (ABC-9), 490 E. South St.,Orlando, FL,32801,
>, WFTX (Fox 36), 621 SW Pine Island Road,Cape Coral, FL,33991-,
>, WINK (CBS-11), 2824 Palm Beach Boulevard,Fort Myers, FL,33916-,
>, WIOD 610 AM, 194 NW 187 Street,Miami, FL,33169-,
>, WJHG (NBC-7), 8195 Front Beach Road,Panama City, FL,32407-4820,
>, WJXT (CBS-4), 4 Broadcast Place,Jacksonville, FL,32247-,
>, WKMG (CBS-6), 4466 John Young Parkway,Orlando, FL,32804-,
>, WLKF 1430 AM, 404 West Lime Street,P.O. Box 2038,Lakeland, FL,33806-,
>, WMBB (ABC-13), P.O. Box 1340,Panama City, FL,32402-,
>, WOCA 1370 AM, Westshore Broadcasting Company, Inc.,P.O. Box 1056,Ocala, FL,34478-1056,
>, WOFL (Fox 35), 35 Skyline Drive,Lake Mary, FL,32746-,
>, WOGX (Fox 51), 1551 Southwest 37th Avenue,Ocala, FL,34474-,
>, WOKV 690 AM, 6869 Lenox Avenue,Jacksonville, FL,32205-,
>, WPEC (CBS-12), 1100 Fairfield Drive,West Palm Beach, FL,33407-,
>, WPGS 840 AM, 805 North Dixie Avenue,Titusville, FL,32796-,
>, WPLG (ABC-10), 3900 Biscayne Blvd.,Miami, FL,33137,
>, WPRD 1440 AM, 222 Hazard Street,Orlando, FL,32804-3030,
>, WPSL 1590 AM, 8245 Business Park Drive,Port St. Lucie, >FL,34952-,
>, WPSO 1500 AM, 109 Bayview Blvd.,Suite A,Oldsman, FL,34677-,
>, WPTV (NBC-5), 622 North Flagler Drive,West Palm Beach, FL,33401-,
>, WSTU 1450 AM, 2435 S.E. Dixie Highway,Stuart, FL,34996-,
>, WSVN (Fox 7), 1401 79th Street Causeway,Miami, FL,33141-,
>, WTAN 1340 AM, 200 Pierce Blvd.,Clearwater, FL,33756-,
>, WTLH, P.O. Box 949,Tallahassee, FL,32343-,
>, WTLV (NBC-12), 1070 East Adams Street,Jacksonville, FL,32202-,
>, WTSP (CBS-10), 11450 Gandy Boulevard,St. Petersburg, FL,33702-,
>, WTVJ (NBC-6), 316 North Miami Avenue,Miami, FL,33128-,
>, WTVT, 3213 West Kennedy Boulevard,Tampa, FL,33609-,
>, WTXL (ABC-27), 7927 Thomasville Road,Tallahassee, FL,32312-9761,
>, WWSB (ABC-40), 5725 Lawton Drive,Sarasota, FL,34233-,
>, WZVN (ABC-7), 3719 Central Avenue,Naples, FL,33901-,
>, The Albany Herald, 126 North Washington Street,Albany, GA,31701,
>, The Brunswick News, P.O. Box 1557,Brunswick, GA,31521-,
>, The Central Georgian, P.O. Box 308,Lizella, GA,31052-,
>, The Dodge County News, 218 Main Street, SE,Eastman, GA,31023-,
>, Boortz Neal Show, 1601 West Peachtree Street, NE,Atlanta, GA,30309-2641,
>, Americus Times Recorder, 101 Georgia Highway 27 East,Americus, GA,31709-3800,
>, Athens Daily News/ Banner-Herald, P.O. Box 912,Athens, GA,30603,
>, Atlanta Business Chronicle, 1801 Peachtree Street,Suite 150,Atlanta, GA,30309-,
>, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 72 Marietta Street, NW,Atlanta, GA,30303,
>, Augusta Chronicle, 725 Broad Street,Augusta, GA,39301-,
>, Bleckley County News, 143 Second Street,Cochran, GA,31014-,
>, Cartersville Daily Tribune News, 251 S. Tennessee St.,Cartersville, GA,30120,
>, Cobb Times, 180 Cobb Parkway,Building C-4, Suite 294,Marietta, GA,30062-,
>, Columbus Leader-Enquirer, P.O. Box 711,Columbus, GA,31902-0711,
>, Cordele Dispatch, 306 West 13th Avenue,Cordele, GA,31015-2348,
>, Dublin Courier Herald, P.O. Drawer B CSS,Dublin, GA,31040-,
>, Gwinnett Daily Post, 166 Highway 20, North,Lawrenceville, GA,30045-4944,
>, Henry County Daily Herald, P.O. Box 233,McDonough, GA,30253,
>, Jonesboro News Daily, P.O. Box 368,138 Church Street,Jonesboro, GA,30237-,
>, LaGrange Daily News, 105 Ashton Street,LaGrange, GA,30240-,
>, Macon Telegraph, 120 Broadway,Macon, GA,31201,
>, Moultrie Observer, 25 North Main Street,Moultrie, GA,31768-3861,
>, Newnan Times-Herald, 16 Jefferson Street,Newnan, GA,30263-1913,
>, Savannah Morning News, 111 W. Bay St.,Savannah, GA,31401-1191,
>, Statesboro Herald, 1 Herald Square,Statesboro, GA,30458-,
>, Thomasville Times-Enterprise, 106 South Street,Thomasville, GA,31792-6061,
>, Tifton Gazette, 211 Tift Avenue, North,Tifton, GA,31794-4463,
>, Union-Recorder, 165 Garrett Way,Milledgeville, GA,31061-,
>, Valdosta Daily Times, 201 North Troupe Street,Valdosta, GA,31601-5737,
>, WAGA, 1551 Brisrcliff Road, NE,Atlanta, GA,30306-,
>, WAGT (NBC-26), P.O. Box 1526,Augusta, GA,30903-,
>, WALB (NBC-10), P.O. Box 3130,Albany, GA,31706-3130,
>, WBMQ 630 AM, 214 Television Circle,Savannah, GA,31419-,
>, WBSG (Savannah), P.O. Box 61268,Savannah, GA,31420-1266,
>, WCOH 1400 AM, 154 Boone Drive,Newnan, GA,30263-,
>, WDMG 860 AM, 620 East Ward Street,Douglas, GA,31533-,
>, WDUN 550 AM, P.O. Box 10,Gainesville, GA,30503-,
>, WFXG, 3933 Washington Road,Augusta, GA,30907-,
>, WFXL, 1211 North Slappey Boulevard,Albany, GA,31706-,
>, WGAC 580 AM, P.O. Box 211045,Augusta, GA,30917-,
>, WGNX (CBS-46), 1810 Briarcliff Road, NE,Atlanta, GA,30329-,
>, WLAG 1240 AM (Eagle 102), P.O. Box 1429,La Grange, GA,30241-,
>, WLTZ (NBC-38), P.O. Box 12289,Columbus, GA,31917-,
>, WMAZ (CBS-13), P.O. Box 5008,Macon, GA,31208,
>, WMGT (NBC-41), P.O. Box 4328,Macon, GA,31208-4328,
>, WMGT-TV 41 (Macon), P.O. Box 4328,Macon, GA,31213,
>, WMVG 1450 AM, 1250 West Charlton Street,P.O. Box 519,Milledgeville, GA,31061-,
>, WNEG (CBS-32), 100 Boulevard,Toccoa, GA,30577-,
>, WRBL (CBS-3), 1350 13th Street,Columbus, GA,31901,
>, WRDW (CBS-12), P.O. Box 1212,Augusta, GA,30903-1212,
>, WRWH 1350 AM, P.O. Box 181,Cleveland, GA,30528-,
>, WSAV (NBC-3), 1430 East Victory Drive,Savannah, GA,31404-,
>, WTOC (CBS-11), P.O. Box 8086,Savannah, GA,31412-,
>, WXIA (NBC-11), 1611 Peachtree Street, NE,Atlanta, GA,30309-,
>, Waste Age, 6151 Powers Ferry Road, NW,Suite 200,Atlanta, GA,30339-2941,
>, Waycross Journal-Herald, P.O. Box 219,Waycross, GA,31502-,
>, The Garden Island, P.O. Box 231,Lihue, HI,96766-,
>, The Honolulu Advertiser, 605 Kapiolani Boulevard,Honolulu, HI,96813-5129,
>, The Pacific Business News, 1833 Kalakaua Avenue,7th Floor,Honolulu, HI,96815-,
>, Hawaii Tribune-Herald, 355 Kinoole Street,Hilo, HI,96721,
>, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, P.O. Box 3080,Honolulu, HI,96802-,
>, KGMB (CBS-9), 1534 Kapiolani Boulevard,Honolulu, HI,96814-,
>, KGU 760 AM, Salem Media of Hawaii,560 North Nimitz Highway, Ste 114B,Honolulu, HI,96817-,
>, KHNL (NBC-8), 150-B Puuhale Rd.,Honolulu, HI,96819-,
>, KHON (Fox 2/7/11), 1116 Auahi Street,Honolulu, HI,96814-,
>, KHVH, 650 Iwilei Road,Suite 400,Honolulu, HI,96817-,
>, KITV (ABC-4), 801 S. King St.,Honolulu, HI,96813-,
>, Maui Free Press, P.O. Box 1080,Makawao, HI,96768-,
>, Maui News, 100 Mahalani St.,Wailuku, HI,96793-,
>, West Hawaii Today, P.O. Box 789,Kailua-Kona, HI,96745-0789,
>, The Idaho World, P.O. Box 99,Garden Valley, ID,83622-,
>, The Moscow-Pullman Daily News, 409 South Jackson,Moscow, ID,83843-,
>, The South Idaho Press, 230 Main Street,Burley, ID,83318-,
>, The Times-News (Twin Falls), 132 Third Street West,Twin Falls, ID,83303,
>, Coeur d' Alene Press, P.O. Box 7000,Coeur d' Alene, ID,83814-,
>, Idaho Falls Post Register, 333 Northgate Mile,Idaho Falls, ID,83401-,
>, Idaho Mountain Express, Box 1013,Ketchum, ID,83340-1013,
>, Idaho Press-Tribune, P.O. Box 9399,Nampa, ID,83652-,
>, Idaho State Journal, 305 S. Arthur,Pocatello, ID,83204,
>, Idaho Statesman, 1200 N. Curtis Rd.,Boise, ID,83706-,
>, KBCI (CBS-2), 140 North 16th Street,P.O. Box 2,Boise, ID,83707-,
>, KIDK (CBS-3), 1255 East 17th Street,Idaho Falls, ID,83401,
>, KIFI (ABC-8), 1915 N. Yellowstone Hwy.,Idaho Falls, ID,83401,
>, KLEW (CBS-3), P.O. Box 615,Lewiston, ID,83501-,
>, KMVT (CBS-11), 1100 Blue Lake Boulevard, N,Twin Falls, ID,83301-,
>, KPVI (NBC-6), P.O. Box 667,Pocatello, ID,83201-,
>, KTRV (Fox 12), P.O. Box 1212,Nampa, ID,83653-,
>, KTVB (NBC-7), P.O. Box 7,Boise, ID,83707-,
>, KXTF, 1061 Blue Lakes Boulevard, North,Twin Falls, ID,83301-,
>, Lewiston Morning Tribune, P.O. Box 957,Lewiston, ID,83501,
>, News-Examiner, P.O. Box 278,Montpelier, ID,83254-,
>mike.chapin@exchange.copleypress, The Beacon-News (Aurora), 101 South River Street,Aurora, IL,60506-6099,
>, The Carmi Times and Weekly Times, P.O. Box 190,Carmi, IL,62821-,
>, The Courier News, 300 Lake Street,Elgin, IL,60120-,
>, The Courier-News (Elgin), 300 Lake Street,Elgin, IL,60120-0029,
>, The Daily Clay County Advocate-Press, 105 W. North Avenue,Flora, IL,62839-,
>, The Daily Gazette (Sterling), 312 Second Avenue,Sterling, IL,61081-,
>, The Daily Herald, 155 East Algonquin Road,Arlington Height, IL,60005-,
>, The Daily Ledger (Canton, L),
>, The Daily Register, 35 South Vine Street,Harrisburg, IL,62946-,
>, The Daily Times (Ottawa), 110 West Jefferson Street,Ottawa, IL,61350-,
>, The Daily and Sunday Journal, 8 Dearborn Square,Kankakee, IL,60901-,
>, The Herald-News (Joliet), 300 Caterpillar Drive,Joliet, IL,60436-1097,
>, The Journal-Standard, 27 South State Avenue,Freeport, IL,61032,
>, The Morning Sentinel (Mt. Vernon, L),
>, The News Progress, P.O. Box 290,Sullivan, IL,61951-0290,
>, The News-Sun, 1615 Lakeside Drive,Suite 100,Waukegan, IL,60085-,
>, The Pantagraph, P.O. Box 2907,Bloomington, IL,61702-2907,
>, The Quincy Herald-Whig, 130 South Fifth Street,Quincy, IL,62301-,
>, The Robinson Daily News, P.O. Box 639,Robinson, IL,62454-,
>, The Southern Illinoisan, 710 N. Illinois Avenue,Carbondale, IL,62901-,
>, The State Journal-Register, One Copley Plaza,Springfield, IL,62705-0219,
>, The Streator Times-Press, 115 Oak Street,Streator, IL,61364-,
>, The Telegraph (Alton, L),
>, The Woodstock Independent, 671 East Calhoun
>Street,Woodstock, IL,60098-,
>, The Zephyr, P.O. Box 1,Galesburg, IL,61402-0001,
>, Paul Harvey News And Comment, 333 North Michigan Avenue,Suite 1600,Chicago, IL,60601,
>, ABA Journal: The Lawyers Magazine, 750 North Lake Shore Drive,Chicago, IL,60611,
>, Advertising Age, 740 North Rush Street,Chicago, IL,60611-2590,
>, Belleville News-Democrat, P.O. Box 427,Belleville, IL,62222-0427,
>, Belvidere Daily Republican, 401 Whitney Boulevard,Belvidere, IL,61008-3772,
>, Benton Evening News, 111-113 East Church,P.O. Box 877,Benton, IL,62812-,
>, Business Insurance, 740 Rush Street,Chicago, IL,60611-2590,
>, Centralia Sentinel, P.O. Box 627,Centralia, IL,62801-,
>, Champaign News-Gazette, 15 Main St.,Champaign, IL,61824-,
>, Chicago Sun-Times, 401 North Wabash Avenue,Chicago, IL,60611-,
>, Chicago Tribune, 435 North Michigan Avenue,Chicago, IL,60611-4041,
>, Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, 928 North Main Street,Rockford, IL,61103-7061,
>, Commercial-News, 17 W. North Street,Danville, IL,61832-,
>, Crain's Chicago Business, 740 North Rush Street,Chicago, IL,60611-2590,
