Ministry of Justice Department of Jurisdictional Foreign Relations Blvd "ZOG i I-rë" TIRANA Albania Tel.: +355 4 2259-390/91 Ext: 71114 Tel.: +355 4 2228359 Fax: +355 4 2234560 E-mail: Website:
Andorra (Principality of Andorra)
Ministry of Social Affairs, Justice and Interior International Relations & Legal Cooperation Department of Justice and Interior Carretera de l’Obac s/n AD700 Escaldes-Engordany Principality of Andorra
Contact person:
Ms Patricia Quillacq Head of Section E-mail:
Argentina (Argentine Republic)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship International Legal Assistance Department Office of the Legal Adviser Esmeralda 1212 - 4th floor - Of. 402 1007 BUENOS AIRES Argentina Tél. / Tel.: +54 (11) 4819 7385 Fax: +54 (11) 4819 7353 Website: e-mail address:
Armenia (Republic of Armenia)
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia Agency of Civil Status Acts Registration Vazgen Sargsyan 3/8 YEREVAN 0010 Republic of Armenia
Contact persons:
Ms Ani Mkhitaryan Head of the Agency of Civil Status Acts Registration Tel.: +374 10 594 185, +374 93 426 066 E-mail:;
Australia (Commonwealth of Australia) (for the Commonwealth Central Authority)
The Director International Family Law Section International Division Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department 3-5 National Circuit BARTON, ACT 2600 Australia tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +61 (2) 6141 3100 or 1800 100 480 fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +61 (2) 6141 3246 Email: Website:
Austria (Republic of Austria)
Federal Ministry of Justice Museumstraße 7 1070 Vienna Austria Tel./Telephone number: +43 1 521 52-0 Fax/Telefax number: +43 1 521 52-2829 E-mail Address: Website:
The Bahamas, the Commonwealth of the Bahamas
Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Immigration Attn: Permanent Secretary 2nd Floor Goodman's Bay Corporate Centre P.O. Box N-3746 Nassau, N.P. The Bahamas Tel.: 1-242-356-5956, 1-242-356-5957, 1-242-356-5958, 1-242-356-5959, 1-242-356-5960 Fax: 1-242-328-8212, 1-242-326-2123 Email:
Belgium (Kingdom of Belgium)
Service Public Fédéral Justice (Federale Overheidsdienst Justitie) Direction générale Législation, des Libertés et Droits fondamentaux (Directoraat-generaal Wetgeving, Fundamentele Rechten en Vrijheden) Service de Coopération internationale civile (Dienst Internationale Samenwerking in burgerlijke zaken) Autorité centrale Coopération internationale civile (Centrale autoriteit internationale samenwerking in burgerlijke zaken) Boulevard de Waterloo 115 (Waterloolaan 115) B- 1000 BRUXELLES (BRUSSEL) Tel./Numéro de téléphone/ telephone number : + 32 (2) 542 67 00 Fax/Numéro de télécopie/telefax number : + 32 (2) 542 70 06 e-mail : /
Belarus (Republic of Belarus)
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus International Cooperation Department ul. Kollektornaya 10 220004 MINSK Belarus
Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina Trg Bosne i Hercegovine 1 Tel.: +387 33 281 555 Fax: +387 33 201 653 Website:
Brazil (Federative Republic of Brazil)
Brazilian Central Authority Departamento de Recuperação de Ativos e Cooperação Jurídica Internacional Secretaria Nacional de Justiça Ministério da Justica e Segurança Pública SCN Quadra 06, Bloco A, 2° andar - Shopping ID Brasília/DF, Brazil CEP: 70297-400 Tel.: +55 (61) 2025-7672 E-mail: Website:
Bulgaria (Republic of Bulgaria)
The Ministry of Justice Legal Child Support Department Central Authority of the Republic of Bulgaria 1, Slavyanska Street 1040 SOFIA Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +359 (2) 923 7302 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +359 (2) 987 1557 Website:
Canada (for the Federal Government)
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada as represented by: Justice Legal Services (JUS) Global Affairs Canada 125 Sussex Drive, Tower C, 6th Floor OTTAWA, Ontario Canada K1A 0G2 Tel/numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +1 (343) 203 2526 Fax./numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +1 (613) 944 0722