>, Daily Leader, P.O. Box 170,318 N. Main Street,Pontiac, IL,61764-,
>, Daily Republican Register, 115 East Fourth Street,P.O. Box 550,Mount Carmel, IL,62863-,
>, Daily Review Atlat, 400 South Main Street,Monmouth, IL,61462-,
>, Daily Southtown, 6901 West 159th Street,Tinley Park, IL,60477-,
>, Herald-Review (Decatur), P.O. Box 311,Decatur, IL,62525-,
>, Joliet Herald News, 300 Caterpillar Drive,Joliet, IL,60436-,
>, Journal of the American Medical Association, 515 North State Street,Chicago, IL,60610,
>, KHQA (CBS-7), 301 South 36th,Quincy, IL,62301-,
>, Kane County Chronicle, 1000 Randall Road,Geneva, IL,60134-,
>, Kewanee Star Courier, 105 East Central Boulevard,Kewanee, IL,61443-,
>, Macomb Journal, 203 North Randolph,Macomb, IL,61455-,
>, Marion Daily Republican, 502 West Jackson Street,Marion, IL,62959-,
>, Minority Business Journal, 213 West Institute Place,Suite 306,Chicago, IL,60610-,
>, Modern Physician, 740 North Rush Street,Chicago, IL,60611-,
>, Morris Daily Herald, 1804 N. Division Street,Morris, IL,60450-,
>, Northwest Herald, 7717 S. Route 31,Crystal Lake, IL,60014-,
>, Paris Beacon, 218 North Main Street,Paris, IL,61944-0100,
>, Pekin Daily Times, P.O. Box 430,Pekin, IL,61555-0430,
>, Pensions & Investments, 740 North Rush Street,Chicago, IL,60611-2590,
>, Peoria Journal-Star, One News Plaza,Peoria, IL,61643-,
>, Register-News, 911 Broadway,Mount Vernon, IL,62864-,
>, Rockford Register Star, 99 E. State St.,Rockford, IL,61104-,
>, Telegraph (Sterling, L),
>, WAND (ABC-17), 904 South Side Drive,Decatur, IL,62521-4022,
>, WCIA (CBS-3), P.O. Box 20,Champaign, IL,61824-0020,
>, WDWS 1400 AM, P.O. Box 3939,Champaign, IL,61826-,
>, WEEK (NBC-25), 2907 Springfield Road,East Peoria, IL,61611-,
>, WFLD (Fox 43), 205 North Michigan Avenue,2nd Floor,Chicago, IL,60601-,
>, WGEM (NBC-10), P.O. Box 80,Quincy, IL,62306,
>, WGN 720 AM, 435 N. Michigan Avenue,Chicago, IL,60611-,
>, WHCO 1230 AM, 1230 West Broadway,P.O. Box 255,Sparta, IL,62286-,
>, WHOI (ABC-19), 500 North Stewart Avenue,Creve Coeur, IL,61610-3297,
>, WICS (NBC-20), P.O. Box 3920,2680 East Cook Street,Springfield, IL,62708-,
>, WIFR (CBS-23), P.O. Box 123,Rockford, IL,61105,
>, WKAN1320 AM, 2 Dearborn Square,Kankakee, IL,60901-,
>, WKRS 1220 AM, 3250 Belvidere Road,Waukegan, IL,60085-,
>, WMAQ (NBC-5), 454 North Columbus Drive,NBC Tower,Chicago, IL,60611-5555,
>, WMAY 970 AM, P.O. Box 460,Springfield, IL,62705-,
>, WMBD (CBS-31), 3131 North University Street,Peoria, IL,61604-,
>, WPEO 1020 AM, P.O. Box 1,Peoria, IL,61650-,
>, WPNA 1490 AM, 408 South Oak Park Avenue,Oak Park, IL,60302-,
>, WQAD (ABC-8), 3003 Park 16 Street,Moline, IL,61265-6061,
>, WREX (NBC-13), P.O. Box 530,Rockford, IL,61105-,
>, WRSP (Fox 55/27), 3003 Old Rochester Road,Springfield, IL,62703-,
>, WSIL (ABC-3), 21 Country Aire Drive,Carterville, IL,62918-5124,
>, WTAD 930 AM, 329 Main Street,Quincy, IL,62301-,
>, Water and Wastes Digest, 380 East Northwest Highway,Suite 200,Des Plaines, IL,60016-2282,
>, The Evansville Courier and Press, 300 East Walnut Street,Evansville, IN,47713,
>, The Evening News, P.O. Box 867,Jeffersonville, IN,47131-0867,
>, The Evening Star, 118 West Ninth Street,P.O. Box 431,Auburn, IN,46706-,
>, The Frankfort Times, 251 E. Clinton St.,Frankfort, IN,46041,
>, The Indianapolis Recorder, 2901 North Tacoma Avenue,Indianapolis, IN,46218-,
>, The Indianapolis Star-News, P.O. Box 145,Indianapolis, IN,46206-0145,
>, The Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne), 600 West Main Street,Fort Wayne, IN,46802-,
>, The Journal and Courier, 217 North Sixth Street,Lafayette, IN,47901-1448,
>, The LaPorte Herald-Argus, 701 State Street,LaPorte, IN,46350-,
>, The Munster Times, 601 45th Avenue,Munster, IN,46321-,
>, The New Albany Tribune, P.O. Box 997,New Albany, IN,47151-,
>, The News-Dispatch, 121 West Michigan Blvd.,Michigan City, IN,46360-,
>, The News-Sun (Kendallville, N),
>, The Peru Tribune, 26 West Third Street,Peru, IN,46970-,
>, The Pilot News, P.O. Box 220,Plymouth, IN,46563-,
>, The Princeton Daily Clarion, P.O. Box 30,100 North Gibson Street,Princeton, IN,47670-,
>, The Republic, 333 Second Street,Columbus, IN,47201-,
>, The Rochester Sentinel, P.O. Box 260,Rochester, IN,46975-,
>, The Times (Munster, N),
>, The Tribune, P.O. Box 447,Seymour, IN,47274-,
>, The Wabash Plain Dealer, 123 West Canal Street,Wabash, IN,46992-,
>, Banner Graphic, P.O. Box 509,100 North Jackson Street,Greencastle, IN,46135-,
>, Brazil Times, 100 Times Square,Brazil, IN,47834-,
>, Connersville News-Examiner, 406 Central Avenue,P.O. Box 287,Connersville, IN,47331-,
>, Decatur Daily Democrat, 141 South 2nd Street,Decatur, IN,46733-1664,
>, Elkhart Truth, P.O. Box 487,421 South Second Street,Elkhart, IN,46515-0487,
>, Fort Wayne News-Sentinel, 600 West Main Street,Fort Wayne, IN,46802-,
>, Gary Post-Tribune, 1065 Broadway,Gary, IN,46402-2998,
>, Goshen News, 114 South Main Street,Goshen, IN,46526,
>, Greensburg Daily News, P.O. Box 106,Greensburg, IN,47240-,
>, Herald Bulletin, 1133 Jackson Street,Anderson, IN,46016-1466,
>, Herald-Times, P.O. Box 909,Bloomington, IN,47402-,
>, Kokomo Tribune, P.O. Box 9014,Kokomo, IN,46904-,
>, Muncie Star Press, 125 South High Street,Muncie, IN,47305-1620,
>, New Castle Courier-Times, 201 South 14th Street,New Castle, IN,47362-,
>, Pharos-Tribune, P.O. Box 210,Logansport, IN,46947-,
>, Reporter-Times, P.O. Box 1636,Martinsville, IN,46151-,
>, Rushville Republican, P.O. Box 106,Greensburg, IN,47240-,
>, Shelbyville News, 123 East Washington Street,P.O. Box 750,Shelbyville, IN,46176-,
>, South Bend Tribune, 225 West Colfax Avenue,South Bend, IN,46626,
>, South Bend Tribune, 225 West Colfax Avenue,South Bend, IN,46626-,
>, TIMES-MAIL, P.O. Box 849,Bedford, IN,47421-,
>, Tribune-Star, P.O. Box 149,222 South Seventh Street,Terre Haute, IN,47808-,
>, Vincennes Sun-Commercial, 702 Main Street,Vincennes, IN,47591-,
>, WANE (CBS-15), 2915 West State Boulevard,Fort Wayne, IN,46808-,
>, WBIW 1340 AM, P.O. Box 1370,Bedford, IN,47421-,
>, WCSI 101 AM, 3212 Washington Street,Columbus, IN,47203-,
>, WEVV (CBS-44), 44 Main Street,Evansville, IN,47708-1450,
>, WFFT, P.O. Box 8655,Fort Wayne, IN,46898-,
>, WFFT (Fox 55), P.O. Box 8655,Fort Wayne, IN,46898-,
>, WFIE (NBC-14), P.O. Box 1414,Evansville, IN,47701,
>, WHBU 1240 AM, 9821 South 800 W,Daleville, IN,47334-,
>, WIBC 1070 AM, One Emmis Plaza,40 Monument Circle,Indianapolis, IN,46204-,
>, WISH (CBS-8), 1950 North Meridian Street,Indianapolis, IN,46202-,
>, WKJG (NBC-33), 2633 West State Boulevard,Fort Wayne, IN,46808-,
>, WLFI (CBS-18), 2605 Yeager Road,West Lafayette, IN,47906,
>, WNDU (NBC-16), P.O. Box 1616,South Bend, IN,46634-,
>, WOWO 1190 AM, 2915 Maples Road,Fort Wayne, IN,46816-,
>, WPTA (ABC-21), 3401 Butler Road,Fort Wayne, IN,46801-3899,
>, WRTV (ABC-6), 1330 N. Meridian Road,Indianapolis, IN,46202-2364,
>, WSAL 1230 AM, P.O. Box 719,Logansport, IN,46947-,
>, WSBT (CBS-22), 300 West Jefferson Boulevard,South Bend, IN,46601-,
>, WSJV (Fox 28), P.O. Box 28,South Bend, IN,46624-,
>, WTHI (CBS-10), P.O. Box 1486,Terre Haute, IN,47808-,
>, WTHR (NBC-13), P.O. Box 1313,1000 North Meridian Street,Indianapolis, IN,46206-,
>, WTRC 1340 AM, P.O. Box 699,Elkhart, IN,46515-,
>, WTVW (Fox 7), P.O. Box 7,Evansville, IN,47701-0007,
>, WTWO (NBC-2), P.O. Box 299,Terre Haute, IN,47808-0299,
>, WXIN (Fox 59), 1440 North Meridan Street,Indianapolis, IN,46202-,
>, Warsaw Times-Union, P.O. Box 1448,Warsaw, IN,46581-1448,
>, Washington Times-Herald, P.O. Box 471,Washington, IN,47501-,
>, The COLBY FREE PRESS, 155 West Fifth,Colby, KS,67701-,
>, The Chanute Tribune, P.O. Box 559,Chanute, KS,66720,
>, The Coffeyville Journal, P.O. Box 849,Coffeyville, KS,67337-,
>, The Daily Union, 222 West Sixth Street,Junction City, KS,66441-,
>, The El Dorado Times, P.O. Box 694,El Dorado, KS,67042-,
>, The Emporia Gazette, P.O. Drawer C,Emporia, KS,66801-,
>, The Garden City Telegram, 310 North Seventh Street,Garden City, KS,67846-,
>, The Garden City Tribune, P.O. Box 958,Garden City, KS,67846-,
>, The Hutchinson News, 300 West Second Avenue,Hutchinson, KS,67501,
>, The Iola Register, 302 South Washington,P.O. Box 767,Iola, KS,66749-,
>, The Manhattan Mercury, 318 North Fifth Street,Manhattan, KS,66502-,
>, The Newton Kansan, 121 West Sixth Street,Newton, KS,67114-0268,
>, The Olathe Daily News, 514 South Kansas Avenue,Olathe, KS,66061-,
>, The Ottawa Herald, 104 South Cedar,Ottawa, KS,66067,
>, The Salina Journal, 333 South Fourth Street,Salina, KS,67401,
>, The Wichita Eagle, 825 East Douglas Street,Wichita, KS,67202-,
>, Atchison Daily Globe, 1015 Main Street,Atchison, KS,66002-,
>, Augusta Daily Gazette, 204 East Fifth Avenue,Augusta, KS,67010-,
>, Derby Daily Reporter, P.O. Box 190,Derby, KS,67037-,
>, KAKE (ABC-10), 1500 N. West St.,Wichita, KS,67201-0010,
>, KFRM 550 AM, P.O. Box 16,Clay Center, KS,67432-,
>, KLOE 730 AM, 3023 West 31st,P.O. Box 569,Goodland, KS,67735-,
>, KRSL 990 AM, 1984 North Main Street,Russell, KS,67665-,
>, KSAL 1150 AM, P.O. Box 80,Salina, KS,67402-0080,
>, KSAS (Fox/UPN 24), 316 North West Street,Wichita, KS,67203-,
>, KSNT (NBC-27), 6835 NW Highway 24,Topeka, KS,66618-,
>, KSNW (NBC-3), 833 North Main Street,Wichita, KS,67201-,
>, KTKA (ABC-49), P.O. Box 4949,Topeka, KS,66604-,
>, KTMJ (Fox/UPN 6), 222 West Sixth Street,Junction City, KS,66441-,
>, KWCH (CBS-12), 2815 East 37th Street, North,P.O. Box 12,Wichita, KS,67219,
>, Kansas City Kansan, P.O. Box 175002,Kansas City, KS,66117-,
>, Lawrence Journal-World, 609 New Hampshire Street,Lawrence, KS,66044-,
>, McPherson Sentinel, 301 South Main,P.O. Box 926,McPherson, KS,67460-,
>, Parsons Sun, 220 South 18th Street,Parsons, KS,67357-,
>, Southwest Daily Times, P.O. Box 889,Liberal, KS,67905-,
>, Topeka Capital-Journal, 616 SE Jefferson Street,Topeka, KS,66607-,
>, WIBW (CBS-13), P.O. Box 119,Topeka, KS,66601-,
>, Wellington Daily News, 113 West Harvey Street,Wellington, KS,67152-,
>, Winfield Daily Courier, 201 East Ninth Avenue,Winfield, KS,67156-,
>, The Advocate Messenger, 330 South Fourth Street,Danville, KY,40422-,
>, The Courier-Journal, 525 West Broadway,Louisville, KY,40202,
>, The Daily Independent, 224 17th Street,Ashland, KY,41011-,
>, The Daily News of Bowling Green, 813 College Street,Bowling Green, KY,42101-,
>, The Glasgow Daily Times, 100 Commerce Drive,Glawgow, KY,42141-,
>, The Gleaner, P.O. Box 4,Henderson, KY,42420-,
>, The Kentucky Post, 421 Madison Avenue,Covington, KY,41011-,
>, The Ledger-Independent, P.O. Box 518,Maysville, KY,41056-,
>, The Messenger, 221 South Main Street,Madisonville, KY,42431-,
>, The News-Enterprise, 408 West Dixie Avenue,Elizabethtown, KY,42701-,
>, The Paducah Sun, P.O. Box 2300,Paducah, KY,42002-,
>, The Richmond Register, 380 Big Hill Avenue,P.O. Box 99,Richmond, KY,40475-,
>, The Times Leader (Princeton, Y),
>, The Union County Advocate, P.O. Box 370,Morganfield, KY,42437-,
>, The Winchester Sun, P.O. Box 4300,Winchester, KY,40392-4300,
>, Central Kentucky News-Journal, P.O. Box 1138,Cambellsville, KY,42719-,
>, Kentucky New Era, 1618 East Ninth Street,Hopkinsville, KY,42240-,
>, Lexington Herald-Leader, 100 Midland Avenue,Lexington, KY,40508-1999,
>, Lynn County Herald-Ledger, P.O. Box 747,Eddyville, KY,42038-,
>, Messenger-Inquirer, P.O. Box 1480,Owensboro, KY,42302-,
>, WAVE (NBC-3), P.O. Box 32970,Louisville, KY,40232-,
>, WBKO (ABC-13), P.O. Box 13000,Bowling Green, KY,42101-,
>, WDRB (Fox 41), 624 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd.,Louisville, KY,40203-,
>, WHAS (ABC-11), 520 W. Chestnut St.,Louisville, KY,40202,
>, WKYT (CBS-27), 2851 Winchester Road,Lexington, KY,40509,
>, WLEX (NBC-18), P.O. Box 1457,Lexington, KY,40591-1457,
>, WLKY (CBS-32), 1918 Mellwood Avenue,Louisville, KY,40206-,
>, WPSD (NBC-6), 100 Television Lane,Paducah, KY,42003,
>, WTVQ (ABC-36), 6940 Man-O-War Blvd.,Lexington, KY,40509,
>, WYMT (CBS-57), P.O. Box 1299,Hazard, KY,41702-,
>, The Alexandria Daily Town Talk, 1201 Third Street,Alexandria, LA,71301-,
>, The Courier, 3030 Barrow Street,Houma, LA,70360-,
>, The Daily Advertiser, P.O. Box 3268,Lafayette, LA,70502-,
>, The Daily Iberian, 926 East Main Street,New Iberia, LA,70562-9290,
>, The Daily News (Bogalusa), 525 Avenue V,Bogalusa, LA,70427-,
>, The Daily Review (Morgan City, A),
>, The Daily Star, 725 South Morrison Boulevard,Hammond, LA,70403-,
>, The Lake Charles American Press, P.O. Box 2893,Lake Charles, LA,70601-,
>, The Slidell Sentry-News, 364B Pontchartrain Drive,Slidell, LA,70458-,
>, The Times (Shreveport, A),
>, The Times-Picayune, 3800 Howard Avenue,New Orleans, LA,70140-,
>, Baton Rouge Advocate, 525 Lafayette Street,Baton Rouge, LA,70802,
>, Daily World, 2781 Interstate,49 South Service Road,Opelousas, LA,70571-1179,
>, Hammond Daily Star, 725 South Morrison Boulevard,Hammond, LA,70403,
>, KADN (Fox 15), 1500 Eraste Landry Road,Lafayette, LA,70506-,
>, KARD (Fox 14), 102 Thomas Road,Suite 400,West Monroe, LA,71291-,
>, KLAX (ABC-31), 1811 England Drive,Alexandria, LA,71303-,
>, KLFY (CBS-10), P.O. Box 90665,Lafayette, LA,70509-,
>, KMSS, 3519 Jewella Avenue,Shreveport, LA,71109-,
>, KNOE (CBS-8), P.O. Box 4067,Monroe, LA,71211,
>, KPLC (NBC-7), P.O. Box 1490,Lake Charles, LA,70602-1490,
>, KSLA (CBS-12), 1812 Fairfield,Shreveport, LA,71104-,
>, KTAL (NBC-6), 3150 North Market Street,Shreveport, LA,71107-,
>, KTBS (ABC-3), 312 Easy Kings Highway,Shreveport, LA,71104-,
>, KTVE (NBC-10), 2909 Kilpatrick Boulevard,Monroe, LA,71201-,
>, KVHP, 129 West Prien Lake Road,Lake Charles, LA,70601-,
>, Minden Press-Herald, 203 Gleason Street,Minden, LA,71055-,
>rdlnews@ruston-leader.comp, Ruston Daily Leader, 212 West Park Avenue,Ruston, LA,71270,
>, WAFB (CBS-9), 844 Government Street,Baton Rouge, LA,70802-6090,
>, WBRZ (ABC-2), 1850 Highland Road,Baton Rouge, LA,70802,
>, WDSU (NBC-6), 846 Howard Avenue,New Orleans, LA,70113-,
>, WGMB (Fox 44), 5220 Essen Lane,Suite B,Baton Rouge, LA,70809-,
>, WGNO (ABC-26), 2 Canal St.,New Orleans, LA,70130,
>, WVUE, 1025 S. Jefferson Davis Pkwy.,New Orleans, LA,70125-,
>, The American Prospect, P.O. Box 383080,Cambridge, MA,02238,
>, The Boston Phoenix, 126 Brookline Avenue,Boston, MA,02215-,
>, The Christian Science Monitor, One Norway Street,Boston, MA,02115-3122,
>, The Daily Hampshire Gazette, 115 Conz Street,Northampton, MA,01060,
>, The Enterprise, P.O. Box 1450,Brockton, MA,02303-1450,
>, The Jewish Advocate, 15 School Street,Boston, MA,02108-,
>, The Recorder, 14 Hope Street,Greenfield, MA,01302-1367,
>, The Standard-Times, 25 Elm Street,New Bedford, MA,02740,
>, The Stoneham Independent, 377 Main Street,Stoneham, MA,02180-,
>, The Sun Chronicle, P.O. Box 600,Attleboro, MA,02703-0600,
>, The Worcester Phoenix, 108 Grove Street,Suite 18,Worcester, MA,01605-2651,
>, David Brudnoy Show, 1170 Soldiers Field Road,Boston, MA,02134-1092,
>, Howie Carr Talk Radio,
>, Berkshire Eagle, PO Box 1171,Pittsfield, MA,01202-,
>, Boston Globe, 135 Morrissey Boulevard,Boston, MA,02125,
>, Boston Herald, One Herald Square,Boston, MA,02106,
>, Cape Cod Times, 319 Main Street,Hyannis, MA,02601-4037,
>, Eagle-Tribune, 100 Turnpike Street,North Andover, MA,01845-,
>, Haverhill Gazette, 447 West Lowell Avenue,Haverhill, MA,01832-3598,
>, Herald-News (Fall River), 207 Pocasset Street,Fall River, MA,02722-3010,
>, Journal of Commerce (Mass.), P.O. Box H,Lexington, MA,02173,
>, Lowell Sun, 36 Main Street,Ayer, MA,01432-1341,
>, Patriot Ledger, P.O. Box 699159,Quincy, MA,02269-9159,
>, Salem Evening News, 155 Washington Street,Salem, MA,01970-3586,
>, Sentinel and Enterprise, 808 Main Street,Fitchburg, MA,01420-,
>, Springfield Union-News, P.O. Box 2350,Springfield, MA,01102-2350,
>, Strategy and Business, 67 Mount Vernon Street,Boston, MA,02108-,
>, Telegram and Gazette, 20 Franklin Street,P.O. Box 15012,Worcester, MA,01615-0012,
>, Vineyard Gazette, P.O. Box 66,Edgartown, MA,02539-,
>, WBZ (CBS-4), 1170 Soldiers Field Road,Boston, MA,02134-1092,
>, WCVB (ABC-5), 5 TV Place,Needham, MA,02494-,
>, WGGB (ABC-40), P.O. Box 40,Springfield, MA,01102-0040,
>, WHDH (NBC-7), 7 Bullfinch Place,Boston, MA,02114-,
>, WWLP (NBC-22), P.O. Box 2210,Springfield, MA,01102-2210,
>, Worcester Telegram & Gazette, 20 Franklin Street,Worcester, MA,01608,
>, Z Magazine, 18 Millfield Street,Woods Hole, MA,02543-,
>, The Ellsworth American, P.O. Box 509,Ellsworth, ME,04605-,
>, The Kennebec Journal, 274 Western Avenue,Augusta, ME,04330-,
>, The Sun Journal, P.O. Box 4400,Lewiston, ME,04243-4400,
>, The Times-Record, 6 Industry Road,Brunswick, ME,04011-,
>, Bangor Daily News, 491 Main Street,Bangor, ME,04401-6296,
>, Biddeford Journal Tribune, 457 Alfred Street,Biddeford, ME,04005,
>, Central Maine Morning Sentinel, 31 Front Street,Waterville, ME,04901-,
>, Portland Press Herald and Maine Sunday Telegram, 390 Congress Street,Portland, ME,04101-5009,
>, WABI (CBS-5), 35 Hildreth Street,Bangor, ME,04401-,
>, WAGM (CBS-8), 201 Parkhurst Road,P.O. Box 1149,Presque Isle, ME,04769-,
>, WCSH (NBC-6), One Congress Square,Portland, ME,04101-,
>, WGME (CBS-13), 1335 Washington Avenue,Portland, ME,04103,
>, WLBZ (NBC-2), P.O. Box 415,Bangor, ME,04402-0415,
>, WMTW (ABC-8), 99 Danville Corner Road,Auburn, ME,04210,
>, WPXT, 2320 Congress Street,Portland, ME,04102-,
>, WVII (ABC-7), 371 Target Industrial Circle,Bangor, ME,04401,
>, The Ann Arbor News, 340 East Huron Street,Ann Arbor, MI,48104,
>, The Coldwater Daily Reporter, 15 West Pearl Street,Coldwater, MI,49036-,
>, The Flint Journal, 200 East First Street,Flint, MI,48502-,
>, The Holland Sentinel, 54 West Eighth Street,Holland, MI,49423-,
>, The Huron Daily Tribune, 211 North Heisterman Street,Bad Axe, MI,48413,
>, The Jackson Citizen Patriot, 214 South Jackson Street,Jackson, MI,49201,
>, The Macomb Daily, 100 Macomb Daily Drive,Mount Clemens, MI,48043-,
>, The Midland Daily News, 124 South McDonald Street,Midland, MI,48640-,
>, The Mining Journal, 249 West Washington Street,Marquette, MI,49855-,
>, The Monroe Evening News, 20 West First Street,Monroe, MI,48161-,
>, The Sturgis Journal, 209 John Street,Sturgis, MI,49091-,
>, Auto Week, 1400 Woodbridge Avenue,Detroit, MI,48207-3187,
>, Automotive News, 1400 Woodbridge Avenue,Detroit, MI,48207-3167,
>, Cadillac Evening News, 130 North Mitchell Street,Cadillac, MI,49601-0640,
>, Daily Telegram, 133 North Winter Street,Adrian, MI,49221-,
>, Detroit Free Press, 600 West Fort Street,Detroit, MI,48226,
>, Detroit News, 615 West Lafayette Boulevard,Detroit, MI,48226,
>, Grand Haven Tribune, 101 North Third Street,Grand Haven, MI,49417-,
>, Grand Rapids Press, 155 Michigan Street, NW,Grand Rapids, MI,49503-,
>, Ludington Daily News, 202 North Rath Avenue,Ludington, MI,49431,
>, Petoskey News-Review, P.O. Box 528,319 State Street,Petoskey, MI,49770-,
>, Traverse City Record-Eagle, 120 West Front Street,Traverse City, MI,49684-,
>, WBKP (ABC-5/28), 1122 Calumet Avenue,Suite 5,Calumet, MI,49913-,
>, WDIV (NBC-4), 550 West Lafayette Boulevard,Detroit, MI,48231,
>, WEYI (NBC-25), 2225 West Willard Road,Clio, MI,48420-,
>, WGTU (ABC-29/8), 201 East Front Street,Traverse City, MI,49684-,
>, WILX (NBC-10), P.O. Box 30380,500 American Road,East Lansing, MI,48909,
>, WJBK (Fox 2), P.O. Box 2000,Southfield, MI,48037-,
>, WJRT (ABC-12), 2302 Lapeer Road,Flint, MI,48503-,
>, WLAJ (ABC-53), 5815 S. Pennsylvania Ave.,Lansing, MI,48911-,, WLNS (CBS-6), 2820 East Saginaw Street,Lansing, MI,48912-,
>, WLUC (NBC-6), 177 US 41 East,Negaunee, MI,49866,
>, WNEM (CBS-5), P.O. Box 531,Saginaw, MI,48606-0531,
>, WOOD (NBC-8), 120 College Avenue, SE,Grand Rapids, MI,49503,
>, WOTV (ABC-41), 5200 W. Dickman Road,Battle Creek, MI,49016,
>, WPBN (NBC-7), P.O. Box 546,Traverse City, MI,49685-0546,
>, WSMH, 63463 West Pierson,Flint, MI,48504-,
>, WTOM (NBC-4), P.O. Box 546,Traverse City, MI,49685-0546,
>, WWMT (CBS-3), 590 West Maple Street,Kalamazoo, MI,49008-,
>, WWTV (CBS-9), P.O. Box 627,Cadillac, MI,49601-,
>, WWUP (CBS-10), P.O. Box 627,Cadillac, MI,49601-,
>, WXMI, 3117 Plaza Drive, NE,Grand Rapids, MI,49505-,
>, WXYZ (ABC-7), 20777 W. Ten Mile Road,Southfield, MI,48037,
>, WZZM (ABC-13), 645 Three Mile Road, NW,Grand Rapids, MI,49544-1699,
>, The Brainerd Daily Dispatch, 506 James Street,Brainerd, MN,56401-,
>, The Fergus Falls Daily Journal, 914 East Channing,Fergus Falls, MN,56537-,
>, The Free Press, P. O. Box 3287,Mankato, MN,56002-3287,
>, The Jackson County Pilot, P.O. Box 208,310 Second Street,Jackson, MN,56143-,
>, The Post Review, P.O. Box 366,North Branch, MN,55056-,
>, The Winona Daily News, 601 Franklin St.,Winona, MN,55987-,