Senior Counsel and Federal Representative for the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction: tel.: +1 (343) 203 2526 e-mail:
Chile (Republic of Chile)
Corporación de Asistencia Judicial de la Región Metropolitana Calle Agustinas 1419 SANTIAGO DE CHILE Chile Tel./Fax: +56 (2) 937 1435 Emial/courriel; Website:
China – Hong Kong (People’s Republic of China)
Secretary for Justice of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region c/o International Law Division (Mutual Legal Assistance Unit) Department of Justice 7/F, Main Wing Justice Place, 18 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong, China Fax/Telefax number: +852 3918 4792 / +852 3918 4793 E-mail address: Website:
China – Macau
Instituto de Acção Social (Social Welfare Bureau) Estrada do Cemitério, No 6 Macau People's Republic of China Tel./telephone: +853 2826 7878 Fax: +853 2855 9529 Email: Website:
Colombia (Republic of Colombia)
Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar Avenida Carrera 68 – 64C- 75 Bogotá Colombia Código Postal: 111061000 PBX: (57) (1) 4377630
Delegada de la Autoridad Central Para los Convenios Internacionales Correo electrónico:
Costa Rica (Republic of Costa Rica)
Patronato Nacional de la Infancia (PANI) 400 metros sur de esquina suroeste de la Corte Suprema de Justicia Calle 21, Avenida 12 B SAN JOSÉ Costa Rica Apartado Postal 5000-1000 Tel./Telephone numbers: +506 2523-0736 / +506 2523-0714 Fax/Telefax number: +506 2558-1494 Email:
Croatia (Republic of Croatia)
Ministry for Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy Trg Nevenke Topalusic 1 10 000 Zagreb Republic of Croatia Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +385 (1) 555 7111 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +385 (1) 555 7222 Email/adresse e-mail/e-mail address:
The authority designated to serve the Central Authority under the Convention:
Ministry of Justice Ulica grada Vukovara 49 10 000 Zagreb Republic of Croatia tel.: +385 (1) 371 4000 telefax: +385 (1) 371 4507
Cyprus (Republic of Cyprus)
Ministry of Justice and Public Order International Legal Cooperation Unit 125 Athalassas Avenue 1461 NICOSIA Cyprus Tel./numéros de téléphone/telephone numbers: +357 (22) 805 928 / 932 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +357 (22) 518 328 / 356 Email/adresse e-mail/e-mail address: Website of the Central Authority:
Czechia (Czech Republic)
Úrad pro mezinárodne právní ochranu detí (Office for International Legal Protection of Children) Silingrovo namestí 3/4 60200 BRNO Czech Republic tel.: +420 (5) 4221 5522 fax: +420 (5) 4221 2836 Website:
Denmark (Kingdom of Denmark)
The Child Abduction Unit The Ministry for Children and Social Affairs Holmens Kanal 22 DK - 1060 COPENHAGEN K Telephone: +45 33 92 93 00 Fax: +45 33 11 00 50 Email: Website: and
Dominican Republic
Consejo Nacional Para la Niñez y la Adolescencia (National Council for Childhood and Adolescence) (CONANI) Avenida Máximo Gómez No. 154, esq. Paraguay Ensanche la Fé Apartado Postal 2081 SANTO DOMINGO, D.N. Dominican Republic Tel.: +1 (809) 567 2233 Fax: +1 (809) 567 2494 E-mail:
Ecuador (Republic of Ecuador)
Dirección de Acceso a la Justicia, Protección y Reparación Integral Secretaria de Derechos Humanos Ministerio de Justicia, Derechos Humanos y Cultos Av. General Francisco Robles and Av. General Ulpiano Páez 10th floor Quito Ecuador
Contact person:
Mgs. Santiago Esteban Machuca Lozano Director de Acceso a la Justicia, Protección y Reparación Integral Tel: (+593) 02 395 5840 ext: 212,
Abg. Javier Narváez Alvarez Asistente de exigibilidad de Derechos Ciudadanos Tel: (+593) 02 395 5840 ext: 212, E-mail:
Estonia (Republic of Estonia)
Ministry of Justice Suur-Ameerika 1, 15006 Tallinn Estonia tel.: +372 620 8100 fax: +372 620 8109 email: Website:
Fiji (Republic of Fiji)
The Permanent Secretary for Justice P.O. Box 2213 Government Buildings Suva Fiji Tel.: +679 330 9866 Fax: +679 330 5421 Email:
Finland (Republic of Finland)