>, Albert Lea Tribune, P.O. Box 60,Albert Lea, MN,56007-,
>, Austin Daily Herald, 310 Second Street, NE,Austin, MN,55912,
>, Daily Globe, 300 11th Street,Worthington, MN,56187-,
>, Daily Journal (Fergus Falls), 914 East Channing,Fergus Falls, MN,56537-,
>, Duluth News Tribune, 424 West First Street,Duluth, MN,55802-,
>, Echo Press, P.O. Box 5,Alexandria, MN,56308-,
>, Independent (Marshall), 508 West Main Street,Marshall, MN,56258-,
>, KAAL (ABC-6), P.O. Box 577,Austin, MN,55912-0577,
>, KARE (NBC-11), 8811 Olson Memorial Highway,Minneapolis, MN,55427-,
>, KBJR (NBC-6), 230 E. Superior St.,Duluth, MN,55802,
>, KCCO (CBS-7), 720 Hawthorne Street,Alexandria, MN,56308-,
>, KCCW (CBS-12), 720 Hawthorne Street,Alexandria, MN,56308-,
>, KDLH (CBS-3), 425 West Superior Street,Duluth, MN,55802-,
>, KEYC (CBS-12), 1570 Lookout Drive,North Mankato, MN,56002-,
>, KTTC (NBC-10), 601 First Avenue, SW,Rochester, MN,55902-,
>, Los Alamos Monitor, P.O. Box 1268,Los Alamos, MN,87544-,
>, Minneapolis City Pages, 401 North Third Street,Suite 550,Minneapolis, MN,55401-,
>, Minneapolis Star Tribune, 425 Portland Avenue,Minneapolis, MN,55488-0002,
>, Post-Bulletin, 18 First Avenue, SE,Rochester, MN,55903-6118,
>, Sentinel (Fairmont), 64 Downtown Plaza,Fairmont, MN,56031-,
>, St. Cloud Times, 3000 Seventh Street, North,St. Cloud, MN,56302-,
>, St. Paul Pioneer Press, 345 Cedar Street,St. Paul, MN,55101-,
>, Utne Reader, 1624 Harmon Place,Suite 330,Minneapolis, MN,55403-9862,
>, WCCO (CBS-4), 90 South 11th Street,Minneapolis, MN,55403-,
>, WDIO (ABC-10), P.O. Box 16897,Duluth, MN,55816-0897,
>, WFTC (Fox 29), 1701 Broadway Street, NE,Minneapolis, MN,55413-,
>, Wadena Pioneer Journal, 314 South Jefferson,P.O. Box 31,Wadena, MN,56482,
>, West Central Tribune, 2208 West Trott Avenue,Willmar, MN,56201,
>, The Blue Springs Examiner, 500 West R.D. Mize Road,Blue Springs, MO,64014,
>, The Joplin Globe, 117 E. Fourth St.,Joplin, MO,64801-2302,
>, The Marshall Democrat-News, 121 North Lafayette,Marshall, MO,65340,
>, The Riverfront Times, 6358 Delmar Boulevard,Suite 200,St. Louis, MO,63130-4719,
>, Columbia Daily Tribune, 101 North Fourth Street,P.O. Box 798,Columbia, MO,65205-,
>, Columbia Missourian, 221 South Eighth Street,Columbia, MO,65203-,
>, Daily Dunklin Democrat, 203 First Street,Kennett, MO,63857-,
>, Hannibal Courier Post, 200 North Third,Hannibal, MO,63401-,
>, Independence Examiner, 410 South Liberty Street,Independence, MO,64050-,
>, Jefferson City News Tribune, 210 Monroe Street,Jefferson City, MO,65101-3210,
>, KCTV (CBS-5), P.O. Box 5555,Kansas City, MO,64109-,
>, KDEB, 3000 East Cherry Street,Springfield, MO,65802-,
>, KMBC (ABC-9), 1049 Central St.,Kansas City, MO,64105-1676,
>, KMIZ (ABC-17), 501 Business Loop 70, East,Columbia, MO,65201-3983,
>, KOLR (CBS-10), 2650 East Division,P.O. Box 1716,Springfield, MO,65801-,
>, KOMU (NBC-8), 5550 Highway 63 South,Columbia, MO,65201,
>, KQTV (ABC-2), 40th and Faraon Streets,St. Joseph, MO,64506-6247,
>, KRCG (CBS-13), P.O. Box 659,Jefferson City, MO,65102-,
>, KSDK (NBC-5), 1000 Market Street,St. Louis, MO,63101-,
>, KSHB (NBC-41), 4720 Oak Street,Kansas City, MO,64112-,
>, KSNF (NBC-16), 1502 Cleveland Street,Joplin, MO,64801-,
>, KSPR (ABC-33), 1359 E. Saint Louis St.,Springfield, MO,65802-3409,
>, KTVI (Fox 2), 5915 Berthold Avenue,St. Louis, MO,63110-,
>, KTVO (ABC-3), P.O. Box 949,Highway 63 North,Kirksville, MO,63501-0949,
>, KYTV (NBC-3), 999 West Sunshine,Springfield, MO,65807,
>, Kansas City Star, 1729 Grand Boulevard,Kansas City, MO,64108-1458,
>, Lebanon Daily Record, 100 East Commercial Street,Lebanon, MO,65536-3257,
>, Pitch Weekly, 3535 Broadway,Suite 400,Kansas City, MO,64111-2826,
>, Rolla Daily News, 101 West Seventh Street,Rolla, MO,65401,
>, Southeast Missourian, P.O. Box 699,Cape Girardeau, MO,63702-0699,
>, Springfield News-Leader, 651 Booneville Avenue,Springfield, MO,65806,
>, St. Joseph News-Press, P.O. Box 29,St. Joseph, MO,64502-0029,
>, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 900 North Tucker Boulevard,St. Louis, MO,63101-1099,
>, WDAF (Fox 4), 3030 Summit,Kansas City, MO,64108-,
>, The Bolivar Commercial, P.O. Box 1050,821 N. Chrisman Ave.,Cleveland, MS,38732-,
>, The DeSoto Appeal, 230 Goodman Road East,Bldg. 2,Southaven, MS,38671-,
>, The Democrat, P.O. Box 369,219 East Main Street,Senatobia, MS,38668,
>, The Mississippi Link, P.O. Box 31238,Jackson, MS,39286-,
>, The Natchez Democrat, P.O. Box 1447,Natchez, MS,39121-,
>, The Sun Herald, P.O. Box 4567,Biloxi, MS,39535-4567,
>, American Family Radio, P.O. Box 3206,Tupelo, MS,38803-,
>, Biloxi-Gulfport Sun Herald, P.O. Box 4567,Biloxi, MS,39535-,
>, Daily Journal, 1655 S. Green St.,Tupelo, MS,38802-6557,
>, Fayette Chronicle, P.O. Box 536,Fayette, MS,39069-,
>, Jackson Clarion-Ledger, 201 South Congress Street,Jackson, MS,39201-,
>, Jackson Progressive, P.O. Box 2050,Jackson, MS,39225-2050,
>, Madison County Journal, 293 Commerce Park Drive,Ridgeland, MS,39157-,
>, Mississippi Business Journal, 5120 Galaxie Drive,Jackson, MS,34206-4308,
>, Picayune Item, 214 North Curran Avenue,Picayune, MS,39466-,
>, Vicksburg Post, 1601-F North Frontage Road,Vicksburg, MS,39180,
>, WABG (ABC-6), 849 Washington Avenue,Greenville, MS,38701-3727,
>, WAPT (ABC-16), 7616 Channel 16 Way,Jackson, MS,39209,
>, WCBI (CBS-4), P.O. Box 271,201 5th St. South,Columbus, MS,39703-,
>, WDAM (NBC-7), Highway 11 North,Hattiesburg, MS,39404-,
>, WDBD, P.O. Box 10888,Jackson, MS,39289-,
>, WJTV (CBS-12), 1820 TV Road,Jackson, MS,39204-4148,
>, WLBT (NBC-3), P.O. Box 1712,Jackson, MS,39215-1712,
>, WLOX (ABC-13), P.O. Box 4596,Biloxi, MS,39535-4596,
>, WTOK (ABC-11), P.O. Box 2988,Meridian, MS,39301-,
>, WTVA (NBC-9), P.O. Box 350,Tupelo, MS,38801,
>, WXVT (CBS-15), 3015 East Reed Road,Greenville, MS,38703-,
>, The Daily Inter Lake, 727 East Idaho Street,Kalispell, MT,59901-,
>, The Independent Record, 317 Cruse Street,Helena, MT,59601-,
>, The Livingston Enterprise, P.O. Box 665,Livingston, MT,59047-,
>, The Montana Standard, 25 West Granite Street,Butte, MT,59701-,
>, Big Fork Eagle, P.O. Box 406,Big Fork, MT,59911-,
>, Billings Gazette, P.O. Box 36300,Billings, MT,59107-,
>, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, 2820 West College Street,Bozeman, MT,59718,
>, Havre Daily News, P.O. Box 431,Havre, MT,59501-,
>, KCFW (NBC-9), 401 First Ave., E,Kalispell, MT,59901,
>, KECI (NBC-13), P.O. Box 5268,Missoula, MT,59806-,
>, KFBB (ABC-5), P.O. Box 1139,Great Falls, MT,59403-1139,
>, KHMT, 445 South 24th Street, West,Suite 404,Billings, MT,59102-,
>, KMTF, 100 West Lyndale Avenue,Suite B,Helena, MT,59601-,
>, KPAX (CBS-8), 2204 Regent Street,Missoula, MT,59801-,
>, KRTV (CBS-3), P.O. Box 2989,Great Falls, MT,59403-,
>, KSVI (ABC-6), P.O. Box 23309,Billings, MT,59104-3309,
>, KTGF (NBC-16), 116 Sixth Street, South,Great Falls, MT,59403-,
>, KTMF (ABC-23), 2200 Stephans Avenue,Missoula, MT,59801-7904,
>, KTVM (NBC-6/42), 304 West Main Street,Butte, MT,59802,
>, KTVQ (CBS-2), 3203 Third Avenue, North,Billings, MT,59101-,
>, KULR (NBC-8), P.O. Box 80801,2045 Overland Avenue,Billings, MT,59108-,
>, KWYB (ABC-18/28), 505 West Park,Butte, MT,59701-,
>, Lake County Leader, 213 Main St.,Polson, MT,59860-,
>, Liberty County Times, P.O. Box 689,Highway No. 2 East,Chester, MT,59522-,
>, Missoulian, P.O. Box 8029,Missoula, MT,59807-,
>, Western News, 311 California,Libby, MT,59923-,
>, The Alliance Times-Herald, P.O. Box G,114 East Fourth Street,Alliance, NE,69301-,
>, The North Platte Telegraph, P.O. Box 370,North Platte, NE,69103-,
>, The Times, P.O. Box 460940,Papillion, NE,68046-,
>, Columbus Telegram, 1245 27th Avenue,Columbus, NE,68601,
>, Grand Island Independent, 422 West First Street,Grand Island, NE,68801-5802,
>, KETV (ABC-7), 2665 Douglas St.,Omaha, NE,68131-2699,
>, KHAS (NBC-5), 6475 Osborne Drive, West,Hastings, NE,68901-,
>, KHGI (ABC-6/13), P.O. Box 220,Nebraska Television Network,Kearney, NE,68848-0220,
>, KLKN (ABC-8), 3240 S. Tenth St.,Lincoln, NE,68502-4405,
>, KMTV (CBS-3), 10714 Mockingbird Dr.,Omaha, NE,68127,
>, KNOP (NBC-2), North Highway 83,North Platte, NE,69101-,
>, KOLN (CBS-10), 40th and W Streets,Lincoln, NE,68503-,
>, KTVG (Fox 4 and 7), 14 Miles South Highway 44,Kearney, NE,68847-,
>, Kearney Hub, 13 East 22nd Street,Kearney, NE,68847-,
>, Lincoln Journal Star, 926 P Street,Lincoln, NE,68508,
>, Norfolk Daily News, 525 Norfolk Ave.,Norfolk, NE,68702,
>, Omaha World-Herald, World-Herald Square,Omaha, NE,68102,
>, Scottsbluff Star-Herald, 1405 Broadway,Scottsbluff, NE,69361,
>, WOWT (NBC-6), 3501 Farnam St.,Omaha, NE,68131,
>, The Asheville Citizen-Times, P.O. Box 2090,Asheville, NC,28802-,
>, The CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES, P.O. Box 1679,Morehead City, NC,28557-,
>, The Courier-Tribune, 500 Sunset Avenue,P.O. Box 340,Asheboro, NC,27203-,
>, The Daily Advance, 216 South Poindexter Street,Elizabeth City, NC,27907-,
>, The Daily News (Jacksonville), 724 Bell Fork Road,Jacksonville, NC,28546,
>, The Daily Reflector, P.O. Box 1967,Greenville, NC,27835-,
>, The Fayetteville Observer-Times, 458 Whitfield Street,P.O. Box 849,Fayetteville, NC,28302-,
>, The Goldsboro News-Argus, 310 North Berkeley Boulevard,Goldsboro, NC,27532-,
>, The Herald-Sun, P.O. Box 2092,Durham, NC,27702-,
>, The High Point Enterprise, P.O. Box 1009,High Point, NC,27261-,
>, The Shelby Star, P.O. Box 48,Shelby, NC,28151-,
>, The State Port Pilot, P.O. Box 10548,Southport, NC,28461-,
>, The Wilson Daily Times, 2001 Downing Street Extension,Wilson, NC,27893-,
>, The Winston-Salem Journal, P.O. Box 3159,Winston-Salem, NC,27102-,
>, Charlotte Observer, 600 South Tryon Street,Charlotte, NC,28202-1800,
>, Greensboro News & Record, 200 East Market,Greensboro, NC,27401,
>, News & Observer, 215 South McDowell,Raleigh, NC,27601,
>, Record & Landmark, 3200 Wellons Boulevard,New Bern, NC,28562-,
>, Rocky Mount Telegram, P.O. Box 1080,Rocky Mount, NC,27802-,
>, Times-News, 707 South Main Street,Burlington, NC,27215,
>, WBTV (CBS-3), 1 Julian Price Place,Charlotte, NC,28208-,
>, WCCB (Fox 18), One Television Place,Charlotte, NC,28205-,
>, WCNC (NBC-6), 1001 Wood Ridge Center Drive,Charlotte, NC,28217-1901,
>, WCTI (ABC-12), 400 Glen Burnie Drive,New Bern, NC,28561-,
>, WECT (NBC-6), 322 Shipyard Blvd.,Wilmington, NC,28412-,
>, WFMY (CBS-2), 1615 Phillips Avenue,Greensboro, NC,27405-,
>, WGHP (Fox 8), One Telvision Place,Charlotte, NC,28205-,
>, WITN (NBC-7), P.O. Box 468,Washington, NC,27889-,
>, WLFL (Fox 22), 3012 Highwoods Boulevard,Raleigh, NC,27604-,
>, WLOS (ABC-13), 288 Macon Avenue,Asheville, NC,28804-,
>, WNCN (NBC-17), 1205 Front Street,Raleigh, NC,27609-,
>, WRAZ, Diamond View Bldg.,512 South Mangum Street,Durham, NC,27701-,
>, WSFX (Fox 26), P.O. Box 2626,Wilmington, NC,28402-,
>, WTVD (ABC-11), P.O. Box 2009,Durham, NC,27702-2009,
>, WWAY (ABC-3), P.O. Box 2068,Wilmington, NC,28402-,
>, WXII (NBC-12), P.O. Box 11847,Winston-Salem, NC,27116-1847,
>, WXLV (ABC-45), 3500 Myer - Lee Drive,Winston-Salem, NC,27101-6223,
>, Wilmington Morning Star, P.O. Box 840,Wilmington, NC,28402-,
>, The Bismarck Tribune, 707 East Front Street,Bismarck, ND,58501-,
>, The Devils Lake Daily Journal, P.O. Box 1200,Devils Lake, ND,58301-,
>, The Dickinson Press, 1815 First StreetWest,Dickinson, ND,58601-,
>, The Jamestown Sun, P.O. Box 1760,Jamestown, ND,58401-,
>, The Minot Daily News, P.O. Box 1150,Minot, ND,58702-,
>, Fargo Forum, 101 Fifth Street North,Fargo, ND,58102,
>, Grand Forks Herald, 375 Second Avenue, North,Grand Forks, ND,58203,
>, KFYR (NBC-5), 200 North 4th Street,Bismarck, ND,58501-,
>, KMCY (ABC-14), P.O. Box 2276,Minot, ND,58701-2276,
>, KMOT (NBC-10), P.O. Box 1120,Minot, ND,58702-,
>, KQCD (NBC-7), P.O. Box 1577,Dickinson, ND,58602-1577,
>, KUMV (NBC-8), P.O. Box 1287,Williston, ND,58802-,
>, KVLY (NBC-11), 1350 21st Avenue, South,Fargo, ND,58103-,
>, KXJB (CBS-4), 4302 13th Avenue South,Fargo, ND,58103-,
>, KXMB (CBS-12), 1811 North 15th Street,Bismarck, ND,58501,
>, WDAY (ABC-6), 301 S. Eighth St.,Fargo, ND,58108-,
>, The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940,North Conway, NH,03860-,
>, The Exeter News-Letter, P.O. Box 250,Exeter, NH,03833-,
>, The Hampton Union, P.O. Box 250,Exeter, NH,03833-,
>, The Keene Sentinel, P.O. Box 546,Keene, NH,03431-0546,
>edit@rcnewspapers, The Rockingham News, P.O. Box 250,Exeter, NH,03833-,
>, The Telegraph, P.O. Box 1008,Nashua, NH,03061-,
>, Concord Monitor, Monitor Publishing,One Monitor Drive,Concord, NH,03302-1177,
>, Foster's Daily Democrat, 333 Central Avenue,Dover, NH,03820-,
>, Manchester Union Leader and New Hampshire Sunday News, 100 William Loeb Drive,Manchester, NH,03108,
>, Portsmouth Herald, 111 Maplewood Avenue,Portsmouth, NH,03801-3772,
>, WMUR (ABC-9), 100 S. Commercial St.,Manchester, NH,03101,
>, The Alliance Times-Herald, P.O. Box G,114 East Fourth Street,Alliance, NE,69301-,
>, The North Platte Telegraph, P.O. Box 370,North Platte, NE,69103-,
>, The Times, P.O. Box 460940,Papillion, NE,68046-,
>, Columbus Telegram, 1245 27th Avenue,Columbus, NE,68601,
>, Grand Island Independent, 422 West First Street,Grand Island, NE,68801-5802,
>, KETV (ABC-7), 2665 Douglas St.,Omaha, NE,68131-2699,
>, KHAS (NBC-5), 6475 Osborne Drive, West,Hastings, NE,68901-,
>, KHGI (ABC-6/13), P.O. Box 220,Nebraska Television Network,Kearney, NE,68848-0220,
>, KLKN (ABC-8), 3240 S. Tenth St.,Lincoln, NE,68502-4405,
>, KMTV (CBS-3), 10714 Mockingbird Dr.,Omaha, NE,68127,
>, KNOP (NBC-2), North Highway 83,North Platte, NE,69101-,
>, KOLN (CBS-10), 40th and W Streets,Lincoln, NE,68503-,
>, KTVG (Fox 4 and 7), 14 Miles South Highway 44,Kearney, NE,68847-,
>, Kearney Hub, 13 East 22nd Street,Kearney, NE,68847-,
>, Lincoln Journal Star, 926 P Street,Lincoln, NE,68508,
>, Norfolk Daily News, 525 Norfolk Ave.,Norfolk, NE,68702,
>, Omaha World-Herald, World-Herald Square,Omaha, NE,68102,
>, Scottsbluff Star-Herald, 1405 Broadway,Scottsbluff, NE,69361,
>, WOWT (NBC-6), 3501 Farnam St.,Omaha, NE,68131,
>, The Courier News, P.O. Box 6600,Bridgewater, NJ,08807,
>, The Daily Record (Parsippany, J),
>, The Filipino Express Newspaper, 2711 Kennedy Boulevard,Jersey City, NJ,07306-,
>, The Jersey Journal, 30 Journal Square,Jersey City, NJ,07306,
>, The New Jersey Herald, P.O. Box 10,Newton, NJ,07860-,
>, The Press of Atlantic City, 1000 West Washington,Pleasantville, NJ,08232,
>, The Princeton Packet, P.O. Box 350,300 Witherspoon Street,Princeton, NJ,08542-,
>, The Star-Ledger, 1 Star-Ledger Plaza,Newark, NJ,07102-1200,
>, The Times (Trenton, J),
>, The Trentonian, 600 Perry Street,Trenton, NJ,08602,
>, American Politics Journal, P.O. Box 0409,Navesink, NJ,07716-,
>, Asbury Park Press, 3601 Highway 66,Neptune, NJ,07754-,
>, BUSINESS NEWS New Jersey, 104 Church Street,New Brunswick, NJ,08901-,
>, Bergen Record, 150 River Street,Hackensack, NJ,07601-,
>, Bridgeton Evening News, 100 East Commerce Street,Bridgeton, NJ,08302-,
>, Camden Courier-Post, 301 Cuthbert Boulevard,Cherry Hill, NJ,08002-,
>, Gloucester County Times, 309 South Broad Street,Woodbury, NJ,08096-,
>, Home News Tribune, 35 Kennedy Boulevard,East Brunswick, NJ,08816-,
>, MSNBC, One MSNBC Plaza,Secaucus, NJ,07094,
>, Record (Hackensack, J),
>, Today's Sunbeam, 93 Fifth Street,Salem, NJ,08079-,
>, WMGM (NBC-40), 1601 New Road,Linwood, NJ,08221-,
>, The Albuquerque Tribune, P.O. Drawer T,7777 Jefferson, NE,Albuquerque, NM,87109-,
>, The Herald, 1204 North Date Street,Truth/Consequenc, NM,87901-,
>, The New Mexico Jewish Link, 5520 Wyoming Boulevard, NE,Albuquerque, NM,87109-,
>, The Santa Fe New Mexican, 202 East Marcy,Santa Fe, NM,87501-,
>, Alamogordo Daily News, P.O. Box 820,Alamogordo, NM,88311-,
>, Albuquerque Journal, 7777 Jefferson, NE,Albuquerque, NM,87109-,
>, Daily Times (Farmington), P.O. Box 450,Farmington, NM,87499-,
>, Deming Headlight, 219 East Maple Street,P.O. Box 881,Deming, NM,88030,
>, Hobbs News-Sun, 201 North Thorp,Hobbs, NM,88242-,
>, KASA (Fox 2), P.O. Box 25200,Albuquerque, NM,87125-,
>, KOAT (ABC-7), P.O. Box 25982,Albuquerque, NM,87125-,
>, KOB (NBC-4), 4 Broadcast Plaza, SW,Albuquerque, NM,87104,
>, KOBF (NBC-12), P.O. Box 1620,Farmington, NM,87499-,
>, KRQE (CBS-13), 13 Broadcast Plaza, SW,Albuquerque, NM,87104-,
>, Las Cruces Sun-News, 256 West Las Cruces Avenue,Las Cruces, NM,88004-,
>, Lovington Daily Leader, P.O. Box 1717,Lovington, NM,88260-,
>, New Mexico Business Journal, 420 Central, SW,Suite 104,Albuquerque, NM,87102-,
>, Outside, Outside Plaza,400 Market Street,Santa Fe, NM,87501-,
>, Roswell Daily Record, P.O. Box 1897,Roswell, NM,88201-,
>, The Record-Courier, 1503 Highway 395, North,Suite G,Gardnerville, NV,89410-,
>, Elko Independent, P.O. Box 309,Elko, NV,89803-,
>, Henderson Home News, 2 Commerce Center Drive,Henderson, NV,89014-,
>, KENV (NBC-10), 1025 Chilton Circle,Elko, NV,89801-,
>, KLAS (CBS-8), 3228 Channel 8 Drive,Las Vegas, NV,89109,
>, KOLO (ABC-8), P.O. Box 10000,Reno, NV,89510-,
>, KRNV (NBC-4), 1790 Vassar Street,Reno, NV,89502-,
>, KTNV (ABC-13), 3355 South Valley View Boulevard,Las Vegas, NV,89102-8216,
>, KTVN (CBS-2), 4925 Energy Way,Reno, NV,89502-,
>, KVBC (NBC-3), P.O. Box 44169,Las Vegas, NV,89116-,
>, KVVU, 25 TV 5 Drive,Henderson, NV,89502-,
>, Las Vegas Review-Journal, P.O. Box 70,Las Vegas, NV,89125-,
>, Las Vegas Sun, 800 South Valley View,Las Vegas, NV,89107-,
>, Nevada Appeal, 200 Bath St.,Carson City, NV,89702,
>, North Lake Tahoe Bonanza, P.O. Drawer 7820,Incline Village, NV,89452,
>, Record Courier, 1503 Highway 395 North,Suite G,Gardnerville, NV,89410-,
>, Reno Gazette-Journal, P.O. Box 22000,Reno, NV,89520-,
>, The Advertiser-Tribune (Tiffin), 320 Nelson Street,P.O. Box 778,Tiffin, OH,44883-,
>, The Blade, 541 North Superior Street,Toledo, OH,43660-,
>, The Call and Post, 540 East 105th Street,Suite 305,Cleveland, OH,44108-1396,
>, The Canton Repository, 500 Market Avenue, South,Canton, OH,44702-,
>, The Chronicle-Telegram, 225 East Avenue,Elyria, OH,44036-,
>, The Cincinnati Post, 125 East Court Street,Cincinnati, OH,45202-,
>, The Courier (Findlay), P.O. Box 609,Findlay, OH,45839-,
>, The Crescent-News, P.O. Box 249,Defiance, OH,43512-,
>, The Daily Reporter, 329 South Front Street,Columbus, OH,43215-,
>, The Delaware Gazette, 18 East William Street,Delaware, OH,43015-,
>, The Gazette, 885 West Liberty Street,Medina, OH,44256-,
>, The Journal-News, 228 Court Street,Hamilton, OH,45011,
>, The Ledger-Independent, P.O. Box 518,Maysville, OH,41056-,
>, The Lima News, 3515 Elida Road,Lima, OH,45802-0690,
>, The Madison Press, P.O. Box 390,London, OH,43140-0390,
>, The Marysville Journal-Tribune, P.O. Box 226,207 North Main Street,Marysville, OH,43040-,
>, The Record-Courier, P.O. Box 1201,Ravenna, OH,44266-,
>, The Times Leader, 200 South Fourth Street,Martins Ferry, OH,43935-,
>, The Tribune-Chronicle (Warren), 240 Franklin Street, SE,Warren, OH,44482-,
>, The Wooster Daily Record, 212 East Liberty Street,Wooster, OH,44691-,
>, Akron Beacon Journal, 44 East Exchange Street,Akron, OH,44328,
>, Cincinnati Enquirer, 2055 Reading Road,Cincinnati, OH,45202-,
>, Cleveland Free Times, 1846 Coventry Road,Suite 100,Cleveland, OH,44118-,
>, Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1801 Superior Avenue, NE,Cleveland, OH,44114,
>, Cleveland Scene, One Playhouse Square,1375 Euclid Avenue, Suite 312,Cleveland, OH,44115-1890,
>, Columbus Dispatch, 34 Sotuh Third Street,Columbus, OH,43215-,
>, Daily Globe (Shelby), 37 West Main Street,Shelby, OH,44875-,
>, Dayton Daily News, 45 South Ludlow Street,Dayton, OH,45402,
>, Lancaster Eagle-Gazette, P.O. Box 848,Lancaster, OH,43130-,
>, Logan Daily News, 72 East Main Street,P.O. Box 758,Logan, OH,43138-,
>, Morning Journal, P.O. Box 249,308 Maple Street,Lisbon, OH,44432-,
>, Norwalk Reflector, 61 East Monroe Street,Norwalk, OH,44857-,
>, Occupational Hazards Magazine, 1100 Superior Avenue,Cleveland, OH,44114,
>, Plastics News, 1725 Merriman Road,Akron, >OH,44313-5251,
>, Recycling Today, 4012 Bridge Avenue,Cleveland, OH,44113-,
>, Rubber & Plastics News, 1725 Merriman Road,Suite 300,Akron, OH,44313-,
>, Sandusky-Register, 314 West Market Street,Sandusky, OH,44870,
>, Springfield News-Sun, 202 North Limestone Street,Springfield, OH,45503-,
>, Star-Beacon (Ashtabula), P.O. Box 2100,Ashtabula, OH,44005-2100,
>, Tire Business, 1725 Merriman Road,Akron, OH,44313-5251,
>, WBNS (CBS-10), P.O. Box 1010,Columbus, OH,43216-,
>, WCMH (NBC-4), 3165 Olentangy River Road,Columbus, OH,43202-,
>, WDTN (ABC-2), 4595 South Dixie Avenue,Dayton, OH,45439,
>, WEWS (ABC-5), 3001 Euclid Ave.,Cleveland, OH,44115,