Ministry of Justice Unit for International Judicial Administration Eteläesplanadi 10 00130 HELSINKI Postal address: PO Box 25 00023 GOVERNMENT Finland Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +358 (9) 1606 7628 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +358 (9) 1606 7524 Email/adresse e-mail/e-mail address: Strona internetowa / Website:
France (French Republic)
Ministère de la Justice Direction des Affaires Civiles et du Sceau Bureau du droit de l'Union, du droit international privé et de l'entraide civile (BDIP) 13, Place Vendôme 75042 PARIS Cedex 01 France Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +33 (1) 44 77 61 05 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +33 (1) 4477 6122 Email/messagerie: Website:
Ministry of Justice of Georgia Department of Public International Law 24a Gorgasali St. 0114 TBILISI Georgia Website:
Hellenic Ministry of Justice, Transparency & Human Rights Directorate of Legislative Work, International Legal Relations and International Judicial Cooperation Department of International Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Criminal Cases 96 Mesogeion Av. Athens 11527 Greece Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +30 213 130 7312, +30 213 130 7480 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +30 213 130 7499 Email/adresse e-mail/e-mail address:,, Website:
Guatemala (Republic of Guatemala)
Procuraduría General de la Nación Procuraduría de la Niñez y la Adolescencia 15 Avenida 9-69 zona 13 Primer Nivel Código Postal 01013 GUATEMALA Tel: +502 2414-8787 ext. 2011-2010-6018 Website:
Honduras (Republic of Honduras)
Dirección de Niñez, Adolescencia y Familia (DINAF) Programa de Migración y Sustracción Internacional de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes Colonia Humuya Calle La Salud, No 1101 frente a puente desnivel de El Prado TEGUCIGALPA Honduras Tel./Numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +504 2239 3131 Email: Website:
Ministry of Public Administration and Justice Department of Justice Cooperation and Private International Law P.O. Box 2 1357 Budapest Kossuth tér 2-4. 1055 BUDAPEST Hungary tel.: +36 (1) 795-4846 fax: +36 (1) 795-0463 e-mail: Website:
Iceland (Republic of Iceland)
Ministry of Justice Sölvhólsgötu 7 150 REYKJAVÍK Iceland Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +354 545 9000 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +354 552 7340 e-mail:
Department of Justice and Equality Bishop's Square Redmond's Hill DUBLIN 2 Ireland Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +353 (1) 4790 200 (switchboard) Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +353 (1) 4790 201 Email/adresse e-mail/e-mail address: Website:
Israel (State of Israel)
Ministry of Justice Office of the State Attorney Department of International Affairs 7 Mahal Street, Ma'alot Dafna PO Box 49123 Jerusalem 97765 Israel Tel./numéro de téléphone/téléphone number: +972-2-541-9614/9613 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +972-2-541-9644/9645 after-hours emergency number: +972-50-6216419; +972-50-6117045 Email/adresse e-mail/e-mail address: Website:
Italy (Italian Republic)
Ministero della Giustizia Dipartimento per la Giustizia Minorile e di Comunità Via Damiano CHIESA No 24 00136 ROMA Italia Tel./téléphone/telephone : +39 0668188331 / + 39 0668188535 Fax/télécopie/fax: +39 0668808085 ou/or +39 0668807087 E-mail: Website:
Hague Convention Division Consular Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs 100-8919 Kasumigaseki 2-2-1, Chiyoda-ku TOKYO Japan Tel.: +81-(0)3-5501-8466 Fax: +81-(0)3-5501-8527 Email: Website:
Kazakhstan (Republic of Kazakhstan)
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Children Rights Committee Address: 8, Mangilik Yel avenue 010000 Astana Kazakhstan Tel/Telephone: +7 (7172) 74-25-85, +7 (7172) 74-15-82 (reception) Fax: + 7 (7172) 74-23-43 E-mail: Website:
Latvia (Republic of Latvia)
Ministry of Justice International Cooperation Department Brivibas Blvd. 36 Riga, LV-1536 Latvia Tel./Telephone: +371 6703 6801 Fax: +371 6721 0823 E-mail: Website:
Lithuania (Republic of Lithuania)
Ministry of Social Security and Labour State Child Rights Protection and Adoption Service A. Vivulskio Street 13 03221 VILNIUS Lithuania tel.: +370 (5) 231 0928 fax: +370 (5) 231 0927 e-mail: Website:
Luxembourg (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg)
Le Procureur Général d'Etat Cité Judiciaire Plateau du St.-Esprit L-2080 LUXEMBOURG Luxembourg Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: Secrétariat/Secretariat: +352 47 59 81-336 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +352 470550 Email /Courriel: Website:
Malta (Republic of Malta)
Social Care Standards Authority Ministry for the Family, Children's Rights and Social Solidarity 469 Bugeia Institute St. Joseph High Road St. Venera SVR 1012 Malta Tel/Tel. No. +356 254 94 000 Fax./Fax No. +356 254 94 355 Email./e-mail address: Website:
Mauritius (Republic of Mauritius)
The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare 7th floor, Newton Tower, Cr. Sir William Newton Street and Remy Ollier Street PORT LOUIS Mauritius Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +230 405 3300 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +230 213 6328 Email/adresse e-mail/e-mail address:
Mexico (United Mexican States)
Dirección General de Protección a Mexicanos en el Exterior Dirección de Derecho de Familia Plaza Juárez #20, Piso 17 Col. Centro Del. Cuauhtémoc México, D.F. 06010 Tel.: +52 (55) 3686-5856 Fax: +52 (55) 3686-5865 Email:
Moldova (Republic of Moldova)
Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection Vasile Alecsandri Str. No 2 MD-2009, Chisinau Republica Moldova
Direction des Services Judiciaires Palais de Justice 5 rue Colonel Bellando de Castro MC 98000 MONACO Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +377 9898 8811 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +377 9898 8589 Email./adresse e-mail/e-mail address: / /
Montenegro (Republic of Montenegro)
Ministry of Justice of Montenegro Vuka Karadžica br. 3 81 000 Podgorica Tel.: +382 (20) 407 520 Fax: +382 (20) 407 515 Website:
Morocco (Kingdom of Morocco)
Ministère de la Justice Direction des Affaires Civiles Service de l'Entraide Judiciaire en Matière Civile Palais de la Mamounia RABAT
Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +212 (0) 537 213 675 Fax/numéro de télécopie/fax number: +212 (0) 537 705 914 Email/courriel:
The Netherlands
Dutch Central Authority International Children’s Issues Ministry of Security and Justice Directorate-General for Sanctions and Protection P.O. Box 20301 2500 EH THE HAGUE The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (70) 370 6252 Fax: +31 (70) 370 7507 Email:
New Zealand
Ministry of Justice Tahu o te Ture Level 3 Vogel Centre 19 Aitken Street P. O. Box 180 WELLINGTON 6140 New Zealand Tel./telephone number: +64 (4) 918 8800 Fax/telefax number: +64 (4) 918 8820 Website:
Nicaragua (Republic of Nicaragua)
Ministerio de la Familia Adolescencia y Niñez (MIFAN) Del Antiguo ENEL Central, 100 mts. al Sur Apdo. 1292 Managua Nicaragua Tel./Fax: +505 2278-1620 / 2270-2644 Email: Website:
North Macedonia (Republic of North Macedonia)
Ministère du Travail et de la Politique Sociale / Ministry of Labour and Social Policy Rue Dame Gruev No 14 1000 SKOPJE Republic of North Macedonia
Postal address: Royal Ministry of Justice and Public Security Department of Civil Affairs PO Box 8005 Dep 0030 OSLO Norway
Office address: Royal Ministry of Justice and Public Security Gullhaug Torg 4 a 0484 OSLO Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +47 2224 5451 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +47 2224 2722 Email: Website:
Panama (Republic of Panama)
Dirección de Asuntos Jurídicos Internacionales y Tratados (Directorate of International Legal Affairs and Treaties) Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (Ministry of Foreign Relations) San Felipe. 3rd Street. Palacio Bolivar. Panama city.
P.O. Box: Zona Postal San Felipe, Calle 3. Palacio Bolívar. Edificio 26. Panamá 4, Panamá.
Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones vulnerables Dirección General de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes Jirón Camaná Nº 616, Piso 7, Cercado de Lima LIMA Peru Tel.: +51 (1) 626 1600 – ext. 7207-7208-7209 Website:
Portugal (Portuguese Republic)
Direção-Geral de Reinserção e Serviços Prisionais Autoridade Central Portuguesa Travessa da Cruz do Torel, n.º 1 1133-001 Lisboa Portugal Tel: (+351) 218812200 Fax: (+351) 218853653 E-mail: Website:
Republic of South Africa
Office of the Chief Family Advocate Central Authority for the Republic of South Africa Department of Justice and Constitutional Development 329 Pretorius Street Private Bag X 81 PRETORIA South Africa Tel. +27 12 357 8022 Fax +27 12 357 8043 Website:
Ministry of Justice Directorate of International Law and Judicial Co-operation Service of judicial co-operation in civil and commercial matters Strada Apolodor 17 Sector 5 BUCURESTI Cod 050741 Romania Tel.: +4037 204 1077 Fax: +44037 204 1084 Website: E-mail:
Russia (Russian Federation)
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Department for children’s rights protection state policy Lyusinovskaya street, 51, Moscow, Russia, 117997 Tel./Telephone numbers: +7 (499) 237 9411 Fax/Fax number: +7 (499) 237 5874 E-mail:
Saint Kitts and Nevis (Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis)
Ministry of the Attorney General, Justice and Legal Affairs c/o Hon. Patrice D. Nisbett, Attorney General Government Headquarters PO Box 164 BASSETERRE Saint Kitts, West Indies Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +1 (869) 465 2521 ext. 1013 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +1 (869) 465 5040 Email/adresse e-mail/e-mail address:
El Salvador (Republic of El Salvador)
Procuradoría General de la República 9a Calle Pte. y 13 Avenida Norte Torre PGR, Centro de Gobierno SAN SALVADOR El Salvador, C.A. Tel: +503 2231-9346 Fax: +503 2231-9353 Website:
San Marino (Republic of San Marino)
Tribunale Unico (Single Court) via 28 Luglio, 194 47893 BORGO MAGGIORE San Marino
Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +378 (0549) 888 888
Person to contact:
Mr Gilberto FELICI Law Commissioner e-mail:
Serbia (Republic of Serbia)
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia Sector for international legal assistance Department for international legal assistance in civil matters Nemanjina 22/26 Str. 11000 Belgrade Republic of Serbia Tel/Fax: +381 (11) 3622 352
Contact person:
Mr Nikola Naumovski email:
Seychelles (Republic of Seychelles)
Ms Beryl Laboudallon Director of Social Services Ministry of Health and Social Development P.O. Box 190 Victoria, Mahé Seychelles Tel.: +248 4 28 16 32 Fax: +248 4 22 56 56 Email:
Singapore (Republic of Singapore)
Rehabilitation and Protection Group Ministry of Social and Family Development 512 Thomson Road #08-00 MSF Building Singapore 298136 Website:
Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Centrum pre medzinárodnoprávnu ochranu detí a mládeže (Centre for International Legal Protection of Children and Youth) Špitálska 8 P.O. Box 57 814 99 Bratislava Tel.: +421 (2) 2046 3208 Fax: +421 (2) 5975 3258 E-mail: Website:
Slovenia (Republic of Slovenia)
Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the Republic of Slovenia Directorate of Family Kotnikova 28 1000 Ljubljana Tel.: +386-1-369-75-00 / +386-1-369-77-00 Fax : +386 1 369 78 32, +386 1 369 79 18 Email: Website:
South Korea (Republic of Korea)
International Legal Affairs Division Ministry of Justice Government Complex Gwanmoounro 47 Gwacheon City, Gyeonggi-Do 13809 Republic of Korea Tel./Telephone: +82-2-2110-3661 Fax: +82-2-2110-0327 E-mail: Website:
Spain (Kingdom of Spain)
Ministerio de Justicia Servicio de Convenios c/ San Bernardo N° 62 28071 MADRID Spain tel.: +34 (91) 390 4437 / +34 (91) 390 4273 / 4405 fax: +34 (91) 390 2383 Email: Website:
Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka)
The Secretary Ministry of Justice P.O. Box 555 Superior Courts Complex COLOMBO 12 Sri Lanka Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +94 (11) 2323 979 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +94 (11) 2445 447 e-mail:
Sweden (Kingdom of Sweden)
Ministry for Foreign Affairs Department for Consular Affairs and Civil Law 103 39 STOCKHOLM Sweden Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +46 (8) 405 1000 (switchboard) Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +46 (8) 723 1176 email: Website:
Switzerland (Swiss Confederation)
Office fédéral de la Justice Unité Droit international privé Bundesrain 20 CH-3003 BERNE Tel.: +41 (58) 463 88 64 Fax: +41 (58) 462 78 64 Email/adresse e-mail/e-mail address: Website:
Thailand (Kingdom of Thailand)
Office of the Attorney General International Affairs Department Rajaburi Direkriddhi Building Government Complex Chaeng Watthana Road, Laksi Bangkok 10210, Thailand Tel : +662-142-1637 Fax : +662-143-9791 / +662-143-9792 Email:
Trinidad and Tobago (Republic of Trinidad and Tobago)
International Office of Child Rights & Civil Child Abduction Authority Ministy of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs Corner Richmond and London Streets Government Campus Plaza, 17th Floor PORT OF SPAIN Trinidad and Tobago Email:
Turkey (Republic of Turkey)
Ministry of Justice General Directorate of International Law and Foreign Relations Adalet Bakanlığı Ek Binası Namık Kemal Mah. Milli Müdafaa Caddesi No:22 Kızılay - Çankaya ANKARA Tel./Numéros de téléphone/telephone numbers: +90 (312) 414 84 05 / +90 (312) 414 87 24 Fax/Numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +90 (312) 219 45 23 E-mail: Website:
Turkmen National Institute of Democracy and Human Rights under the President of Turkmenistan Karl Libkneht St., 47 ASHGABAT 744000 Turkmenistan Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +993 (12) 393481 / 350946 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +993 (12) 350677 / 350946
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine Department of International Law, Recovery of Assets and Compensation of Losses Caused by the Temporary Occupation of Crimea Division on Private International Law 13, Horodetskogo Street KYIV 01001 Ukraine Tel.: +380 44 279 5674 Fax: +380 44 279 5674 Website:
United Kingdom (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
(Central Authority for England and Wales and the Central Authority to which applications may be addressed for transmission to the appropriate Central Authority within the United Kingdom)
The International Child Abduction and Contact Unit (ICACU) Office of the Official Solicitor & Public Trustee Post Point 0.53 102 Petty France London SW1H 9AJ DX: Post Point 053 Official Solicitor & Public Trustee DX 152384 Westminster 8 United Kingdom tel. +44 (203) 681 2756 Email for new applications and general enquiries: Website:
United States of America
U.S. Department of State - Office of Children's Issues (wszystkie sprawy dot. uprawadzeń do i ze Stanów Zjednoczonych)
Office of Children's Issues (CA/OCS/CI) U.S. Department of State SA-17, 9th Floor WASHINGTON, DC 20522 - 1709 United States of America Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +1 (888) 407 4747 or +1 (202) 501 4444 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +1 (202) 485 6221 Email/courriel: Website:
Uruguay (Eastern Republic of Uruguay)
Ministerio de Educación y Cultura Autoridad Central de Cooperación Jurídica Internacional Reconquista 535, Piso 5º Montevideo República Oriental del Uruguay Tel./Número de teléfono / Numéro de téléphone / Telephone number: +598 2915 8836 Fax/Número de Fax / Numéro de télécopie / Telefax number: +598 2915 9780 Email/Correo electrónico / courriel: Website:
Uzbekistan (Republic of Uzbekistan)
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan International Legal Department 5, Sailgoh Street TASHKENT 700047 Uzbekistan Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +998 (71) 232 0742 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +998 (71) 232 4844 e-mail:
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela)
Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones Exteriores Oficina de Relaciones Consulares (Ministry of People's Power of Foreign Affairs Office of Consular Affairs) Avenida Urdaneta Esquina Carmelitas a Puente Llaguno Torre Anexo a Torre MRE Piso 1 Caracas, 1010 República Bolivariana de Venezuela Tel./Telephone: +58 (212) 8064449 / 802-8000 Ext. 6704 – 6707-6713 Email:; Website:
Zimbabwe (Republic of Zimbabwe)
Permanent Secretary for Justice and Legal Affairs New Government Composite Building 6th floor, Bloc C Samora Machel Avenue / 4th Street Private Bag: 7751 Causeway HARARE Zimbabwe Tel./numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +263 (4) 774620-7 / +263 (4) 774589-94 / +263 (4) 774 4560 Fax/numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +263 (4) 772 999