>, WFMJ (NBC-21), 101 W. Boardman St.,Youngstown, OH,44503-,
>, WHIO (CBS-7), 1414 Wilmington Avenue,Dayton, OH,45420,
>, WHIZ (NBC-18), 629 Downard Road,Zanesville, OH,43701-,
>, WJW (Fox 8), 5800 South Marginal Road,Cleveland, OH,44103-,
>, WKBN (CBS-27), 3930 Sunset Boulevard,Youngstown, OH,44512-,
>, WKEF (NBC-22), 1731 Soldiers Home Road,Dayton, OH,45418-,
>, WKRC (CBS-12), 1906 Highland Drive,Cincinnati, OH,45219-3161,
>, WKYC (NBC-3), 1403 East 6th Street,Cleveland, OH,44114-,
>, WLIO (NBC-35), P.O. Box 1689,Lima, OH,45802-1689,
>, WLWT (NBC-5), 140 West 9th Street,Cincinnati, OH,45202-,
>, WNWO (NBC-24), 300 South Byrne Road,Toledo, OH,43615-,
>, WOHL, 2115 Allentown Road,Lima, OH,45805-,
>, WSYX (ABC-6), P.O. Box 718,Columbus, OH,43216-,
>, WTOL (CBS-11), P.O. Box 1111,Toledo, OH,43699-1111,
>, WTOV (NBC-9), P.O. Box 9999,Altamont Hill,Steubenville, OH,43952-,
>, WTTE (Fox 28), 6130 Sunbury Road,Westerville, OH,43081-,
>, WUPW (Fox 36), Four Sea Gate,Toledo, OH,43604-,
>, WYTV (ABC-33), 3800 Shady Run Road,Youngstown, OH,44502-,
>, Wapakoneta Daily News, P.O. Box 389,8 Willipie Street,Wapakoneta, OH,45895-,
>, Waste News, 1725 Merriman Road,Akron, OH,44313-5251,
>, The Chickasha Express-Star, P.O. Drawer E,Chickasha, OK,73023-,
>, The Daily Ardmoreite, 117 West Broadway,Ardmore, OK,73401-,
>, The Daily Oklahoman, 9000 North Broadway,Oklahoma City, OK,73114-3708,
>, The Duncan Banner, P.O. Box 1268,Duncan, OK,73534-,
>, The Edmond SUN, 123 South Broadway,Edmond, OK,73034-,
>, The News Press, P.O. Box 2288,Stillwater, OK,74076-,
>, The Norman Transcript, P.O. Drawer 1058,Norman, OK,73070-,
>, The Ponca City News, 300 North Third,Ponca City, OK,74601-,
>, The Seminole Producer, P.O. Box 431,Seminole, OK,74818-0431,
>, The Shawnee News-Star, 215 North Bell Avenue,Shawnee, OK,74801-,
>, The Weatherford Daily News, 118 South Broadway,Weatherford, OK,73096-0919,
>, Altus Times, 218 West Commerce Street,Altus, OK,73521-,
>, Daily Progress, 315 West Will Rogers Boulevard,Claremore, OK,74018-,
>, Durant Daily Democrat, 200 West Beach Street,Durant, OK,74701-,
>, Enid News & Eagle, 277 West Broadway,Enid, OK,73701-,
>, KFOR (NBC-4), P.O. Box 14068,Oklahoma City, OK,73113-0068,
>, KJRH (NBC-2), 3701 South Peoria,Tulsa, OK,74105-,
>, KOCO (ABC-5), P.O. Box 14555,Oklahoma City, OK,73131-4555,
>, KOKH (Fox 25), 1228 Wilshire Boulevard,Oklahoma City, OK,73111-,
>, KOKI (Fox 23/UPN 42), Fox Plaza, 5416 South Yale,Suite 500,Tulsa, OK,74135-6249,
>, KOTV (CBS-6), P.O. Box 6,Tulsa, OK,74101-,
>, KSWO (ABC-7), Highway 7, East,Lawton, OK,73501,
>, KTUL (ABC-8), P.O. Box 8,Tulsa, OK,74101-0008,
>, KWTV (CBS-9), 11901 North Eastern Avenue,Oklahoma City, OK,73113-,
>, Okmulgee Daily Times, 114 East Seventh,Okmulgee, OK,74447-,
>, Poteau Daily News & Sun, 804 N. Broadway,Poteau, OK,74953,
>, Tulsa World, 318 South Main Mall,Tulsa, OK,74102-,
>, The Albany Democrat-Herald, 600 Lyons Street, SW,Albany, OR,97321-,
>, The Bulletin (Bend), 1526 Northwest Hill Street,Bend, OR,97701-,
>, The Corvallis Gazette-Times, 600 Southwest Jefferson,Corvallis, OR,97339-,
>, The Curry Coastal Pilot, PO Box 700,Brookings, OR,97415-,
>, The Daily Astorian, P.O. Box 210,Astoria, OR,97103-0210,
>, The News-Register, P.O. Box 727,McMinnville, OR,97128-,
>, The Oregonian, 1320 SW Broadway,Portland, OR,97201-3499,
>, East Oregonian, P.O. Box 1089,Pendleton, OR,97801,
>, Eugene Register-Guard, 3500 Chad Drive,Eugene, OR,97408,
>, Herald and News, 1301 Esplanade,Klamath Falls, OR,97601-,
>, KATU-TV (ABC-2), 2153 Northeast Sandy Boulevard,Portland, OR,97232,
>, KCBY (CBS-11), P.O. Box 1156,Coos Bay, OR,97420-,
>, KDKF (ABC-31), 231 East Main Street,Klamath Falls, OR,97601-,
>, KDRV (ABC-12), 1090 Knutson Avenue,Medford, OR,97504-4164,
>, KEZI (ABC-9), P.O. Box 7009,Eugene, OR,97401-7009,
>, KFXO (Fox ), 63140 Britta Street,Suite D101,Bend, OR,97701-,
>, KGW (NBC-8), 1501 Southwest Jefferson Street,Portland, OR,97201-,
>, KLSR, 2940 Chad Drive,Eugene, OR,97408-,
>, KMTR (NBC-16), 3825 International Court,Springfield, OR,97477-,
>, KOBI (NBC-5), P.O. Box 5M,Medford, OR,97501-,
>, KOIN (CBS-6), 222 SW Columbia St.,Portland, OR,97201,
>, KOTI (NBC-2), 222 South Seventh Street,Klamath Falls, OR,97601-,
>, KPDX (Fox 49), 910 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.,Portland, OR,97232-,
>, KPIC (CBS-4), P.O. Box 1345,Roseburg, OR,97470-,
>, KTVL (CBS-10), P.O. Box 10,1440 Rossanley Drive,Medford, OR,97501-,
>, KTVZ (NBC-21), P.O. Box 149,Bend, OR,97709,
>, KVAL (CBS-13), P.O. Box 1313,Eugene, OR,97440-,
>, Lebanon Express, P.O. Box 459,90 East Grant Street,Lebanon, OR,97355,
>, Medford Mail Tribune, P.O. Box 1108,Medford, OR,97501-,
>, Salem Statesman-Journal, 280 Church Street, NE,Salem, OR,97301,
>, Wallowa County Chieftain, P.O. Box 338,106 Northwest First Street,Enterprise, OR,97828-,
>, THE Citizens' Voice, 75 North Washington Street,Wilkes-Barre, PA,18711-,
>, The Allegheny Times, 894 Beaver Grade Road,Moon Township, PA,15108-,
>, The Beaver County Times, 400 Fair Avenue,Beaver, PA,15009-,
>, The Centre Daily Times, 3400 East College Avenue,State College, PA,16801-,
>, The Daily American, 334 West Main Street,Somerset, PA,15501-,
>, The Daily Courier, 127 West Apple Street,Connellsville, PA,15425-,
>, The Daily Item, 200 Market Street,Sunbury, PA,17801-,
>, The Delaware County Daily and Sunday Times, 500 Mildred Avenue,Primos, PA,19018-,
>, The Derrick, PO Box 928,1510 West First Street,Oil City, PA,16301-,
>, The Evening Sun, P.O. Box 514,135 Baltimore Street,Hanover, PA,17331-,
>, The Evening Times, 201 North Lehigh Avenue,Sayre, PA,18840-,
>, The Express-Times, Box 391,Easton, PA,18044-0391,
>, The Indiana Gazette, P.O. Box 10,Indiana, PA,15701-,
>, The Intelligencer/Record, P.O. Box 858,333 North Broad Street,Doylestown, PA,18901,
>, The Lancaster New Era, P.O. Box 1328,Lancaster, PA,17608-1328,
>, The Lock Haven Express, 9 West Main Street,Lock Haven, PA,17745-,
>, The MAIN LINE TIMES, P.O. Box 70,Ardmore, PA,19003-9970,
>, The Mercury, Hanover and King Streets,Pottstown, PA,19464-,
>, The Morning Call, P.O. Box 1260,Allentown, PA,18105-,
>, The NEWS-ITEM, 707 North Rock Street,Shamokin, PA,17872-,
>, The Patriot-News, 812 Market Street,Harrisburg, PA,17101,
>, The Pocono Record, 511 Lenox Street,Stroudsburg, PA,18360-,
>, The Pottsville Republican & Evening Herald, 111 Mahantongo Street,Pottsville, PA,17901-,
>, The ScrantonTimes, 149 Penn Avenue,Scranton, PA,18503-,
>, The Sentinel, P.O. Box 130,457 East North Street,Carlisle, PA,17013-,
>, The Sentinel (Lewiston), 352 Sixth Street,Lewiston, PA,17044-,
>, The Standard-Speaker, 21 North Wyoming Street,Hazleton, PA,18201-,
>, The TIMES NEWS, P.O. Box 239,Lehighton, PA,18235-,
>, The Times Leader (Wilkes Barre), 15 North Main Street,Wilkes Barre, PA,18711-,
>, The Towanda Daily Review, 116 Main Street,Towanda, PA,18848-,
>, American Waste Digest, 226 King Street,Pottstown, PA,19646-,
>, Chester County Press, P.O. Box 520,Oxford, PA,19363-0520,
>, Daily Local News, 250 North Bradford Avenue,West Chester, PA,19382-,
>, Daily News (Lebanon), 718 Poplar Street,Lebanon, PA,17042-,
>, Erie Daily Times/Morning News, 205 West 12th Street,Erie, PA,16534-,
>, Evening Sun, 135 Baltimore Street,Hanover, PA,17331-,
>, Gettysburg Times, 1570 Fairfield Road,Gettysburg, PA,17325,
>, Herald Standard, 8-18 E. Church St.,Uniontown, PA,15401,
>, Intelligencer Journal, P.O. Box 1328,Lancaster, PA,17608-1328,
>, KDKA (CBS-2), One Gateway Center,Pittsburgh, PA,15216-,
>, KYW (CBS-3), 101 Independence Mall East,Philadelphia, PA,19106-,
>, Meadville Tribune, 947 Federal Court,Meadville, PA,16335-,
>, Observer-Reporter, 122 South Main Street,Washington, PA,15301,
>, Philadelphia Daily News, 400 North Broad Street,Philadelphia, PA,19130-,
>, Philadelphia Inquirer, 400 North Broad Street,Philadelphia, PA,19130-,
>, Pittsburgh City Paper, 650 Smithfield Street,Suite 2200,Pittsburgh, PA,15222-,
>, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 34 Boulevard of the Allies,Pittsburgh, PA,15222,
>, Press and Journal, 20 South Union Street,Middletown, PA,17057-,
>, Reading Eagle/Times, P.O. Box 582,Reading, PA,19603-,
>, Tribune-Review, 622 Cabin Hill Drive,Greensburg, PA,15601-,
>, WBRE (NBC-28), P.O. Box 28,Wilkes-Barre, PA,18773,
>, WCAU (NBC-10), City Avenue and Monument Road,Philadelphia, PA,19131-,
>, WGAL (NBC-8), P.O. Box 7127,Lancaster, PA,17604-7127,
>, WHP (CBS-21), 3300 North Sixth Street,Harrisburg, PA,17110-,
>, WHTM (ABC-27), 3235 Hoffman Street,Harrisburg, PA,17110-,
>, WICU (NBC-12), 3514 State Street,Erie, PA,16508-,
>, WJAC (NBC-6), 1949 Hickory Lane,Johnstown, PA,15905-,
>, WJET (ABC-24), 8455 Peach St.,Erie, PA,16509,
>, WNEP (ABC-16), 16 Montage Mountain Road,Moosic, PA,18507-,
>, WPMT (Fox 43), 2005 South Queen Street,York, PA,17403-,
>, WPVI (ABC-6), 4100 City Ave.,Philadelphia, PA,19131-1691,
>, WSEE (CBS-35), 1220 Peach Street,Erie, PA,16501-,
>, WTAE (ABC-4), 400 Ardmore Blvd.,Pittsburgh, PA,15221,
>, WTAJ (CBS-10), P.O. Box 10,Altoona, PA,16603-0010,
>, WWCP, 1450 Scalp Avenue,Johnston, PA,15904-,
>, WYOU (CBS-22), 415 Lackawanna Avenue,Scranton, PA,18503-,
>, Warren Times-Observer, 205 Pennsylvania Avenue, West,P.O. Box 188,Warren, PA,16365-,
>, York Daily Record, P.O. Box 15122,122 South George Street,York, PA,17405-7122,
>, The Providence Journal-Bulletin, 75 Fountain Street,Providence, RI,02902-0003,
>, The Providence Phoenix, 150 Chesnut Street,Providence, RI,02903-,
>, Providence Business News, 300 Richmond Street,Providence, RI,02903-,
>, WJAR (NBC-10), 23 Kenney Dr.,Cranston, RI,02920-4489,
>, WNAC (Fox 64/UPN12), 25 Catamore Boulevard,East Providence, RI,02914-,
>, WPRI (CBS-12), 25 Catamore Blvd.,East Providence, RI,02914,
>, Warwick Beacon, 1944 Warwick Avenue,Warwick, RI,02889-,
>, The Item, P.O. Box 1677,Sumter, SC,29150-,
>, The State, 1401 Shop Road,Columbia, SC,29201-4843,
>, Aiken Standard, 326 Rutland Drive,Aiken, SC,29801-4083,
>, Anderson Independent Mail, 1000 Williamston Road,Anderson, SC,29621,
>, Beaufort Gazette, 1556 Salem Road,Beaufort, SC,29902-5236,
>, Charleston Post & Courier, 134 Columbus Street,Charleston, SC,29403-4800,
>, Florence Morning News, 310 South Dargan Street,P.O. Box 100528,Florence, SC,29501-0528,
>, Greenville News, 305 South Main Street,Greenville, SC,29602-,
>, Island Packet, 10 Buck Island Road,Bluffton, SC,29910,
>, Parents Journal, P.O. Box 20306,Charleston, SC,29413-,
>, Rock Hill Herald, 132 West Main Street,Rock Hill, SC,29730-,
>, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, P.O. Box 1657,Spartanburg, SC,29304-1657,
>, Sun News, 914 Frontage Road East,Myrtle Beach, SC,29577-,
>, Union Daily Times, 100 Times Boulevard,Union, SC,29379-,
>, WACH (Fox-57), 1400 Pickens Street,Columbia, SC,29201-,
>, WBTW (CBS-13), 3430 North TV Road,Florence, SC,29501-,
>, WCIV (ABC-4), 888 Allbrighton Boulevard,Mount Pleasant, SC,29464-,
>, WFXB, P.O. Box 8309,Myrtle Beach, SC,29578-,
>, WHNS (Fox 21), P.O. Box 21000,Greenville, SC,29602-,
>, WIS (NBC-10), 1111 Bull Street,Columbia, SC,29201-,
>, WSPA (CBS-7), P.O. Box 1717,Spartanburg, SC,29304-1717,
>, WYFF (NBC-4), P.O. Box 788,Greenville, SC,29602,
>, The Daily Republic (Mitchell), 120 South Lawler Street,Mithcell, SD,57301,
>, The Madison Daily Leader, P.O. Box 348,Madison, SD,57042-,
>, Aberdeen American News, P.O. Box 4430,Aberdeen, SD,57402-,
>, Capital Journal (Pierre), P.O. Box 878,West Dakota Avenue,Pierre, SD,57501-,
>, Groton Dakota Press, P.O. Box 665,Groton, SD,57445-0665,
>, KDLT (NBC-5), 3600 S. Westport Ave.,Sioux Falls, SD,57106-,
>, KELO (CBS-3/6/11/15), 501 South Phillips,Sioux Falls, SD,57102-,
>, KEVN, P.O. Box 677,Rapid City, SD,57709-,
>, KNBN (NBC-24), 2424 South Plaza Drive,Fountain Springs Business Park,Rapid City, SD,57702-9379,
>, KOTA (ABC-3), 518 Saint Joseph Street,Rapid City, SD,57701-,
>, KSFY (ABC-13/9/4), 300 N. Dakota Ave.,Suite 100,Sioux Falls, SD,57104-,
>, Plainsman (Huron), 49 Third Street, SE,Huron, SD,57350-,
>, Sioux Falls Argus-Leader, P.O. Box 5034,Sioux Falls, SD,57117-5034,
>, The Bandera Review, P.O. Box 1870,Bandera, TX,78003-,
>, The Baytown Sun, 1301 Memorial Drive,Baytown, TX,77521-,
>, The Beaumont Enterprise, P.O. Box 3071,Beaumont, TX,77704-,
>, The Brownsville Herald, 1135 East Van Buren,Brownsville, TX,78520-,
>, The Bryan-College Station Eagle, P.O. Box 3000,Bryan, TX,77805-3000,
>, The Daily Herald, 820 Broadway,Plainview, TX,79072-,
>, The Daily Sentinel, P.O. Box 630068,Nacogdoches, TX,75963-0068,
>, The El Campo Leader-News, P.O. Box 1180,El Campo, TX,77437-,
>, The Empire-Tribune, 590 South Loop,Stephenville, TX,76401-,
>, The Facts, P.O. Box 549,Clute, TX,77531-,
>, The Galveston County Daily News, PO Box 628,Galveston, TX,77553-,
>, The Herald-Coaster, 1902 South Fourth Street,Rosenberg, TX,77471-4998,
>, The Huntsville Item, 1409 Tenth Street,Huntsville, TX,77340-,
>, The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, 710 Avenue J,Lubbock, TX,79401-,
>, The Lufkin Daily News, P.O. Box 1089,Lufkin, TX,75902-1089,
>, The Marshall News Messenger, 309 East Austin,Marshall, TX,75670-,
>, The Monitor, P.O. Box 760,McAllen, TX,78505-,
>, The New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung, 707 Landa Street,New Braunfels, TX,78130-,
>, The Paris News, P.O. Box 1078,Paris, TX,75460-,
>, The Polk County Enterprise, 100 Calhoun,Livinsston, TX,77351-,
>, The Sweetwater Reporter, P.O. Box 750,Sweetwater, TX,79556-,
>, The Terrell Tribune, 150 Ninth Street,Terrell, TX,75160-,
>, The Victoria Advocate, P.O. Box 1518,311 East Constitution Street,Victoria, TX,77901-,
>, The Wharton Journal-Spectator, P.O. Box 111,Wharton, TX,77488-0111,
>, Jim HighTower, 1800 West Sixth Street,Austin, TX,78703-,
>, Abilene Reporter-News, 101 Cypress Street,Abilene, TX,79601-,
>, African-American News and Issues, 6130 Wheatley Street,Houston, TX,77091-3947,
>, Allen American, 705 North Greenville Avenue,Suite 100,Allen, TX,75002-,
>, Amarillo Globe-News, P.O. Box 2091,Amarillo, TX,79166,
>, Athens Daily Review, 201 South Prairieville Street,Athens, TX,75751,
>, Austin American-Statesman, 305 South Congress Avenue,Austin, TX,78704,
>, Corsicana Daily Sun, 405 East Collin Street,Corsicana, TX,75110-,
>, Dallas Morning News, 508 Young Street,Dallas, TX,75265,
>, Dallas Observer, 2130 Commerce Street,Dallas, TX,75201-,
>, Dallas Voice, 3000 Carlisle,Suite 200,Dallas, TX,75204-,
>, Denton Record-Chronicle, P. O. Box 369,Denton, TX,76202-,
>, El Paso Times, 300 North Campbell,El Paso, TX,79901-,
>, Environmental Protection, 5151 Beltline Road,10th Floor,Dallas, TX,75240-,
>, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 400 West Seventh Street,Fort Worth, TX,76102-,
>, Gainesville Daily Register, 306 East California Street,Gainesville, TX,76241-,
>, Hood County News, P.O. Box 879,1501 South Morgan,Granbury, TX,76048-,
>, Houston Chronicle, 801 Texas Avenue,Houston, TX,77002-,
>, Houston Press, 1621 Milman,Suite 100,Houston, TX,77002-,
>, KAMC (ABC-28), 1201 84th Street,Lubbock, TX,79423-3595,
>, KAMR (NBC-4), P.O. Box 751,Amarillo, TX,79189-0751,
>, KAUZ (CBS-6), P.O. Box 2130,Wichita Falls, TX,76307-,
>, KAVU (ABC-25), 3808 North Navarro Street,Victoria, TX,77901,
>, KBMT (ABC-12), 525 Interstate 10, South,Beaumont, TX,77704-1550,
>, KBTX (CBS-3), 414 East 29th Street,Bryan, TX,77802,
>, KCBD (NBC-11), 5600 Avenue A,Lubbock, TX,79404-4598,
>, KDBC (CBS-4), 2201 Wyoming Street,El Paso, TX,79903,
>, KDFW-TV, 400 North Griffin,Dallas, TX,75202,
>, KENS (CBS-5), 5400 Fredericksburg Road,San Antonio, TX,78320-,
>, KETK (NBC-56), 4300 Richmond Road,Tyler, TX,75703-,
>, KEYE (CBS-42), 10700 Metric Boulevard,Austin, TX,78758-,
>, KFDA (CBS-10), P.O. Box 1400,Amarillo, TX,79105-,
>, KFDM (CBS-6), 2955 IH-10 East,Beaumont, TX,77702,
>, KFDX (NBC-3), P.O. Box 4000,Wichita Falls, TX,76308-,
>, KGBT (CBS-4), 9201 West Expressway 83,Harlingen, TX,78552-,
>, KHOU (CBS-11), P.O. Box 11,Houston, TX,77001-0011,
>, KIDY, 406 South Irving Street,San Angelo, TX,76903-,
>, KIDZ, 406 South Irving Street,San Angelo, TX,76903-,
>, KJAC (NBC-4), P.O. Box 3257,Port Arthur, TX,77463-3257,
>, KLBK (CBS-13), 7400 South University Avenue,Lubbock, TX,79424-,
>, KLSB (NBC-19), 204 West Main Street,Nacogdoches, TX,75961-,
>, KLST (CBS-8), P.O. Box 1941,San Angelo, TX,76902-,
>, KLTV (ABC-7), 105 West Ferguson Street,Tyler, TX,75702-,
>, KMID (ABC-2), P.O. Drawer 60230,Midland, TX,79711-0230,
>, KMOL (NBC-4), P.O. Box 2641,San Antonio, TX,78299-,
>, KPEG, 1550 West Interstate 20 West,Odessa, TX,79763-,
>, KPRC (NBC-2), P.O. Box 2222,Houston, TX,77252-,
>, KRBC (NBC-9), P.O. Box 178,Abilene, TX,79604-,
>, KRGV (ABC-5), P.O. Box 5,Weslaco, TX,78599-0005,
>, KRIS (NBC-6), P.O. Box 840,Corpus Christi, TX,78403-,
>, KTAB (CBS-32), P.O. Box 5309,Abilene, TX,79608-,
>, KTBC (Fox 7), 119 East Tenth Street,Austin, TX,78701-,
>, KTRK (ABC-13), P.O. Box 13,Houston, TX,77001-0013,
>, KTSM (NBC-9), 801 North Oregon Street,El Paso, TX,79902-4099,
>, KTVT (CBS-11), P.O. Box 2495,Fort Worth, TX,76113-,
>, KTVT (CBS-11), 10111 North Central Expressway,Dallas, TX,75231-,
>, KTXS (ABC-12), 4420 North Clack,Abilene, TX,79603,
>, KVEO (NBC-23), 394 North Expressway,Brownsville, TX,78521-,
>, KVIA (ABC-7), 4140 Rio Bravo,El Paso, TX,79902-1084,
>, KVII (ABC-7), One Broadcast Center,Amarillo, TX,79101-4328,
>, KVUE (ABC-24), P.O. Box 9927,Austin, TX,78766-,
>, KWES (NBC-9), P.O. Box 60150,Midland, TX,79711-,
>, KWTX (CBS-10), 6700 American Plaza,Waco, TX,76712,
>, KXAM, 908 West Martin Luther King Avenue,Austin, TX,78701-,
>, KXAN (NBC-36), P.O. Box 490,Austin, TX,78767-,
>, KXAS (NBC-5), P.O. Box 1780,Fort Worth, TX,76101-1780,
>, KXII (CBS-12), P.O. Box 1175,4201 Texoma Parkway,Sherman, TX,75091-,
>, KXXV (ABC-25), 1909 South New Road,Waco, TX,76711,
>, KZTV (CBS-10), 301 Artesian Street,Corpus Christi, TX,78401-,
>, Laredo Morning Times, P.O. Box 2129,Laredo, TX,78044-,
>, Lee Cullum Column, 2718 Turtle Creek Circle,Dallas, TX,75219,
>, Mount Pleasant Daily Tribune, P.O. Box 1177,Mount Pleasant, TX,75455-,
>, Odessa American, P.O. Box 2952,Odessa, TX,79760-,
>, Pampa News, 403 West Atchison Avenue,Pampa, TX,79065-,
>, Plainview Daily Herald, 820 Broadway,Plainview, TX,79072-,
>, Plano Star Courier, 801 East Plano Parkway,Suite 100,Plano, TX,75074-,
>, Port Arthur News, P.O. Box 789,Port Arthur, TX,77641-0789,
>, San Angelo Standard-Times, 34 W. Harris,San Angelo, TX,76903-,
>, San Antonio Express-News, 400 Third Streeet,San Antonio, TX,78287,
>, Temple Daily Telegram, P.O. Box 6114,Temple, TX,76503-,
>, Texas City Sun, 7800 Emmett F. Lowry Expressway,Texas City, TX,77591-,
>, Times Record News, P.O. Box 120,Wichita Falls, TX,76307-,
>, Tom Joyner Morning Show, c/o ABC Radio Networks,13725 Montfront Drive,Dallas, TX,75240-,
>, University Faculty Voice, 4420 La Branch Street,Suite 1,Houston, TX,77004-4964,
>, Valley Morning Star, 1310 South Commerce Street,Harlingen, TX,78551-,
>, WFAA (ABC-8), 606 Young St.,Communications Center,Dallas, TX,75202-4810,
>, Waco Tribune-Herald, 900 Franklin Avenue,Waco, TX,76701-,
>, Wilson County News, P.O. Box 115,Floresville, TX,78114-0115,
>, Wise County Messenger, P.O. Box 149,115 South Trinity Street,Decatur, TX,76234-,
>, The Beaver Press, P.O. Box 351,Beaver, UT,84713-0351,
>, The Blue Mountain Panorama, P.O. Box 636,329 West 400 North,Blanding, UT,84511-,
>, The Herald-Journal, P.O. Box 487,Logan, UT,84323-0487,
>, The Park Record, P.O. Box 3688,Park City, UT,84060-,
>, The Richfield Reaper, 65 West Center Street,Richfield, UT,84701-,
>, The Spectrum (St. George), 275 East Saint George Boulevard,St. George, UT,84770-,
>, Box Elder News Journal, 55 South 100, West,Brigham City, UT,84302-,
>, Cache Citizen, 610 North Main,Logan, UT,84321-,
>, Davis County Clipper/Clipper Today, P.O. Box 267,Bountiful, UT,84011-0267,
>, Deseret News, 30 East First, South,P.O. Box 1257,Salt Lake City, UT,84110-,
>, KSL (NBC-5), 55 North Third West,Salt Lake City, UT,84110-1160,
>, KSTU (Fox 13), 5020 West Amelia Earhart Drive,Salt Lake City, UT,84116-,
>, KTVX (ABC-4), 1760 Fremont Dr.,Salt Lake City, UT,84104-4215,
>, Ogden Standard-Examiner, 455 23rd Street,Ogden, UT,84402-,
>, Salt Lake Tribune, 143 South Main Street,Salt Lake City, UT,84107-,
>, Sun Advocate, 845 East Main Street,Price, UT,84501-,
>, Tooele Transcript Bulletin, P.O. Box 390,58 North Main Street,Toole, UT,84074-,
>, The Daily News Leader, P.O. Box 59,Staunton, VA,24402-,
>, The Daily Progress, P.O. Box 9030,Charlottesville, VA,22906,
>, The Fauquier Citizen, 17 South Fifth Street,Warrenton, VA,20186-,
>, The Fauquier Times-Democrat, P.O. Box 631,Warrenton, VA,20186-,
>, The Free Lance-Star, 616 Amelia Street,Fredericksburg, VA,22401,
>, The Gazette-Virginian, P.O. Box 524,South Boston, VA,24592-,
>, The Marine Times, 6883 Commerical Drive,Springfield, VA,22162-,
>, The Martinsville Bulletin, P.O. Box 3711,Martinsville, VA,24115-,
>, The News and Advance, 101 Wyndale Drive,Lynchburg, VA,24506,
>, The News-Gazette, Box 1153,Lexington, VA,24450-,
>, The Northern Virginia Daily, P.O. Box 69,Strasburg, VA,22657-,
>, The Roanoke Times, 201 West Campbell, SW,Roanoke, VA,24011-,
>, G. Gordon Liddy, 10800 Main Street,Fairfax, VA,22030,
>, Aerospace America, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive,Suite 500,Reston, VA,20191-4344,
>, Air Force Magazine, 1501 Lee Highway,Arlington, VA,22209,
>, Air Force Times, 6883 Commercial Drive,Springfield, VA,22159,
>, American Gas, 1515 Wilson Boulevard,Arlington, VA,22209,
>, American Hunter, 11250 Waples Mill Road,Fairfax, VA,22030,
>, American Spectator, 2020 North 14th Street,Suite 750,Arlington, VA,22201,
>, Armed Forces Journal, 8201 Greensboro Drive,Suite 611,McLean, VA,22102,
>, Army Magazine, 2425 Wilson Boulevard,Arlington, VA,22201,
>, Army Times, 6883 Commercial Drive,Springfield, VA,22159,
>, Bland County Messenger, 460 West Main Street,Wytheville, VA,24382-,
>, Bristol Herald Courier, 320 Morrison Boulevard,Bristol, VA,24201-,
>, Cavalier Daily, P.O. Box 400703,Charlottesville, VA,22904-4703,
>, Creators Syndicate, 113 S. West St.,2nd Floor,Alexandria, VA,22314,
>, Culpeper Star-Exponent, P.O. Box 111,Culpeper, VA,22701-,
>, Danville Register & Bee News, P.O. Box 331,Danville, VA,24543-0331,
>, Defense News, 6883 Commercial Drive,Springfield, VA,22159,
>, El Tiempo Latino, 1916 Wilson Boulevard,Suite 204,Arlington, VA,22201-,
>, Federal Computer Week, 3141 Fairview Park Drive,Suite 777,Falls Church, VA,22042,
>, Federal Times, 6883 Commercial Drive,Springfield, VA,22159,
>, Form Magazine, 433 East Monroe Avenue,Alexandria, VA,22301-,
>, Gannett News Service, 1100 Wilson Boulevard,Arlington, VA,22234,
>, Loudoun Times-Mirror, P.O. Box 359,Leesburg, VA,20178-,
>, National Defense, 2111 Wilson Boulevard,Suite 400,Arlington, VA,22201-3061,
>, National Wildlife, 8925 Leesburg Pike,Vienna, VA,22184-0001,
>, Naval Affairs, 125 North West Street,Alexandria, VA,22314-2754,
>, Navy Times, 6883 Commercial Drive,Springfield, VA,22159,
>, New Journal and Guide, 362 Campostella Road,Norfolk, VA,23523-,
>, PBS, 1320 Braddock Place,Alexandria, VA,22314,
>, Potomac News (Woodbridge), P.O. Box 2470,Woodbridge, VA,22193-,
>, Radio Business Report, 6208-B Old Franconia Road,Alexandria, VA,22310,
>, Radio World, P.O. Box 1214,Falls Church, VA,22041,
>, Rappahannock NewsPhone:, Rappahannock News Building,Washington, VA,22747-,
>, Richlands News-Press & Clinch Valley News, P.O. Box 818,1206 Second Street,Richlands, VA,24641-,
>, Richmond Times-Dispatch, 333 East Franklin Street,Richmond, VA,23219-,
>, Satellite Orbit, 8330 Boone Boulevard,Suite 600,Vienna, VA,22182,
>, Sea Power, 2300 Wilson Boulevard,Arlington, VA,22201-3308,
>, Signal, 4400 Fair Lakes Court,Fairfax, VA,22033-3899,
>, Smyth County News & Messenger, 119 Sheffey Street,Marion, VA,24354-,
>, Snack World Magazine, 1711 King Street,Suite 1,Alexandria, VA,22314,
>, Staunton Daily News Leader, P.O. Box 59,Staunton, VA,24402-,
>, Suffolk News-Herald, 130 South Saratoga Street,Suffolk, VA,23434,
>, Tax Notes, 6830 North Fairfax Drive,Arlington, VA,22213,
>, USA Radio Network, 3622 Stanford Circle,Falls Church, VA,22041,
>, USA Today, 1000 Wilson Boulevard,Arlington, VA,22229,
>, Virginia Business, 411 East Franklin Street,Suite 105,Richmond, VA,23219-,
>, Virginian Review, 128 North Maple Avenue,Covington, VA,24426-,
>, Virginian-Pilot, 150 West Brambleton Avenue,Norfolk, VA,23510,
>, WABS 780 AM, 1901 N. Moore Street,Suite 200,Arlington, VA,22209-,
>, WAVY (NBC-10), 300 Wavy Street,Portsmouth, VA,23704-,
>, WCYB (NBC-5), 101 Lee Street,Bristol, VA,24201-,
>, WDBJ (CBS-7), P.O. Box 7,Roanoke, VA,24022-0007,
>, WHSV (ABC-3), P.O. Box TV3,Harrisonburg, VA,22801-,
>, WRIC (ABC-8), 301 Arboretum Place,Richmond, VA,23236-3464,
>, WRLH (Fox 35), P.O. Box 11169,Richmond, VA,23230-,
>, WSET (ABC-13), 2320 Langhorne Road,Lynchburg, VA,24501-,
>, WSLS (NBC-10), P.O. Box 10,Roanoke, VA,24022-0010,
>, WTVR (CBS-6), 3301 West Broad Street,Richmond, VA,23230-,
>, WVBT (Fox 43), 243 Wythe Street,Portsmouth, VA,23704-,
>, WVIR (NBC-29), P.O. Box 769,Charlottesville, VA,22902-,
>, WWBT (NBC-12), 5710 Midlothian Turnpike,Richmond, VA,23201,
>, Washington Business Journal, 1555 Wilson Boulevard,Suite 400,Arlington, VA,22209-,
>, Washington Technology, 8500 Leesburg Pike,Suite 7500,Vienna, VA,22182,
>, The Bellingham Herald, 1155 North State Street,Bellingham, WA,98225,
>, The Chronicle, 321 N. Pearl,Centralia, WA,98531,
>, The Columbian, 701 W. Eighth St.,Vancouver, WA,98666,
>, The Daily News (Longview), 770 11th Avenue,Longview, WA,98632-,
>, The Daily World, 315 South Michigan Street,Aberdeen, WA,98520-,
>, The Ellensburg Daily Record, 401 North Main Street,Ellensburg, WA,98926-,
>, The Herald (Everett), 1213 California Avenue,Everett, WA,98201-,
>, The Highline Times/ Des Moines News, 133 Southwest 153rd Street,Burien, WA,98166-,
>, The Island Times, P.O. Box 585,Eastsound, WA,98245-,
>, The Issaquah Press, P.O. Box 1328,Issaquah, WA,98027-,
>, The Journal of San Juan Islands, P.O. Box 519,580 Guard Street,Friday Harbor, WA,98250,
>, The Journal of Business, 112 East First Avenue,Spokane, WA,99202-,
>, The Methow Valley News, P O Box 97,Twisp, WA,98856-,
>, The News Tribune, 1950 South State Street,Tacoma, WA,98405,
>, The Olympian, 111 Bethel Street, NE,Olympia, WA,98506,
>, The Omak Chronicle, P.O. Box 553,Omak, WA,98841-0553,
>, The Peninsula Daily News, 305 West First Street,Port Angeles, WA,98362-,
>, The Star, P.O. Box 150,Grand Coulee, WA,99133-,
>, The Sun, P.O. Box 259,Bremerton, WA,98337-,
>, The Tri-City Herald, P.O. Box 2608,Pasco, WA,99302-2608,
>, The Wenatchee World, P.O. Box 1511,Wenatchee, WA,98807-,
>, Anacortes American, 901 Sixth Street,Anacortes, WA,98221-,
>, Ballard News-Tribune, 2208 Northwest Market Street,Room 202,Seattle, WA,98107-,
>, Eastside Journal, 1705 132nd Avenue, NE,Bellevue, WA,98005-2251,
>, Federal Way News, 32015 First Avenue, South,Federal Way, WA,98003-,
>, KAPP (ABC-35), 1610 South 24th Avenue,Yakima, WA,98902-6199,
>, KCPQ (Fox 13), 1813 Westlake Avenue, North,Seattle, WA,98109-2706,
>, KEPR (CBS-19), P.O. Box 2648,Pasco, WA,99302-2648,
>, KHQ (NBC-6), P.O. Box 8088,Spokane, WA,99203-8088,
>, KIMA (CBS-29), 2801 Terrace Heights,Yakima, WA,98901-,
>, KING (NBC-5), 333 Dexter Avenue, North,Seattle, WA,98109-,
>, KING-TV 5 (Seattle), 333 Dexter Ave., N,Seattle, WA,98109,
>, KIRO (CBS-7), 2807 Third Avenue,Seattle, WA,98121-,
>, KNDO (NBC-23), 1608 South 24th Avenue,Yakima, WA,98909-,
>, KOMO (ABC-4), 100 Fourth Avenue North,Seattle, WA,98109,
>, KREM (CBS-2), 4103 South Regal Street,P.O. Box 8037,Spokane, WA,99203-0037,
>, KVEW (ABC-42), 601 North Edison,Kennewick, WA,99336-,
>, KXLY (ABC-4), 500 Boone Ave.,Spokane, WA,99201-2497,
>, Liberty, Department W,P.O. Box 1181,Port Townsend, WA,98368-,
>, Lynden Tribune, P.O. Box 153,113 North Sixth Street,Lynden, WA,98264,
>, Mercer Island Reporter, 7845 Southeast 30th Street,Mercer Island, WA,98040-,
>, Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce., 83 Columbia Street,Seattle, WA,98104-,
>, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 101 Elliott Avenue, West,2nd Floor,Seattle, WA,98119-4220,
>, Seattle Times, 1120 John Street,Seattle, WA,98109-,
>, Seattle Weekly, 1008 Western Avenue,Suite 300,Seattle, WA,98104-,
>, Skagit Valley Herald, 1000 East College Way,P.O. Box 578,Mount Vernon, WA,98273-0578,
>, Slate, 1 Microsoft Way,Redmond, WA,98052-,
>, Snoqualmie Valley Record, P.O. Box 300,Snoqalmie, WA,98065-,
>, South County Journal, 600 South Washington,Kent, WA,98032-,
>, Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, 112 South First Avenue,Walla Walla, WA,99362,
>, West Seattle Herald/ White Center News, 3500 West Alaska Street,Seattle, WA,98126-,
>, Yakima Herald-Republic, 114 North Fourth Street,Yakima, WA,98901,
>, The Clarksburg Exponent/Telegram, P.O. Box 2000,Clarksburg, WV,26302,
>, The Inter-Mountain, P.O. Box 1339,Elkins, WV,26241-,
>, The Parkersburg News, 519 Juliana Street,Parkersburg, WV,26101-,
>, The Register-Herald, 801 N. Kanawha St.,Beckley, WV,25801,
>, Bluefield Daily Telegraph, 928 Bluefield Avenue,Bluefield, WV,24701-,
>, Charleston Daily Mail, 1001 Virginia Street, East,Charleston, WV,25301-2835,
>, Dominion Post, Greer Bldg-1251 Earl Core Road,Morgantown, WV,26505-,
>, Huntington Herald-Dispatch, 946 Fifth Avenue,Huntington, WV,25720-,
>, Times-West Virginian, P.O. Box 2530,Fairmont, WV,26555-2530,
>, WBOY (NBC-12), 904 West Pike Street,Clarksburg, WV,26301-,
>, WCHS, 1301 Peidmont Road,Charleston, WV,25301-1498,
>, WCHS (ABC-8), 1301 Piedmont Road,Charleston, WV,25301,
>, WDTV (CBS-5), P.O. Box 480,5 Television Drive,Bridgeport, WV,26330-,
>, WOAY (ABC-4), P.O. Box 251,Oak Hill, WV,25901-,
>, WOWK (CBS-13), 555 Fifth Avenue,Huntington, WV,25701,
>, WSAZ (NBC-3), 645 Fifth Avenue,Huntington, WV,25701,
>, WTAP (NBC-15), One Television Plaza,Parkersburg, WV,26101-,
>, WTRF (CBS-7), 96 Sixteenth Street,Wheeling, WV,26003-,
>, WVVA (NBC-6), P.O. Box 1930,Bluefield, WV,24701-,
>, Williamson Daily News, 100 Block East Third Avenue,Williamson, WV,25661-,
>, The Cody Enterprise, P.O. Box 1090,1549 Sheridan Ave.,Cody, WY,82414-,
>, The Jackson Hole Guide, 185 North Glenwood Street,Jackson, WY,83001-,
>, Casper Star-Tribune, 170 Star Lane,Casper, WY,82602-0080,
>, KFNB (ABC-20), 7075 Salt Creek Highway,Casper, WY,82601-9607,
>, KGWN (CBS-5), 2923 E. Lincoln Way,Cheyenne, WY,82001,
>, KJVI (ABC-2), P.O. Box 7454,Jackson, WY,83002-7454,
>, KTWO (NBC-2), P.O. Box 2720,Casper, WY,82602.
ILLEGAL ALIEN SAMANTHA LOWRY, Did NOT Want Her Last Name on Her Child.
Not Married, Not Living Together, Samantha Arrived 8 Months Before Events:
Was Samantha Trying To Save Her Son From A KIDNAPPING NETWORK?
Trespassing, Multiple Counts of Kidnapping, HOMICIDE: For 35 Million.
Austin Texas Criminal Organization Exposed With Evidence Online.